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  1. I know, the shame of it! lol. and personally, now i'm at the end of my final contract with them, hopefully I'll never need to use them again; fortunately, credit rating isn't too bad at moment, so hopefully can use more mainstream lenders in future. No OSC taken out fortunately, although they have tried to force this on me in the past. Anyways, thank you very much for your help and time, really appreciated. Take care and thank again.
  2. Hi, thanx for your reply. No there's nothing recorded at all; if they recorded all my payments, then i believe this would be good for my credit rating, and it makes me wonder if they don't record information on purpose. Any further info you can give much appreciated. Thank you.
  3. Hi, just a small query. I've been with brighthouse for nearly 4 years, never ever missed a payment and always settled my agreements without any issues. One thing i've noticed, after having checked my credit file from experian and equifax, is that brighthouse have not recorded a single payment i've made. I assumed that by law they had to do this. Can anyone shed some light on this? Many thanks for your help.
  4. Hi, hopefully someone can help with this matter (sincerest apologies if posting in wrong place, please re-direct me if that is the case) I have a Vanquis credit card, which has been well maintained to date. In August 2011, I made my payment in the usual way using my debit card, and after doing so decided to set up a direct debit to make things easier for myself. In August, I had a confirmation letter stating that my direct debit had been set up, and to make payments via debit card until the direct debit started in September. My payment is normally due on or around 6th each month, but for some reason Vanquis had not taken my direct debit payment and as of today (10/09/11) payment has still not been taken. Now to make matters worse, I had a text today to say my payment was late, and that a fee of £12 has been added to my account. I contacted vanquis to see what the hell was going on, and they claim the direct debit was not due to start until October (even though I have a letter clearly stating it should start from September) and they are refusing to remove the charge; in October I will have to make a double payment (for Sept and Oct) as well as the £12 charge. Any suggestions please? Thank you for your help.
  5. Hi, hope this is the right place to post this thread, apologies if not. I'll try to keep this as easy to follow as possible. Basically, HMRC overpayed me working tax credits (single person's not family). I have been repaying this on a weekly basis (just token payments), and due to further financial difficulties, I wrote to HMRC before Christmas, and again in Feb this year, as they had not responded to my initial letter, asking if they will consider writing off the debt, as it would take me over ten years to clear; they refused. As I had stopped making payents to them temporarily, I again wrote to offer new payment based on current financial circumstances; they seemed to have ignored this, and instead have said they are going to take me to court, threatening to use bailifs etc to recoup debt (about £800). Can anyone tell me if the debt is classed as priority, and if it went to court, based on my limited income, can a magistrate make me pay debt in full, even though I couldn't afford this. Thanx to anyone who can offer advice on this, and if u need further info, please let me know. regards,
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