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  1. Sorry about that. The company in question is:- AMMO CLOTHING, UNIT 24, THE STOW, HARLOW, ESSEX SM20 3AB Thanks again in advance.
  2. Hi. Firstly, thanks everyone for such a useful site. I find myself in a bit of a predicament and would really appreciate any advice anyone can offer. I'ver probably included a bit too much detail here but didn't want to omit anything. On 24/02/10, I made an online order (I can mention shop name if need be - UK based wiith bricks and mortar also) for a couple of items which were stated as being in stock. I paid £76 by Mastercard Credit Card (although the payment confirmation I received was from "Nochex"). I received an email "Payment Confirmed - We're Now Processing Your Order". Later on that same day, I received another email stating, "Thank you for placing your order through our website. Upon dispatching your order we've noticed our system has miscalculated quantities of various products. Unfortunately, your order is not available for immediate dispatch. In this situation we would normally cancel, however a new stock delivery will be arriving between Monday 8th March - Friday 12th March. Your order already has a clearance price, however I can offer a further 15% discount and refund the postage cost If your willing to wait for the stock delivery. Please let me know by reply if you wish to cancel this order or wait for the stock delivery and receive the above discount. I'm very sorry for any inconvenience caused." I replied saying that would be OK. On 14/03/10, I received another email stating, "Your order was due for dispatch yesterday, however we've still not received the stock delivery. Our supplier has now confirmed an extended delivery date at the last minute and unfortunately your order may not be dispatched for another 6 working days. If you wish to continue, I can increase the discount vastly and there wouldn't be any further delays, however if you choose to cancel we'll refund the transaction. Please let me know." Again, I said that would be OK and I could wait another 6 days. On 14/04/10, I had still not heard anything so sent an email asking what had happened to my order. I was then told "I'm just waiting to hear back from our supplier and I will then update you with an exact delivery date. I assume this will be after 5 pm, however you'll certainly know today." At this point, I decided it best to cancel the order. They then replied to say, "Thank you for confirming your cancellation which I have now processed. I do apologize that your order could not be delivered as originally promised." I also received a separate cancellation email stating, "You order has been cancelled and refunded. Please allow 3-5 days for clearance back to your card". At this stage, I checked the website again and the items were still showing as in stock(!) so although I probably shouldn't have, I sent an email to the shop a rather angry email ("I understand under the Sale of Goods Act that by taking my money, contract between us was formed. I am also aware that you may be acting unlawfully if you purposely advertising goods that you don’t have stock of. And finally, having taken some advice, I believe I am entitled to ask you for the difference if I buy the items elsewhere at a higher price (loss of bargain law). I’ll let you know the cost in due course (I’d really like to avoid putting a claim through moneyclaim.gov.uk but will do if forced to and obviously the cost of this will be passed to you also". Oh well, I was angry with the fact with them and not least because could still be suckering other people! I've been a bit busy with work and home recently and only yesterday did I remember to check that the £76 has been passed back to me - surprise surpirse, it hasn't! I sent them another email to chase it up (I suffer a bit from anxiety so would rather not use the phone) and no response. Any help to enable me getting my £76 back would be very much appreciated. Cheers sprucket
  3. OK (and sorry for continuing to resurrect this thread but...) today I've now received another, more demanding, letter from Wescot. I was going to send Cerberusalert's letter today but do I need to reword it in light of this new letter? A friend currently stood next to me says I should phone them (and tell them "the dream's over. You've got the wrong dude, man.")? Thanks again for any pointers. sprucket
  4. OK, I ignored the first letter but now received another. I did actually get this a few weeks ago but mislaid it so it's now after their "deadline" of 15th July but now I've found it, thought I'd ask for any further advice. Would now be the time to send the letter Cerberusalert suggests as well as contacting local Trading Standards? I'm just a bit wary about letting them have my correct name. Thanks again for any information. sprucket
  5. Thanks very much to you both. I've been stressing over this pretty much all day but now I'm starting to think (it might be the couple of pre-dinner beers!), I should maybe just ignore as maroondevo52 suggests. I don't really want them to get my real name (which they would if I wrote the brilliant letter cerberusalert suggests). I'm actually more angry with them now that they've got me fretting all day about it especially when I read:- and To send or not to send.... Thanks again, sprucket another (hopefully legible) link to the letter:- Imageshack - 54933985.jpg
  6. I didn't even know this great forum existed until searching to try and sort my problem so at least some good has come out of that already. I'd be really grateful for any advice - I usually feel quite nervous about anything to do with money and for that reason, do always try and keep on top of things (or at least let my girlfriend do all the financial stuff :grin:). I'll try not to ramble but do want to include all important information here so apologise in advance for the lengthy post. I received a letter this morning from Wescot Credit Services Ltd in Hull completely out of the blue. When I say "I received", it was actually addressed to a name similar but not identical to my relatively unusual surname - e.g. assume my name is Mr Fogarty, letter was addressed to Mr Fogharthy. Please see scan of the letter (from which I hope I've removed all identifying marks). [/url] Not only is the name wrong, I really cannot recall ever leaving any address with money still owed. I've lived (with very financially-organised GF) at current address for about 3 years, previous address (with GF) for about 6 months, previous address (own place) for about 3 years. I've always left forwarding addresses etc. I really don't know how this debt can be mine. I guess I may be worrying unneccesarily but I would be very grateful for any advice whatsoever. I've got somewhat intermittent internet access at the moment but I will try to respond to all posts as soon as I can. Thanks very much, sprucket
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