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  1. Yes, Bookworm - the cans were Best Before End January 2009. All 27 cans from the original 30 pack were six months out-of-date.
  2. UPDATE After writing to ASDA and getting no reply after two weeks, I emailed them using their web form. A few days passed and I got a reply from "Customer Services" saying they couldn't find my original letter and could I give my address/postcode so they could locate the letter. I replied immediately with the information. Another week passed without reply. I eventually sent a second email to the bloke who had contacted me - but, again, no reply after a week. Finally (a month after the original letter), I sent a recorded delivery letter to ASDA's MD, Andy Bond, explaining what had happened and asking why the delay. I came back from the Post Office to find my post had been delivered in the meantime - and there was a letter from ASDA! It was a standard apologies letter with a £10 voucher. Given that the Coke cost £6 in the first place, this equates to an offering of £4. Needless to say, I think this is pretty shabby. Should I accept this? What to do next?
  3. Thanks - I've written a letter rather than use the Comments page. At least that way, I know it will get read.
  4. Hello everyone. This is my first post, so apologies if it's in the wrong area. 24 June 2009 I just bought a multipack of Diet Coke cans from ASDA, which was reduced due to 3 cans missing. Got back home and myself and two family members cracked open a can. We all then remarked how odd it tasted. Looking on the bottom of the can, we were horrified to discover that the Use By date on all the cans was January 2009! So I was wondering what the best method of complaint is - do I go to ASDA Head Office first, or Coke, or Trading Standards? Obviously I'm looking for a decent bit of compensation... Thanks Giles
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