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  1. Yes I did actually pay by credit card. Thanks. Will look over properly tomorrow when I'm a bit more awake Oooh had a quick peak, useful if I can prove a breach of SOGA. Very interesting - thanks!
  2. Ok thanks, I've contacted the vendor who are assigning someone to 'my case.' Will use it once I get an email. Still in communication with Sony Support who are still asking me to carry out a 'full system recovery.' Asked them blatantly why they are refusing to repair or replace? Will see what they say. Don't want a Sony Vaio ever again, would be very disappointed if they actually offered me a replacement though they'll probably want to bill me for the hinges, apparently about £140 which I'll refuse.
  3. Hello, Could you please help? Not sure where to post as this also involves poor service from Sony not just the laptop purchase. Bought a Sony VAIO Fit E model SVF1421S1EB laptop for £444.88 and a 3 year warranty £44.00 in November 2013. In January 2014 the mouse started behaving erratically, contacted Sony who sent a lengthy list of things to do in an attempt to resolve which I deemed overkill as it involved a system restore which would have wiped my data and software - I opted for an external mouse instead. In May 2014 the hinge broke, contacted Sony who claimed I had damaged it, even though I pointed out that there were cases of this 'common issue' all over the internet. The casing and hinges are plastic not sturdy at all. Shortly after my wireless signal quality dropped - max 2 bars, most times 1. Again contacted support who admitted this is a known issue. They asked me to do a bunch of stuff including a system restore which I did, asked me to do it again when it didn't resolve. At that point my sound started misbehaving. Support offered me a wireless adapter to 'boost my signal' and asked me to do yet another system restore to resolve the sound issue In the middle of the emails I asked Sony for my money back but they suggested I contact the vendor as my contract is with him. I contacted Laptops direct last week, initially they gave me directions for filling a return request online but it seems they have refused my claim. My Issues: The laptop hinges broke within 6 months. This is not acceptable period obviously expected the laptop to last that's why I bought an additional 3 years warranty. Sony has refused to replace or repair the laptop even though it is still under warranty. Sony Support is crap - I have sent over 10 emails and 2 online complaints - their offices are only open week-days till 5pm. I am pretty sure the troubleshooting instructions I got are meant to serve as a deterrent - one was over 2 pages long! When it still wasn't fixed received a second email was the same instructions in a different order! The laptop can not be used for the purpose it was intended ie internet and movie streaming - touchpad & sound are still erratic and wireless is rubbish. What to do? I am looking to get my money back. Is this a feasible position as the laptop is over 8 months old? Worst case I would like to get at least half of my money back and a refund on the additional cover I bought. How do I go about doing this - presumably it is the vendor and not Sony? Small claims, ombudsman? This is the worst computer I have ever owned by the way and I been using them since Windows 3.1! If anyone is thinking of purchasing a Sony Vaio DON'T Thanks so much, sorry about the length - not happy !!!
  4. OK admittedly after a long absence I panicked - plus my brain doesn't function as well after midnight! I'm calmly working my way through related threads as a refresher. I was also a bit disheartened that my county court claim against the LA was returned with a 'No Cause of Action' even though I felt the LA should be held accountable for using a firm with multiple judgements against it, so took an extended break. Anyway, I will go ahead and get my POC together and update this thread with progress. Thanks
  5. Hello thanks for your response ... As seen from my previous thread, it's been a while, as of the last time I posted I was under the impressio I could use form 4 - what did I miss? Also in Tomtubby's thread 'High Court Enforcement Officers fees....by JOHN KRUSE' there's reference to 'Schedule 3 of the High Court Enforcement Officers Regulations 2004.(3) Regulation 13' which I've never heard of! Not sure what legislation I'm supposed to be refering to now. Original PCN was £120, (£60 doubled by LA for non-payment), so would that be 20% of that or the £185.00 which is fine plus court costs? Is it on the basis that they charged interest 20% on their own fees (visits and levying distress) that I can claim them back? Have found a good POC template ... http://forums.pepipoo.com/lofiversion/index.php/t30758.html http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?204669-equita-bailiff-overcharge-for-parking-fine But if any one knows of any other links, I'd be grateful. Thanks again.
  6. Hello, My car was clamped on June 2009 by Marstons who were collecting for a Camden PCN. I paid £651 to get the clamp taken off. Following lots of hassle (SAR, complaint to ICO etc) got the following breakdown from them :- Penalty Charge £185.00 Letter Fee £11:20 Levy Charge £175.80 Attendance to remove £100.00 Vehicle removal charge £100.00 Credit Card Charge ie Card Fee £21.74 Plus VAT £60.30 (Penalty Charge includes court fees, there was also an HPI charge of £15.00 listed which the bailiff didn't actually charge, though he charged me a slightly higher Credit card fee than that printed on their Notice to Sieze.) At the time relevant statute was Enforcement of Road Traffic Debts (Certified Bailiffs) Regulations 1993 amended 2003. My argument/claim is based on the old case 8CL51015 Anthony Culligan (Claimant) v 1. Jason Simkin & 2. Marstons (Defendants.) essentially that the bailiffs were fraudulent in charging Attendance to Remove and Vehicle Removal fees as the vehicle was only clamped not towed and therefore part of 'levying distress' and not removal, that there wasn't an adequate gap between levying distress and "removal" to allow for payment and also that the fees were excessive in relation to original debt, plus that I was bullyed into payment by bailiff - threatened by more fees etc. I just received a letter from bailiffs defending their charges (they list all but the ones I'm disputing) and the bailiffs behaviour. They actually get quite petty by indicating that I had stated I had 'other things on my mind' so couldn't pay and that I said I had sold the car etc. I really don't think that warrants a response. Anyway, now that the law has changed where do I stand please? Can I still file a Form 4 to claim back the fees? I believe 6 years to file a claim under current legislation ? Btw, one of the reasons for the delay is the fact I took LA to small claims but got a 'no cause of action' returned. Though my complaint with the ICO against Marstons regarding their response to my SAR was upheld. Apologies for the long post and thanks in advance!
  7. The more I look into this the more I realise how many routes there are - it just depends on where you want to go. What I don't want is for them to get off easy - Say only one person out of 10 complains and consequently gets their fees refunded -end of, the company would still be raking in a healthy profit. The bailiffs need to change the way they operate or get the hell out of the business and the only way to ensure this is to take it as far as it can possibly go. On a separate note - got a very polite letter from the bailiffs yesterday, acknowledging receipt of my SAR and indicating that they are in the process of "collating" my information. More than I expected, can't wait to get the information now just to see what they've actually managed to 'collate'. Hope it includes the breakdown of their fees! I enclosed a copy of my Notice to Sieze and specified clearly that I expected a more granular level so we'll see....
  8. Having read quite a few bailiff horror stories I thought that I had just one relatively sane bailiff turn up due to the fact that I'm female and therefore posed little or no threat. But obviously there's no logic with these people! Totally outrageous! Hope BP's normalised now. I have checked out the screw the bailiff and its great - clarifies a lot of the legal stuff, in some cases judges see fit to award damages so good luck!
  9. No worries! Not like anything is going to happen any time soon; gives me something to mull over in the meantime
  10. I have a cousin who is a prison guard and he's a complete jerk, I feel sorry for the prisoners cos I can just see him lording over them and torturing them with his mean mouth and attitude. In fact I've spent a good deal of my adult life avoiding him. I was going to use a stronger word (than jerk) but I'll keep it clean for the sake of the more sensitive readers
  11. Absolutely. It was on this basis that I asked the question, sometimes circumstances make sticking to your morals difficult, and being human we do have occassional lapses, but I feel that we do know instinctively what's right and it's up to us to make the effort! A person can ignore their conscience to the point where it's completely stifled but in the end it will manifest one way or another and not in a good way. Therefore I'm completely for rehabilitation - bailiff debriefing and re-training in this case
  12. That is truly impressive! I was so harrassed, late for work, dropping kids off etc - I didn't put up much of a fight. the bailiff that came to my house was actually quite polite (not like gr's) and didn't enter my house at all (no need to as the car was clamped already) I sort of started feeling sorry for him on the basis that he's just trying to make a living but has the misfortune of working for a rotten company - obviously missed the series on BBC2 plus documentary - knowing fees were negotiable and he didn't even reduce them by a penny - that's so wrong. He must have seen the big dents in my car - instead he suggested if there was anyone I could borrow the money from - cheeky sod I truly hope that this is the last time I have dealings with them but if it isn't it's going to be a totally different ball game! Just wondering what sort of career an ex bailiff could pursue - night club bouncer perhaps?
  13. I rang the the Ministry of Justice Public Register of Bailiffs on 020 3334 6355 as HC suggested, ended up having to ring the court the bailiff is registered at (I'm miles away from Northampton) to confirm he's got a current certificate - he has. The battle continues....
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