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Everything posted by jqinfo

  1. The original letter I showed you I sent to the council aswell, by fax, attached to my hearing letter. There has been no correspondence about any levy!!
  2. Thank you once again Hallowitch! I am composing something now! Their letter states "I will be calling back within the next 48 hrs with Police if necessarry to complete my task. This action will be taken without further notice. I will seize and remove suffiecient goods and chattels as are necessary to clear the debt at public auction, this may include vehices. The cost of removal contractors and auctioneers will be deducted from the proceeds of the sale of your goods" and "TO AVOID THESE DISTRESSING AND COSTLY ACTIONS, CONTACT ME IMMEDIATELY" He hasn't set foot inside my property yet to lay claim to anything and he hasn't even seen me in person! I will write to them and copy it to council with a covering letter!! God give me strength to keep this up with everything else that is going in!! JQ
  3. Hi folks, I have been off line with the internet unfortunately and preparing my house for tenants! At least they can't charge me for their Council Tax!! Or perhaps they will find a way!! Anyway, after sending my letter stating that I was a vulnerable person and requesting breakdowns and info etc, I heard nothing but the Bailiffs turned up on my doorstep at my business again yesterday, allegedly with a van, and state they will be back within 48 hrs to remove my goods. My neighbour was at her window most of the time watching for someone to arrive and saw no van at all. If a delivery van arrives and I m not in she usually sees it and is at the door before he can ring the bell. No-one heard the bell! I wonder if they just put the letter through and didn't ring bell or bring a van and are charging for doing so? Does anyone have any ideas on what else can I say about them flouting the rules with regard to a vulnerable person? Many thanks in anticipation! JQ
  4. No offence noomill060, but if you had an inckling of what I have been through over the past few years you would understand why I say I am too stressed. I have been a "doer" all my life who would roll up my sleeves just like the rest of you and on behalf of everyone else as well, but I have come to a point where I am mentally and physically unable to do that at present, which is why I posed the question. I have so much on my plate at present that I need to hand the job to someone else to deal with before it's too late and they change the law! Thank you for the advice though, if there is no company out there I may have to forfeit the possibility altogether. JQ
  5. Can you role your consumer credit issues in with bank charges and give them to one company to deal with? I would rather give it to someone to deal with because I am too stressed out to be able to concentrate and find the time and energy needed to do it myself!
  6. Sorry to keep asking these questions folks, but in addition to the one about whether the council should have tried to contact me at my business address before contacting the bailiffs, moreover, knowing that I am a lone parent and disabled should they have referred my case at all?? The more I think about it the more angry I become!!! That is one of the reasons I have not dealt with the situation, I am already thoroughly stressed out and when I begin to think about how things have evolved now I know more information, I am more stressed!! However, through this site I feel more in control, knowledge is power, power to make me feel that I may have a chance to get this sorted and pay what I really owe, not what they are dictating!!
  7. Thank you once again Hallowitch. The letters to Rundle and council were sent by fax! I have five separate ref numbers from Rundle but all letters come dated the same days so they must have all liability orders together. I await there reply as to the charges. I await the council's account of what I owe now that they have the student exemption forms. We are on the south coast, few hundred yards from the beach, overlooking the harbour! You are welcome and assured a discount as appreciation! JQ
  8. I have been asked several times over the years. When my Mum died I tried to insure her car for me and they wouldn't let me because it was not registered in my name, even though I was her next of kin and had the right to it. I had to change it to my name first. My boyfriend's car that he let me borrow I could not insure until it was in my name, so we just renewed it in his with my name on policy. Many policies give permission to drive other vehicles but only third party, so it is normally best to be insured directly on the vehicle in question if you want fully comp!! Unless anyone has any better ideas?? I have had this several times now, the issue also is that when you change registered keeper it looks like it has had more owners and that may reflect upon perception/price of the car! Jacqui
  9. Hopefully I can argue everything is for use of the business! I have borrowed the car that I am driving so they can't have that and the car on the drive is a total loss already paid out by insurance company so belongs to them! Thanks again Hallowitch.
  10. Sorry my brain just doesn't work at all at times!! Thank you all for your contributions! I do have a problem with brain function, yet to be diagnosed, usually labelled as stress, as is everything else they cannot identify!! I have read everyones replies and thank you I do appreciate them all. I have spent two days now trying to read all relevant threads etc and you are all amazing, as is the site. I hope when I get through this I will be able to help others too! I have sent the letter and a further note correcting a mistake I had made (after reading Hallowitch's info, thank you again). The council tax outstanding is for my house and I am awaiting full deatails of what is outstanding, I cannot gain access online for some technical reason or I would know already. The bailiffs have two accounts that I may owe, the rest is for the exempted period when my daughter lived at the address. When we have clarified the correct amount outstanding I will attempt to organise a repayment arrangement! The council tax and business rates for my guest house are paid in full but I worry that they may decide that the TV in the lounge/dining room may be superfluous to needs in the guest house even though they are for the benefit of the guests. My private quarters are actually of far less quality than the rest of the place because my money has been spent ungrading the guest facilities, mine will be done last, so if they do gain access, the TV there would be far less a loss than those in the guest areas!! I hope they don't take the computers because I offer free use of computer/wifi! Or perhaps they will say that due to my flood damage and being closed at present they can take all of my stuff!!? My letter requests a breakdown of costs/fees, names and dates of certificated bailiffs in attendance etc, because my accounts seem to jump up and up, and I point out that I will not authorise or grant access to my properties. I have pointed out why I am vulnerable and that my neighbours should not be questioned and also added that they are being unreasonable with their requests and not allowing me/my family quiet enjoyment of my home under the Human Rights Act. Probably not applicable, but at this rate I will try anything! As soon as I receive details of the costs I will see what has been added. The account has gone to and fro between the bailiff and the council and the court for committal to prison!! I have faxed the court the student exemption papers because I was too late to attend the hearing when I received the letter! Although I understand there are only so many visits that can be made/charged regardless of how many accounts outstanding, can they charge again each time the council places it back in their hands?? Also, is it fair that the council have my business address details and they have not contacted me there at all!! I have even rung them to ask a question about student exemption and from my telephone number they knew exactly who I was, no-one said "Hey, we've been trying to get hold of you regarding your arrears!!" Should they have passed it to the bailiffs before exploring my business address to find me? Many thanks again to you all and I hope practice makes perfect for me on this site, it is mind boggling with a dozey head like mine! I used to be so quick and intelligent, even if I do say so myself, at least Alzheimer's Disease has been ruled out and mad cow, although I may dispute that one! I will keep reading everything I can, but it is so time consuming, my brain can only take short bursts at a time and I have to reread several times because my brain won't retain much either!! I look forward to reading any replies and if I will be donating as soon as I can afford it. I reiterate, this is a fabulous site with fabulous members! Thank you.
  11. Just a thought, most insurance companies insist that the car must be in the name of the registered keeper, ie, the insured must be the registered keeper. If you change the car to your dad's name it may change/invalidate your insurance. You need to check this out and if necessary insure the car in your dad's name if possible, with you as a named driver!! You might even get a discount that way?! Good luck!
  12. Can anyone answer the question "Can the bailiff turn up at my business address where I now live and remove goods for payment of council tax for my house, bearing in mind I have paid the council tax at the business premises and business rates in full?" I would like to add a paragraph or two to my letter! Many thanks.
  13. Will do thank you Hallowitch, I will also add a request to have total breakdown of all charges for each account, with visits etc and a full disclosure under the DPA to see exactly what they say. Many thanks. Will do this after I have done the motherly taxi duties!! Back later.
  14. Thank you Hallowitch. I will do that. It is for council tax at the house nothing to do with my business!! & it was the bailiff who said that when they phoned me!!
  15. Hallowitch - Do you have a definition of a "prescribed benefit" or "vulnerable category"? I am disabled and wonder if I can send the bailiff packing with this information and have my council tax debt returned to the council? New thread - "Rundle & Co - Council Tax Bailiff - Heeelp!!!! Pleeease? Many thanks.
  16. Stressed beyond belief enduring a hellish few years and very new to forums! So much so, I will apologise in advance for any gobbledegook, spelling/grammatical errors and sheer dumbness with which I ask questions, my brain just doesn't function correctly any more! To cut a very very long story shorter, I had to move from my home address to my business address in another town when the person living on site moved out (it is a guest house). When this happened my daughter refused to come with me, she was in full time education and wanted to be near her friends and boyfriend and apart from dragging her by the hair (that is a joke) there was nothing I could do to convince her otherwise. I struggled to maintain two households, my son came with me. I was busy dealing with the chaos that was left behind at the guest house and left my daughter to ring the council to deal with change of occupancy. I am told by the council that she did not. She said that she had, but there were a number of stressful events that may have interfered with her doing so, one being that she was a victim of domestic violence and we were all very stressed with everything going on around us. The council continued to charge me for the full council tax! I attempted to get a new manager/ess and thought that I would be returning and just as I thought I had found the perfect person, they "did a bunk" stealing a large sum of cash, complete with designer sheets, throws, duvets, duvet covers, microwaves, mini-fridges etc etc! Therefore, I had to remain where I am, for which I have been paying full council tax. As a full time student my daughter is exempt from council tax. There is an immediate payment of approx £430 for a period that I was present, and a further £980 odd that I have yet to establish. I have tried to log in to the on-line service at the local council to no avail, so that I can establish the various years/amounts. I have stated that I cannot pay the lump sum and I would like to pay by instalments and this has been refused. The reason being given that there is too much, approx £5,000, outstanding because they have not yet agreed that I am not responsible for the periods in question. They have promised to be round the early part of next week to remove my goods and if they don't find me at the house, they will come and take goods from my guest house. Can they do this? I am a sole trader, but most things I have are for the benefit of the guests or the operation of the business!!! Should the council have contacted me first at my business address? They had it from a previous application for CTax Benefit! I cannot afford to fight with a solicitor because my business has been closed for one year due to ongoing flood damage, bodge it builders and a useless insurance company, I am still closed, therefore I have been surviving on tax credits! Any ideas folks?
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