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Posts posted by pridewat

  1. Welcome Rob M8 you have a name what ACSs Cancer Crossley would gladdley like to use or should i say SHOULD use as his tital ROB=INNOCENT PEOPLE BLINDE

    Anyway m8 dont worry there is thousands of innocent people out there all in the same boat, and its just a matter of time B4 the law gets a grip of ACS and brings this to a end.



    yes, Rob dont worry. just send a simple letter of denial without giving any more informations than they already have . Be strong and firm. thats what i did last year and they are off my back for quite few months now.

  2. The problem with that article is that it isn't authenticated. A mysterious Pub Landlord 'fined' yet 'The case has been brought about by the copyright holder itself (whoever that may be)'. Surely as a civil action the defendant would have had to pay costs & compensation if the case was found against him, not a fine? Also I would have thought if this was a legitimate case it would have aroused national media interest and the parties named along with the relevant court.


    I wonder if this is a case of 'Chinese Whispers' perpetrated by some less than trustworthy party wanting to feed the paranoia created by a 'cash cow' civil action that has yet to enter any courtroom?


    i wonder if its being spread by one of crossley's gang member. I am sure few in this forum are indirectly working for his intrests

  3. hi everyone,


    im new to this forum.

    like most people her i have been recieving the threatening letters from ACS:LAW


    i have sent a first lod to which they just sent another letter claiming to have received no responce. even though i sentand paid for next day delivery. and i have now recieved



    and now im even more at a loss on what i should be writing back.

    i am just your average joe. i aint got a clud how to but letters together for anything like this. i found a template for my firs lod but have had no luck trying to find anymore. so im asking if anyone knows of any more lod templates that i could see/use to respond to this PART 36 letter. or if anyone else has recieved this letter could you please help/tell me in what you did and what i can do next.


    thank you all for your time.




    yes i agree with Andydd answer to you that not to panic, stay calm and just send another lod refer to section 16(1) and 20 of CDPA 1988. and deny . ANSWER AS SHORT AS POSSIBLE. No anger and no ping pong match.

  4. been following this thread over the last couple of days now... so if you do get a letter from these muppets, do you simply ignore (and not enter into any comms with them) or do you need to address it?


    i am concerned as a BT customer that my details may be now in the hands of acs and would like to know what the suggested route is, should a belated xmas pressie comes through my letterbox!


    I very much hope you dont get it but if you do, then dont ignore it. If you have not done it then answer with simple denial. Dont show anger inyour letter of denial. The less you say the better.

  5. 30,000 Internet Users to Receive File-Sharing Cash Demands Derren Brown Blog


    Not heard from my 3rd LOD.... - a joke really.....




    no did i after 2nd lod ( and its quite some time). i wonder what happend to so called forensic evidance?


    i agree its nothing to do with copyright protection of their client but

    more to do with making easy money by frightening many innocent people. its

    sort of black mail.

  6. I haven't heard anything since my 2nd LOD back in Aug ........ I don't know if to contact them to see if this is the end of it as I can't help but let it niggle at me not knowing.


    if i were you i wont becuse it could give them the impression that you are easy victim. dont worry too much, if you have not done what they allege why worry. I know

    its difficult but keep urself calm and cool and in time it will go away

  7. I sent my 2nd LOD (with my own added bits) around the 20th August 2009 and till now I have not heard anymore. I would like to believe that this is the end of it but I have a feeling it won't be.


    same story here i also have not heard any more after 2nd lod . although they have gone quite after selecting the second batch but i also doubt its the end just yet


    but i have stopped worrying too much about that . there are lot of better things in life than that

  8. It was worded wrong looking at it again and it was a responce to Mr Toms suggestion of taking ACS to court,


    The only thing I had to do that was my hard drives, but then they would argue the alleged offence was to long ago to use these. I wish it was a simple case of taking them to court and getting a win. Alot would have already done so, if it was a simple thing to do.


    I know I cannot afford to put a massive amout of money in to getting ACS to court andless I was 100% going to win.


    i appreciate mr toms suggestion, but i would concentrate more on my defense.

    rather than suing ACS . in meantime if i had any more communication i woul d just send them another lod. i know its frustrating for most of us who have not done what is alleged but its waiting game. we know all of his letters are template too and so are the letters of ICO AND SRA and us lot sending template letter is in no way illegal. only think is he does not like the anwser he is getting because as most of us know his game is generating revenue out of threats and bullying a lot of innocent people.so i will not add anything other than simple denial will not engage myself in silly argument like template issue less you say at this stage the better. i will save everything else if and when he goes to court to present his so called forensic evidance

  9. Reply from SRA hopefully everyone has put in a compl.

    I have attached some questions that will need to be answered to help in the investigation if you could email your answers back or post them to us at:

    Solicitors Regulation Authority


    i had a reply with same wordings from them back in july except above three lines. i think their investigation will take indefinate time. As i said before and say again most of these regulatory authorities are no more than toothless tigers in my opinion.

  10. In my personel opinion complaining to SRA . your MP and reporting to consumers groups and Media could be most effective. You can by all means report to ICO but they can not do much if there was a court order to release

    your personel informatiuons from ISP. But under DPA ACS Law can not pass those informations to a third party other than parties related to his so call claims

  11. Any news on what the authorities are doing with this lot yet? Today 14:44



    It seems they are collating information regarding complaints about ACS.


    In other words - b*ggerall.




    other day i had reply from ICO . there reply is no more than b..l sh.t in my opinion these

    bodies are no more than toothless tigers

  12. Hello all


    My dad has just recieved a 3rd letter from them, once again stating they recognise that our previous response was a template taken from the internet, and that their open offer of compromise is withdrawn.


    They have now sent a offer to settle under part 36 of the civil procedure rule, asking for £625 instead of the original £500. We have 14 days to pay it. my dad is now getting more worried about it, so some advice would be appreciated.


    yes send them another lod and refuse to accept their claim and offer. one letter should be enough to cover both.their aim is maximum harrassment of a lot of innoccent people

  13. Just a quick update with regards to the letter i sent to my local MP.As stated earlier in this thread she forwarded it to Jack Straw at the ministry of justice,I have recieved a reply this morning stating that it was not a matter for the ministry of justice and had been forwarded to the department for business,innovation and skills and that they would contact me direct concerning this matter.Will let you know of any further development.

    my MP has sent that to secretary of state for culture,Media and sports in JUNE have not heard anything so far

  14. i certainly go with the view that if innocent why should i pay a penny ....but the letter and it's terminlogy are surely designs to confuse the lay men .

    Would it be too much to ask for another letter formatt to be published which i could alter ( as the first LOD ) ...I know it says just repeat the first letter but surely i should address the points they raise in relation to the CPR36.10 ......



    Please help ......


    you are right an innocent should not pay a penny. Although fisherman06 (on page 41)have made very valid points in his reply to them but i personally think that the minimum you say at this point the better. its better not to tell them what you are doing and these things should be saved to tell in the court (if they are foolish enough to take any innocent to court). i would just deny infringement . 2nd LOD says just enough and if you wish you can alter to suit you. I will just ignore if they say template letter in not acceptable.

    And please dont worry too much . You are innocent untill proved guilty.

  15. So has anyone heard back from any of the authorities about this scandal?


    I have last week from SRA last week.This is a paragraph from their reply:


    "As you may know from the media coverage of this issue,the SRA is already aware of the concern being raised about ACS Law. R ather than investigate each case individually the SRA is dealing with these concerns by way of a single investigation that encompasses all the reulatory issues raised, which do not vary significantly between cases. The information you have provided will be

    passed to the releveant team in SRA to be considered within that investigation"


    "SRA will notify you when the outcome has been reached"


    Well i think that will take a littele time before i hear from them

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