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Everything posted by ThePoizon

  1. Yes, but what I am getting at is that they are saying I cant get it done, even if I dont wear the bars in work!! That's being too controlling I think. I have already agreed to hide them at work and they are still disagreeing. Its my body and Ill do what I will with it, I dont think a place of work should decide this for me. I wont be customer facing either. All of our account managers here are office based, and maybe once every 2 months go out to visit customers. We have our own external sales reps which I wont be getting involved with. I will be office based...
  2. Hi all I work in an office as an administrator, I am getting trained up in the new year to become an account manager - which is sales based. I am looking to get 2 lip piercings called snakebites, using studs not rings. My company is really laid back and you can pretty much get away with anything, so I was really shocked when 2 out of my 3 bosses said no. 1 of my bosses said he was ok with it, but the other 2 who are alot older are really against it. As it stands, there is nothing written in my contract about facial piercings. I have tried to negogiate with them by promising just to wear a clear plastic bar with no ball on the end just to stop the hole from closing, but they still said no! Which im finding difficult to understand why! My role wont be very customer based as I will be in the office 95% of the time, I even said I would remove the piercings if I had to attend any customer/supplier meetings...but still no. I want to get them done tomorrow but now im really worried about where I stand. As I said before, there is nothing in my contract at the moment and my boss told me that if I did go ahead with the piercings then they would have to ammend the contract afterwards...This has really annoyed me because I know my 2 older bosses are just being old fashioned and really difficult about the whole thing. The company recently remployed my colleague who didnt come into work for over 2 months because she couldnt be bothered, and fed all of us a load of lies. So in my view, they would rather look like pushovers by re-employing someone who has lied to them big time, than let someone come into work with 2 minute, nearly invisible dots on their lip. Any advice on this please?
  3. Thank you for advice I made an official statement yesterday at the police station, I was in there for over 2 hours because the Police Officer went through my mobile and noted down all of the text messages that I had received and sent to this woman. It's now in the hands of Met Police to follow it up, I just hope they actually bother doing something about it!
  4. Hi all Im not sure if I've come to the right place but I really hope someone can help me. On september 10th 09, I travelled up to Milton Keynes from Crawley with my boyfriend to have a look at a car that I saw on ebay. Took it for a test drive, liked it and put a £500 cash deposit down with £1000 left to pay. It was a private sale and the lady who was selling it wrote out a receipt for me and agreed to let me pick the car up at the end of the month with a verbal agreement that the car would be garaged until then. Now, on the day I was due to go and collect the car I received a text message from this woman saying that I would have to pick the car up the following weekend because there was a bereavement in the family and that she had a funeral to attend to, so I held out until the following weekend. After numerous calls to her during that week leading up to the weekend, I couldnt get hold of her until finally I received a text from her husband telling me that they've had an argument and she has taken MY car and is staying with her mother. I was so angry, I had paid £500, still havnt got my car and what's worse is that it's now being driven around after I was told it was going to be garaged. These excuses continued for another 2 weeks! Again, on the final day I had arranged to collect the car, I woke up to another text from her saying that the car is no longer for sale because she was now splitting up with her boyfriend and that she needed a car, she said I would receive my £500 via bank transfer and that she was very sorry. I spoke to her on the phone and agreed to have my deposit back and confirmed that the car was definitley not for sale. After a few days I still had not received anything so got in contact once again...she then said that the car WAS for sale and that she could drop it off to me in a couple of days!!! This wasnt good enough, I no longer had the money to give her as I had spent the money I did have on getting my old car fixed and back on the road. I demanded my money back but still nothing. I rang the police after she ignored my methods of contact and they advised me to write a letter to her recorded delivery, giving her 10 days to return my money. If she ignored that, then the police would then crime it as theft. It was officially reported as theft on 3rd november but the police dont seem to be doing anything about it. Do I have a leg to stand on?? I have saved all of her text messages, including the ones where she has said the car isnt for sale and that I would have my money back. I also have the receipt she has written out for me, with her name and signature. The letter I wrote to her was signed for because I tracked it online so there is definitley someone at her address, if it went to court would I have enough evidence?? Im sick with worry, £500 is nearly half a months wages for me and just before xmas I could really do with it back!! Any advice? Thanks!
  5. Hi all I really, really hope someone can offer me some advice. Its a bit of a long story but I will try and keep it easy to understand. I took out insurance with Swinton Broker at the end of May 2009. I paid a deposit of £141.00. Unfortunatley, on June 19th, I was involved in a small collision which I beleived was a staged accident. I was behind a car at a roundabout, they pulled away and then stopped suddenly. There were NO break lights. There was minor damage to my car and to the other party's. The other party said she was fine and that she was taking her car to a scrap yard anyway and told me not worry. We swapped details though as you do, and I reported the incident to Swinton help desk the next day. The young girl I reported the accident to said that the system was down and that she was having to write down everything on paper for the time being, but I continued to explain my side of the story and how I thought it was a possible staged accident which may lead to a fraud claim. Now once this was all reported and dealt with, I assumed nothing was to come of it. The only calls I got after the accident from Swinton was to say that my annual premium was going to be increased to over £2000 because they had not received proof of my driving licence. I spoke to a lad called James at the Crawley branch and I specifically said that it was too much money and that I would have to cancel my insurance. I sent back my insurance certificate and got out insurance with another company called Express which was in force from July 10th 2009. Now, over the months of July and August I was harrassed by Swinton who were saying that I hadnt paid for July's or August's cover even though I was no longer insured with them. They then re-instated my direct debit and took £314 from my account which I had to get back from the bank. A couple of weeks later, they took the same amount again! Despite the DD being cancelled and despite my insurance no longer being in force!! This was soon settled and they stopped contacting me...until 24th September 2009 when I received a letter saying that I owed them £2157.00 and they would write to me with dates of when they were going to try and take this in instalments from my account! Obviously I panicked and rang Swinton who told me that there was a claim against me and that I would have to take it up with my actual insurers - Sabre. I got in contact with Sabre who told me that the other party had put in a claim for whiplash and damage to her vehicle and becuase I had cancelled my policy during this claim, I was now liable to pay back my annual premium. They also said they had no record from Swinton of my report stating that I saw no breaklights. I had no idea there was a claim made against me, I wasnt told when I cancelled my insurance that I would have to pay back this ridiculous amount! Swinton went ahead and paid out on to blatant fraudster without even informing me. I never filled out an incident report either. From what I have gathered, the £2157.00 is what my annual premium would have been had I not cancelled my insurance. So in conclusion, James at the Crawley branch not only ignored my request to cancel my policy but also increased my annual premium without my consent, blatantly ignoring the fact that I said it was too expensive. So now there has been a payment made against me, i now have to pay BACK my annual premium which I didnt even consent to! 2 days ago, I recevied ANOTHER letter from Swinton saying that I still hadnt paid for my insurance and that if I didnt make a payment within 7 days, my insurance would be cancelled....they have no idea why they are even writing to me, its ridiculous! I assume they have tried to take installments for the £2157, in which case if they have, they are in the wrong again because I was told i would get a letter telling me WHEN they would be doing this. So basically, in short! - Swinton ignored my request to cancel my policy in July 2009 - Swinton then tried to take 2 months worth of payments that i did not owe. - Swinton DID NOT log my report of the accident - Swinton DID NOT tell me there was a claim against me - Swinton DID NOT tell me that if I cancelled my policy, I would have to pay back over £2k - Swinton have again tried to take money from my account in Oct 09 - Swinton are still saying I am insured with them! There has been a complete lack of communication between Swinton and Sabre. If my report was actually taken into account, a payment may not have even been made. I know this is all very confusing but I would really appreciate it if someone could help me. I am in the process of writing a letter to the Cheif Executive of Swinton to complain and to try and resolve this £2157 because I cannot afford it, even if I do owe it. I am also writing a letter to the crawley branch to tell them not to contact me until I have a response from the Cheif Executive. If I dont get anywhere with Swinton, Ill go to Trading Standards and if need be contact Watchdog BBC! Do you think Swinton are in the wrong with how they have handled things?
  6. Insurance company's don't just pay out because someone SAYS they have whiplash. This is the first time in dealing with insurers and from what ive heard about them, they pretty much do anything to get out of paying. The fact that there is hardly any damage to either cars proves that the collision was one of the tinyiest! Insurance company's have heard it all before, they know the difference between someone trying to claim on "whiplash" just to get a few pennies, and someone who is genuinley insured from a 30mph shunt up the rear! The woman who I bumped into is now beginning to harrass me for details, even though I have already informed my insurers of the incident and have passed over her contact details. She also knows that I am only 19, i have only been driving for 11 months and that if she made a claim, then I probably wouldnt be able to afford to keep my car which is already £150 a month on insurance...yet still, she continues to put in a claim. A very heartless person in my opinion, just to get a bit of money.
  7. And she's got to prove it was me that gave her the "neck pains" she was complaining from. Seeing as she didnt go to the doctors/hospital straight away, her neck pain could be caused by anything. Well anyway, I rang my insurers up (Sabre) at lunch and just informed them of what happened. They said they here it all the time, and pretty much laughed when I said she was complaining of whiplash after a 4-5mph bump. Im hoping my insurers dispute it.
  8. I dont want her to get payment from my insurance company because my insurance will then go through the roof! Im third party so what's the point in me claiming anyway? Even if I was fully comp, there is not enough damage to my car to warrant a claim. I could fix it myself for £30. All i need is a new indicator case. Im annoyed at the fact she said she was unhurt, 4 days have gone by and now she's deciding she's going to claim for "whiplash" which has yet to be proved.
  9. Hi all, Came across this forum in my desperate search for some help and advice. I am 19 years old and have been driving for 11 months, and unfortunatley, had my first little bump in my car last friday morning on the way to work. I was behind a lady at a roundabout, who began to pull away. The road was clear so I began to follow slowly, as I looked to my right to doublecheck the roundabout, I didnt see that the woman in front had stopped and I went into the back of her. It mustve only been about 4-5 mph, because I was just pulling away so didnt have enough time or road length to build up speed any more than that! She got out of the car and told me not to worry, she wasnt hurt, and that her car was getting taken away that day anyway because she had just brought a new car. We swapped details anyway, just because its the thing to do. Now this happened on friday morning, I didnt hear anything from her all day friday, nothing over the weekend either. However monday night, the calls start coming in. The pestering voicemails asking me for my insurance details because she has decided now that she has whiplash. Now I am totally baffled at how this woman could possibly have whiplash, at such a slow speed. It was no more than 5mph. There was hardly any damage to either of our cars, from a distance, you wouldnt even know my car was in an accident. My indicator lense is broken and I have the smallest of dents in the front lip of my bonnet. The woman's car who I hit, has a tiny dent in her back bumper too. Absolutley nothing major. When I spoke to her on the phone last night, she said to me that she couldnt care less about the dent in her bumper because she has a new car, but she was complaining of whiplash to her doctor. Now, why did it take her 4 days to ring me? If she really had whiplash, she would feel it instantly surely? I mean, she could've slept awkwardly on her neck over friday, saturday and sunday night. There is no proof that it was my car that caused her so called whiplash. Im just extremely worried, this is my first experience of dealing with something like this. I am only insured 3rd party and my insurance is enough as it is, without her claiming on it. What is the best thing I should do? I know she is trying to pull a fast one, she obviously spoke to someone over the weekend who told her she could claim. My parents told me to ring up my insurance company and explain exactly what happened. She hasnt got my insurance details as of yet. She even admitted to me on the phone that she wont be claiming on her car, because she doesnt care about the slight damage. Where do I stand? How can i stop her from getting any form of payout?!
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