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unhappy tenant

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Everything posted by unhappy tenant

  1. Point taken about the costs etc but already filed the CCC via online courts so will wait and see what response I get.
  2. Totally agree 16 days isnt too bad compared with some people on this forum. However i`m sure when the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985 was drafted the intentions of the act was to protect both the Landloard and Tenant. Whilst there is no defination of what is a reasonable period of time, an ordinary man in the street would not consider that to mean 16 days in the case of Hot water. Online courts only cost £20 iand if it doesnt make it through to CCJ stage, then at least i`ve tried. Often legal action is the only way to get places in this country as people/companies seem to have forgotten what customer service actually is. Had the property management company or at least appologised for the delay then that may have gone some way but to simply tell me that they treated it as a matter of urgency and that it has been resolved in a reasonable period of time is certainly taking the P%SS I feel.
  3. Yes have continued to pay rent so havent stopped that. 16 days after raising the issued the the Property managment company we now have a new boiler fitted. My issue is really to do with the "reasonable" timeframe. Surely 16 days is not reasonable to be without hot water and I going to argue that tenant who rented the property should not reasonably be expected to put up with this. Am planning on issueing them with a CCJ for not resolving the matter within a reasonable timeframe. I have offered to meet in the middle with a 50% credit for the 2 weeks without hot water. This has been made to avoid the courts. If they say no then CCJ it is. These agencies need to realise they can not take advantage of tenants.
  4. Hi, I have recently rented a flat with my partner and have only been living in it for 4 weeks. For the last 2 weeks we have not had any hot water as the boiler broke. I informed the property mgnt company of this as soon as we noticed (2 weeks ago) and they have sent engineers etc and eventually got the go ahead from the landlord to install a new boiler on Sat. The guys came but couldnt turn off the mains so have to come back this week. Basically as the title suggest, am i legally required to pay rent during this period of no hot water. It would appear the landlord has breach his condition in section 11 (think thats the section) which requires them to supply the ability for hot water (obviously we pay the electricity). I have written the Landlord a letter and sent it off last week stating how unhappy we were that it has taken so long to fix. It took 10 days for the Landlord to give the go ahead for a new boiler. The engineer that came and inspected the broken boiler, told me it needed to be replaced on day 1. In my letter i mentioned that we do not expect to have to pay rent during this period. I just want to know if there are any legal grounds which we are entitled to. I said I would expect compensation (in the form of a credit on the full weeks rent) for the 2 weeks we have been without water. Background info: rent is paid in advance and i will not change the dd for next months rent until i heard back from the landlord as i understand we can not legally stop paying rent. I have read a few of the other threads but question has not really been answered. Any help/advice would be very much appreciated. Please help!
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