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Hate logbook loans

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  1. Please help, I got a loan for £2000, I had my car taken but refused to give the keys and was given 7 days to come up with £1620. because I had the key they gave me an extra 7 days when i came up with half. I then paid the outstanding amount by the time i paid it had amounted to £1890 due to calls and the fee of taking it. Well i have now been told I have £2000 outstanding - this is the amount i borrowed. I have been given lots of charges due to calls they havent made as they dont have a mobile number for me that works and nobody answers my home phone as where at work, so how can they charge me like £200 in 4 weeks of calls and letters? Can I get this back? if so can I have a template for this as I wouldnt no where to start. Thank you
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