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i want justice

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  1. Yes that's fair enough and of course you should buy a ticket before you travel...but I did buy a ticket for the journey and my appeal was rejected not because I didn't pay or didn't buy the ticket but because I accidentally mislaid it for an hour and couldn't show it at the appropriate time - I've just heard of a case far worse than mine where a penalty was being written out even while someone was still searching for their ticket. By the time the inspector had finished writing the appeal notice the passenger had found his ticket but was told it was too late because the penalty had been written and he'd have to appeal - he did and the appeal was rejected!! I was also told I could appeal if I found my ticket - they say it to get you off their backs because I gather appeals re lost tickets never ever succeed! Anyway there's not much I can do now other than complain to higher bodies in the hope other people in the future won't get penalised in the same way. Thanks to everyone for their comments and all the information - it's good to know there are some people around that are prepared to listen.
  2. Sorry if it was confusing - what I had was a travelcard for the whole of London for that day. I needed to get the train, followed by a bus, followed by another bus, and then another train. I got penaltied for the first train journey because I discovered my ticket was gone soon after starting out from home. However because it was a travelcard I had to pay the entire price of the travelcard again when getting a new one. The other thing is that I did appeal and my appeal was rejected this evening saying it was my responsibility to look after my ticket and if it wasn't on me at the time there are no grounds for lifting the penalty - the fact that I can prove I'd paid and temporarily lost it is apparently completely irrelevant. They obviously can't lift penalties just because people "say" they've lost their tickets, I understand that, but I don't understand why even when there is 100% irrefutable proof they'd paid they still won't budge. The other complaint I have is that I've been talked to throughout as if I'm a criminal and liar. I really can't believe that accidentally losing a ticket is worthy of such venom from the staff of SW Trains. The penalty is one thing, the way they've talked to me and treated me is quite another. However I really appreciate your comments, and the fact that you've taken the trouble to listen. I'm also pleased that you agree with the general principle of what I'm saying. I'm going to take it to my MP because even if I can't change my own situation I think something needs to be done to stop other law-abiding passengers suffering the same way.
  3. With regards to the inspector issuing a penalty notice and selling me a new ticket I was only part way through my journey and I needed a travelcard because the whole journey was in the London area. I still think the system stinks. I'm all in favour of a system that fines people who are trying to dodge fares, that's wrong, but the way this rule is being operated penalises genuine and honest people even when they have tried to follow the rules and can prove they have done nothing intentionally wrong. Laws and rules need to be carefully written and implemented so that they catch the crooks that they are intended for and not so badly written that they penalise honest consumers as well. With regards the lady who had a ticket for the wrong day, she too innocently broke their rules - but nevertheless had paid the full amount for the journey she made. Surely where someone is caught in this sort of situation for a first time and has a valid reason for it then there ought to be a little bit of discretion allowed? I've travelled with SW Trains for twenty six years and paid them thousands and thousands in season tickets over that time. I feel they've really let me down.
  4. SWT issued me with a penalty fare notice because I'd temporarily lost my travelcard as I'd tried to board the train with several large cases. As soon as I discovered it had gone I left the train and asked the first official I could see if I could buy another one. She sold me one and also said I'd have to pay a penalty fare of £20 but if I found the ticket or receipt I could appeal. So an hour later I found the ticket and receipt and then later appealed. Oh but what she said wasn't true - if you haven't got the ticket on you and have temporarily lost it it's no different to never having paid and the appeals people don't give a damn, all they want is your money. Even production of the ticket afterwards (plus receipt and full proof you paid) doesn't mean they will remove the fine. In the end I'd paid for TWO tickets, both identical, and am now having to pay the penalty fare too. I will then have paid OVER SIX TIMES THE PRICE OF THE TICKET. That's more than a real fare dodger would have to pay. I travelled in full belief the ticket was in my pocket. Within 3 minutes of discovering it had fallen out I contacted a member of staff to buy another one...yet I'm treated like a criminal and talked to by SWT as if I'm beyond contempt for being so dreadfully dreadfully careless that I let a heavy case knock my ticket out of a pocket. I've never been in a situation like this before, always paid for every journey I've ever made, never been treated like a criminal before, and I can't believe that the people at SWT are so money-hungry that they want to penalise people who can prove they are genuine honest fare-paying passengers. Needless to say I won't be travelling on a South West Train ever again.
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