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Everything posted by tombutler

  1. Hi, Old addresses do not appear on Credit Karma or the Experian credit report. Maiden name listed as a previous name with Credit Karma. Lived at the current address for 20 years or so.
  2. Funnily enough the letter received was sent to my previous address and passed on to me. The letter was also addressed in my maiden name. All previous correspondence was using my married name and my current address.
  3. Should a CCJ that was issued against me supposedly in early 2020 show up on my credit reports? Checked with a couple of online credit score agencies and there's no CCJ listed on either. Am I right in saying that if one was issued against me, I would expect the CCJ to be on the reports? Thanks, T.
  4. Hi, I spoke to the bailiff today over the phone. I mentioned suspending the warrant and the N245 phone. He said that was one option, the other being speaking to PRA Group and asking to arrange to pay monthly installments. He also said I should speak to PRA Group rather contacting them by in writing. Obviously PRA will try to extract as much money out of me as possible, an unrealistic amount to my circumstances I would guess. Will the courts via the N245 look at my offer more sympathetically? Do they simply pass on my monthly offer to the PRA and then PRA decide whether to accept the offer. The debt is 8K. Would an offer of £75 to £100 quid a month be considered a reasonble offer I wonder. Thanks.
  5. Thanks for the reply. Also thanks to the others who have replied and offered advice. I guess the next thing I need to do is study my credit file and take it from there. Cheers.
  6. Thanks for the reply. The original debt was on a Lloyd's credit card. I have to admit that it was a case of sticking my head in the sand and hoping it would go away. Yep, screwed up I know. Wondering what my options are now? Nowhere near in a position to pay the full amount off in one go.
  7. Hi, Unfortunately I defaulted on a credit card. This has been passed to PRA Group eventually. We've had a couple of visits and letters dropped off. Is this a genuine bailiff working on behalf of PRA Group or the Courts I wonder? The "Produced by Rob Barber" in the botteom right corner scrimbled out by pen has me wondering. Thanks, T. manchester court - Notifice Of Visit By Bailiff.pdf
  8. Hi, I made an offer of 40 quid a month, what I can afford. In reply HC sent me a form to complete to assess how much I can afford, not accepting my offer at this stage at least. The form asks for my telephone number, company I work for and their address. They also ask if my wife works. On the N245 form only my company name is asked for. I am reluctant to provide the other details above which are not asked for on the official court form. Any advice would be appreciated. Cheers, T.
  9. Hi, As always I've had a good read of the existing threads and I note that MBNA have 12+2 days to comply with my CCA request. Could somebody clarify from when I should start counting the days? I am assuming it is 14 days from the day it was delivered and not from when I posted the letter. I think I posted the letter Mon 21st Sept. It was sent recorded delivery and it was delivered and signed for on Wed 23rd Sept 2009. So is the 12+2 date this coming Wed? Another question which say sound odd but must they comply (post the CCA docs before this date) or must I receive the docs before the 12+2 date. (To date I have heard jack from them but still receive phone calls from them, which I do not answer) Assuming I do not receive anything from MBNA should I immediately follow up with a Subject Access Request the day after the 12+2 period? Cheers. T
  10. Thanks for the reply. I did some homework before I rang Cohens and I offered to send the a N245 form. As stated above the lady suggested I call them and do the sums over the form and make them an offer. Just wondered if I start making payments (assuming my offer of around 40 quid a week is accepted), have I accepted liability and cannot take action or dispute it. From past experience, on a debt of 3500 quid, would an offer of £40/month be accepted?
  11. Hi, I have struggled financially over the last year due to redundancy, having only recently started work again. I took up the offer of an ASDA CC probably back in late 2007 or early 2008. Having made payments on time initially I have now fallen behind, well in fact have not been payments for a while. The amount owed is approx £3500. I opened Due to a recent temp change in my living arrangements I have only just opened a claim form sent by Northampton (CCBC) County Court. The issue date was 13th July. Since I have just opened the letter I have missed the deadline to reply, put in a defence. Logging on to the moneyclaim website under the 'Claim Status' section is listed: A claim was issued against you on 13 July 2009. A judgment was entered against you on 10 August 2009. I received a letter dated 14th August with the case number stating a judgment has been made against me, asking me to pay £125 a month. At the bottom of the letter is states that I can pay the full amount within 30 days and have the CCJ "removed completely". I phoned the number on the second letter and spoke to a lady from Cohen. I informed her that I was unable to return the form due to personal circumstances and was I was not in a position to pay the 125 quid a month. I said I was prepared to fill in a N245 (?) form listing my expenditure and was willing to make an offer of how much I could afford. BTW I reckon I can afford around 40 quid a month. That is a bit of a departure from the 125 they are demanding but as well as living expenses I have other debts (mainly CCs) several time the amount owed here. Do you think they would be happy to accept this offer? The lady I spoke to was most insistent that I fill out the initial form, working out how much I could afford and to call them back to sort it out over the phone. When I mentioned I was prepared to fill in the official form she said dont, it can be done over the phone with them. She also mentioned their was a 35 (?) pound fee and that would just add to debt. Perhaps she was being genuinely helpful?? Anyway since I missed my chance to defend the CCJ by not filling in the original form what, if any, are my options? Does it look as if a judgment has been made against me? It looks that way to me. Or is that an automatic procedure? I know from reading on here that they have sent out letters in the past claiming so when in fact no such judgment has been made. Should I make and offer of 40 quid and pay the debt off quietly? Should I start paying an amount and can I start action/dispute further down the line? I should add that I am about to make a start on the backlog of postal mail still unopened. Or is there any further advice anybody can offer. It would be appreciated.
  12. Hi, Due to recent financial difficulties I have missed a couple of month's payments on two Halifax CCs that I have. I have a number of questions that I'm hoping you good people could help me with. - My wages for my new job cleared into my Halifax current account. At the end of August the minimum payment for the 2 cards was taken from my current account. Are they allowed to do this is my first question. In the past when I was late I would get the odd phone call and I would pay over the phone via debit card or make a payment online. - As I am struggling financially, can you say from your past experiences will my plea to have to interest put on for a while be put on hold fall upon deaf ears? - If I am allowed to cancel my CCs will the balance be transferred to debt collection agencies? - I have had one of the card for over 10 years I reckon. I recall going into a branch for one. Should I go down the route of asking for my original CCA agreement that I signed? Cheers, Any help or advice would be appreciated.
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