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  1. Hi thanks I did use Being Threatened Web Site I agree it is really good. I still can't help being nervous when the postman delivered anything at the moment. But thanks for advice, I was actually trying to help someone else.
  2. Hi Chrisash No update so far fingers crossed. Not totally sure myself what a Part 36 is but I was told by CAB that I needed to respond to it as the next stage would be court papers. Sorry I havn't been help. I know I have been told to stop panicking about this (easier said than done) but many other people have received the same. Will keep you informed if anything happens, I dread the post arriving.
  3. Thanks Andy I CAB were wonderful but you were right they didn't have any contacts with this particular field. I would even know how to access the information if they wanted in the first place. I am going to try and contact student law office as I am on a low income. Will keep you informed on what happens thanks again
  4. Thanks for replying so soon cant believe this now think I will just go an scream at the wall for a few mins
  5. I am now at the stage been issued with a Part 36. I have visited the Citizen Advice again who actually rang ACS Law who said I have not replied to them (this was advised by the CAB to ignore them until if or when court papers were issued) I was told by ACS that I must reply to them they would kindly give me 28 days very nice when I havnt done anything. They have reduced the fee to £350.00 how kind again of them. Tiscali have said they have never given my info out to ACS and that they think its a [problem]. So now I am feeling like really upset and well stressed about what I should do. Help please is anyone at the same stage as me.
  6. Thanks yes I understand what you mean now. I have a modem does that make any difference.
  7. Hi sorry I dont know what subbing to this thread means, can you explain. Also I contacted my ISP Tiscali they said they have never released any information about me, they have never heard of ACS either. They advised me to send the letters that I had received and would pass them on to the their Fraud Dept. I suggest everyone does the same.
  8. Just got post today thought is was over. They are demanding £500 in 7 days. Has anyone heard anything more from them!!!!!
  9. I dont know if this will help but I know that you can get free legal advice from the student law office at your local university. Unfortunately we have to wait until the students will be back in September. I am from the Newcastle area so my student law office is at the Northumbria University. I know if this does go further I will be going to see them.
  10. Hello everyone I saw Solicitor did not know anything about this, could not help me as he did not specialise in copyright law. However, thanks to everyones help i seemed to have all the information. I was told to wait until Court papers arrive, not to reply to these people. Also they would have to prove where they got their information from. Felt a little disheartened about this but have decided to see what happens. I will go back to the CAB if the papers arrive. I have passed my info to watchdog and shall keep you posted. Good luck everyone.
  11. thank you everyone I am feeling a bit better now. I did get a bit upset and my network connection was lot allowing me to log on, so more paranoia. I am going to see a Solictor on Thursday evening and will keep you informed of the outcome. Thanks once again for all your help. Cheers Den
  12. Thanks for your reply. It says I downloaded Scooter jumping over the world. My daughter uses this computer but she says im being polite she would not listern to that rubbish. I have modem (sorry I am not very good at this stuff) Im on Tiscali broadband does that make any sense what you asked me.
  13. Thanks for your reply. It says I downloaded Scooter jumping over the world. My daughter user this computer but she says im being polite she would not listern to that rubbish. I have modem (sorry I am not very good at this stuff) Im on Tiscali broadband does that make any sense what you asked me.
  14. Hi Im sorry I am new to this I just wanted to add that I have received a letter asking me to pay £500.00 to ACS for using Bittorrent 0n 21.5.08 I am not aware that I have done this. Actually I am not sure how to. I went to CAB who have advised me to go to my local council trading standards people they were not very helpful and told me this is authentic and I will have to find a solicitor or go through a Student Advice Centre. I went back to CAB who are wonderful and have arranged a interview with a Solictior on Thursday 2.7.09.
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