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  1. In order to proceed with filing a successful CCJ you will need to have provided the debtor (in this case your landlord) with 'reasonable' notification before applying to the courts. They will have the opportunity of defending the claim and one likely scenario is that they have not been provided with enough notice to settle this before court, as frustrating as this is court is supposed to be an absolute last resort, you will have to supply all letters sent to the landlord. reasonable correspondence and request for payment sent by recorded delivery (you will have to prove your correspondence was received) and finally a 'notification of legal action' giving the landlord at the very least 14 days, though normally 21 days would be more feasible, if THEN they hadnt responded then it would be fair to pursue through the courts. I do understand your frustration, but if they do defend the claim, which could prove likely, then the hearing will be transfered to the court nearest to your landlord and then you will have to actually attend, this will then start to rapidly increase your costs. If it is the property management company you are pursuing then the courts could possibly take the stance that the first port of call should be the ombudsman that governs them. It is very frustrating but the courts general view is that a reasonable timeframe must have been allowed before court action is sought
  2. Thats excellant, thank you very much I will see if this brings me any joy
  3. Hi there I have read all the other posts with interest, my situation is that due to a divorce I have been left in considerable debt, the majority with catalogues. I have sent letters requesting a copy of my signed CCA which I know they wont be able to produce as I didnt even sign one, however the letters I have been receiving back all attach a copy of their 'general' credit agreement. I am new to this site but can someone advise me of what letter I should send next as I know they have to produce a 'signed' copy? Thank you
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