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  1. I am very suspicious about this whole organisation and I wouldn't be surprised if the recent change of name had something to do with it. I expressed a small amount of interest in the course through a suggestion on Reed.co.uk. I then promptly received a phone call, from who I can only presume was a sales rep. trying to come round my house?! Then when I requested information about costs etc. he scooted around the question, not really answering me and tried to arrange a time to visit. I pretty much had to hang up, saying JUST E MAIL ME THE DETAILS AND I'LL CONSIDERATE IN MY OWN TIME!! Funily enough I didn't hear anything again as I wasn't playing ball, until I received an e mail from someone completely different at 10:00 this evening saying they couldn't get through by phone. This really doesn't seem right and judging by the reactions of people on this forum i'm glad I never let anyone talk me into something I wasn't comfortable with. I feel for the people who did pay and haven't received the service they wished for. This is surposed to be a project to help excel peoples learning skills and I cant help feeling like The home learning College is praying on people and treating it like more of a business opportunity, which I understand it is, but there is very much a RIGHT and WRONG way to go about things.. I'm not sure how reputable Reed.co.uk are as an organisation, but judging by the inability to contact anyone directly, by phone/email/carrier pigeon! and their association with organisations such as The home learning College, I'm definately withdrawing my application for seeking employment. Times are hard, but not that hard!!!!
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