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  1. For The person Above... Civil Action A civil action is usually bought following a claim that one side has broken their contract with the other. However, a civil action can also relate to duties imposed by the common law without the need for a contract. For example, a civil action can be brought if a person defames you or trespasses on your land. Unlike criminal proceedings where the State almost always has the role of prosecuting individuals who are alleged to have broken the criminal law, in a civil action one party takes proceedings against another party. ------------------------------------------------------------------ I Along with a few others are Sending LOD back. By the sounds of it unless they have a solid case with you yourself it seems you will get a few more threating letters ( Which i also have the templates for ) Then they seem to leave you alone? So I've read anyway... This i believe is worse than a [problem] though because as i've been reading through here. There are some people REALLY Worried and I for one ain't slept a wink since. I also am cancelling my internet connection as it seem's more trouble than its worth plus i have an Iphone that is pretty good for looking at my forums which is all i do really? Sick Sick Sick People. Hope All involved are ok. Lets stick together on this. Dan
  2. Hi All, Seems A lot of us are in the same boat here: Once again Scooter - Jumping All Over [2007][CD+2 SkidVid_XviD+Cov] Around May time last year. Same File size. Same people. Same Compensation. Anyone Know an expert we can all talk to about this as it seems the mail has been 1000's of these letters all sent out at the same time and for the same file! Either We are all Massive Scooter fans and we don't want anyone else to know or something dam fishy is going on?! Think this needs to be sorted and fast as i am (and everyone else on here today are scared and worried about the fine's of £500+ and Threats of court orders etc... Anyone on here got anything that may help? Also noticed the phone number on top of Letter is diffrent to one on website? Seems Strange? Is this a [problem] or just a law firm hoping for Scared and worried people to cash out in a time where cash flow is low enough as it is? Either Way this is pure evil. What can we do now? Anyone? Dan
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