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  1. Hi Id be really grateful if anyone can tell me what to do. I was doing a MA and I was half way through my course when the course leader passed away. so 3 years in my course is still not finished. I deferred my Co op CDL for 8000 for 6 months as I am on low income and because my course had not finished. I have now recieved 11th May a default only arrived in the post 24th may . And today a letter sent 25th may demanding £8412 back in full within 7 days. I am really confused and have no clue how to deal with this. They have had all my low income details and also i can have the CDl deferred for 18 months and I have only had 6 . I am pretty sure I wont have 200 a month spare to pay it back if indeed my course ever gets finished. Ive not a clue how to handle this that wont mess me up forever. Any ideas ? Im really worried
  2. they have emailed a week later and still refuse to show any breakdown of how they come to these 300 charges and yet still havent gone to the deposit protection scheme to release any of my money that they are not disputing ...its like we are stuck ...dont know what to do
  3. thanks for the reply, i will email them asking them for a breakdown of charges that amount to £300 as in the email they sent me as they seem to want to charge me for their time & expectation more than anything
  4. hi everyone, sadly I am seeing quite a few of these type emails on here. very grateful for anyones advice. moved into a house march 2008, for a 6 month AST, my £700 deposit was put in the TDS scheme by landlord. signed a 1 year extension september 2008 extension again in september 2009 but requested a clause as my autistic son was very uncomfortable in the house, landlords accepted and said 2 months notice would be fine if situation got worse. Found new place to live January 2010, gave 2 months notice and everything was friendly - ish. I gave them a brand new fridge for kitchen as a goodwill gesture. Moved out 31st march , did full lengthy check out inspection with the landlords present, went through inventory all together and discussed any wear and tear issues - they signed and dated my copy of the agreement to say all was order. said they would release my deposit through the TDS scheme after 10 days when they would check with utilty company to see if all utilities were paid off. So after a few days I went online to TDS and emailed them to ask what to do, they said put in a request for full amount. Tonight I check my email and find I have an email from the landlords direct to me not via the TDS Scheme saying they wish to withhold 300 from my deposit. They say on closer inspection, the house had clearly not been cleaned as they expected and in particular, the kitchen was not cleaned at all. They say they would have expected a bit of sorting to do before the next tenants moved in but felt as the hoover had to be emptied 3 times which suggest that it was never done in the first place." 2 different hoovers were used by two different people this is not true.3 professional adults helped me clean this house over a 4 day period, a gardener was paid also to see to the gardens They complain the windows do not seem to have had any water on them apart from the rain on the outside. they go on to say the freezer in the garage was not working properly, it was your responsibility to empty it of food. "This was emptied out, I double checked with the landlords if it was ok to switch it off only when they checked me out, If any food was left in there it was a simple error and probably lodged in the ice due to the freezer being faulty, They made it clear they were throwing away this freezer,as I have told them many times it was not working. they say in The kitchen. None of the cupboards had been cleaned at all and some still my rubbish still in there, one shelf, loads of false nails. The cupboards were cleaned and they have attached the picture of this one shelf , one shelf that was emptied it was on checkout, we all joked about how I couldn't reach this shelf as I had nothing left to stand on, I am only 5ft 2 . They passed me the few bottles that were on the shelf that I couldn't reach.This was the only shelf not cleaned and bleached etc They say they feel I made no attempt to clean the cooker, I have cooked in it for nearly 2 years, it was cleaned by 3 different people but it was as good as it could be. It actually broke about a month ago and was waiting for them to fix it. I showed them the issue with the double door and explained I did not want to break it. They said this was fine.They say when they moved the cooker out to clean, it had two broken feet that need repairing." they made it clear when i moved in and when they fitted the cooker it was not to be moved by me , or if it was to be moved it was only to be done by them, the broken feet had been caused by them , it has ALWAYS wobbled and that was like that when I moved in , as they asked me not to move large items across the kitchen lino and I respected that , unfortunately in the two years incidental things have gone under the cooker that I couldn't get out. they have attached a picture of what was under the cooker. they say I took on a brand new house effectively (its a 1970s bungalow)and whilst they expectant of some wear and tear, it should be left as I found it. It was left very clean , 3 people saw it and said it was great, every room was spotless and repainted if even the slightest mark was showing..if indeed there even was any wear and tear which there wasn't in some rooms the landlords had full explanations in all rooms as to what was the situation was , walls and carpets were spotless, all original curtains returned hung and clean which they accepted on the day. I have photographs to prove how clean it was. They say they have spent two weekends at the house making it fit for someone else. They say they feel it should have been no more than two days at the very most. they say they accommodated my needs and agreed to my ending the tenancy agreement six months early. They also now say The terms are that you cover any loss on rent during this period which is three weeks however, we have not insisted on this. i only moved out 11 days ago it is not in my tenancy agreement. They repeatedly emailed to say they would be taking time to freshen up the house once I had moved out an not to worry before I checked out. They now say I have not fulfilled the terms of the agreement have grounds to reduce the deposit refund by £300. I am not sure how to respond to their claims. I wonder why they have come to me and not done it through the TDS scheme like they are meant to , I presume they wish to scare me in to accepting.I cannot understand why they haven't provided a breakdown in costs or taken 10 days to even mention any of these issues to give me a chance to resolve. Many thanks for reading
  5. equifax say " In order to resolve this query we have engaged the company in question to examine their data.This process can take up to 28 days, but as soon as we have an update we will let you know." So have i done all i can for now then or is there something else i should be doing
  6. thanks guys ive never been to court about it, ive never even seen paperwork threatening me with any of this for 13 years...i havent a ccj as far as i know ...ive never been asked for a payment plan,or anything from it has just come out the blue in past two years , first i heard was BCW writing to me last year.
  7. Thank you, i have done that now. Should i write a letter to Barclaycard, im presuming they have sold it on which is why BCW wrote to me. I have never been aware of any kind of attempt by Barclaycard to contact me about this though. Just checked and it was a 13 year ago 1996 thing, so I dont understand why they filed the default in 2007. I am pretty sure its not correct though. Should I send the £1 now to Barclaycard and ask for a signed copy of agreement ?
  8. Hi everyone, I am new here so bear with me. I have recently had a financial meeting with my bank, The Bank was happy to help, saying i was a good customer that did everything right, but when they went to the lending team. My account threw up a problem I pulled off my copies of credit reports with credit expert, all was well. Equifax however wasnt , at the bottom of my good file, was showing a Default notice issued in 2007 !!!! for over £2500 pounds with Barclaycard for an account from 1998 that I thought i had paid off over 11 years ago. Ive had no contact at all with Barclaycard ever since that time and have a differnt number card and account with barclaycard that i use now. Late last year I got a letter from Buchanan clerk and wells claiming I owed a similar amount and they were collecting for Barclaycard. I wrote to them after researching their tactics on the net and when i sent a recorded letter asking them for proof that this was my debt, they wrote back and said file was closed. Now I dont know what to do. Why was the default logged in 2007 when I have had no correspondance to date with Barclaycard about this old card. Where do I stand in trying to get this taken off , I know it wont be easy ..but its ruining everything! Thanks so much
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