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Everything posted by nethy

  1. 1989 electricity act section 16 duties of the distributor Duty to connect on request. (1)An electricity distributor is under a duty— (a)to make a connection between a distribution system of his and any premises, when required to do so by— (i)the owner or occupier of the premises; or (ii)an authorised supplier acting with the consent of the owner or occupier of the premises, for the purpose of enabling electricity to be conveyed to or from the premises; (b)to make a connection between a distribution system of his and any distribution system of another authorised distributor, when required to do so by that authorised distributor for the purpose of enabling electricity to be conveyed to or from that other system. so on that legislation, if you cancel the contract with the supplier the distributor cannot charge as he is under a duty to connect WEEEE FREE ELECTRICITY
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