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Everything posted by sapphirey1966

  1. He was asked if he had any convictions, which at that point my sons licence was totally clean. he was not asked if he had any pending convictions or pending points, my son does not at yet know what points or fine he will be getting as he still has not heard from the police about this. He answered all wuestions they asked him honestly, they did not at any point adk him anything that would lead him into saying the car was in a pound. He did not hide anything from them as stated when he managed to get bavk in touch with them on the monday when adked why he wanted the document he said to get his car out of police pound he did not try to say for any other reason (he could have said to get car tax if he was trying to hide anything) as he dud not know this would be a problem. It was the certificate he needed as all they sent him via email was statement if facts, direct debit mandate,etc but no certificate of insurance which is what he needed. And just to add we are not arguing the fact that he had no insurance and are not arguing that he was pulled iver and car impounded as he knows he was an idiot driving even a short distance. We want advise with regards to the insuranc company just cancelling this new insurance and getting regund, as they have set up direct debit and taken another installment even though THEY cancelled it themselves within 48 hours! And with regards to his ex partner cancelling his previous insurance, she had gained access to his online banking and cancelled it direct from there (which you can do on most if not all online banking). He hadnt noticed as he dies nit kerp track of his banking. He only found out when he was eventually able to get access to his children she took great pleasure in handing him the insurance letters asking about the cancelled debit and then saying his cover had been cancelled and thats also when she said she had git into his onlibe banking and cancelled his insurance. All because he refused to go back with her after she had cheated and also said that one of his children may not be his. This girl has played with his head and also with loosing his grandad. Yes he drove without insurance and yes he had his car taken butt this is not our issue. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone....he was wrong and he know it and is paying for it now, it is advise re the insurance company not condemnation that we require.
  2. I would like to add that my son did originally have insurance of which direct debit was being taken each month for it. On the day of my dads funeral (who my children was very close too as we lived with my parents for 6 years when i split from a very abusive relationship & my dad was the only father figure in their lives) his partner text him and said she had bern seeing several other guys behind his back, my son was devastated but has to put this to back of his mind due to having to get through his grandads funeral and that he was carrying the coffin with my ither son. This totally devastated him for weeks and the girlfriend was also playing games with him seeing his children. He ended up staying with my mum to also be there for her so she was not on her own even though he was going through all this other stuff himself. What he didnt know was tgat his partner had managed to gain access to his bank acvount and cancelked his direct debit for his car insurance and as everything was still at that address he did not receive any letters from his insirance company regarding the cancellation of the direct debit until several months later when she finally gave him them and told him at this point that she had cancelled debits, so he had unknowingly been driving for at least 3 months with mo insurance. He got onto the insurance company and explained everything to them and to try and reinstate it but they said he would have to take out a fresh insurance. So tgat us why he had no insurance in the first place and people have said he should go to the police, which he did but because he has no proof she tampered with his bank they cant do anything. He is one of those that does not keep track of his banking so did not notice anything was wrong. He pays money in and either uses his debit card or gets cash out of cash machine when he wants it. I have told him he needs to pay more attention to his banking in future. As for not letting tge insurance comapny know tge car was in a police pound...he was asked questions of which he answered and there was nothing that would lead him into stating car was in a pound. And he honestly didnt think he had to otherwise he would have said from the start as he didnt hide it when tgey asked why he wanted tge paperwork.
  3. Hi bankfodder, wonder if you can give me some advise. My son was pulled for having no insurance, he was driving to bank to pay his wages in so he could then set up his insurance (i know what your all thinking and yes i said same to him that he should not have been driving without insurance and if he had let me know i would have transfered some into his account so he could have got his insurance and he could have then given me the cash...but whats done is done now and i have had a right moan at him). Anyway, police impounded his car and my son walked from there to his nans house and she paid the first installment on her debit card. He went to police pound later that evening (once he had paid installment for insurance and received emails regarding the said taking out of insurance) but police would not let him take his car as they said he was not emailed correct documents. He had to wait till the monday as insurance company was not available on sundays. When he got home from work he phoned the insurance to ask for the correct documents to be sent and they asked him why he wanted them ( which i felt strange as is he not entitled to correct documents relating to said insurance). He replied that he needed them to get his car out of the police pound and the representative said "you did not tell us that your car was in a police pound" my son answered all the questions correctly when taking out the insurance and was not asked anything that would lead to him stating his car was in a police pound otherwise he would have said, as obviously when asked why he wanted the documents he said the reason why so was not hiding anything. The rep said that he would have to call the underwriters and would call my son back. But my son had to call them back as it was getting later and he had not heard nothing and everyday his car was in the pound the bill was going up so obviously wanted it out asap. They then told him that the underwriters had cancelled the insurance as he had not stated the car was in pound. After a bit of arguing my son gave in and said about getting his money back due to the insurance being cancelled and he was told that they would have to find out from the underwriters and again would call him back. The next day my son still had not heard from them so calked again. To cut a long story short he has still not got anywhere with regards to knowing if he is deff getting money back and could not get his car out if the pound (and now the seven days are up) as he had no more money to be able to try another insurance company as he has a home and young family to support plus an ex and two children (it is because of his ex that he has no insurance as she cancelled the direct debit without him knowing which sent original insurance he had into being stopped as he didnt know it had bern until it was too late and they wouldnt re instate it unless he started it fresh. Is there any advise you can give. As now he has no car as was over 7 days since he was stopped (last saturday) and does not have the money back as yet.
  4. Lianne2802 has not put that the flat is part buy/part rent. They pay a yearly service charge to the company that own the building/grounds. They have looked at their contracts/agreements and all other paperwork that they was given and cannot find anywhere that it states they are liable for the service charge that had been either unpaid by the previous tenant or while the flat was left unoccupied - which is believed to have been empty for several months and also believed to have been a repossession. Nor were they told by their solicitor or anyone else that they would be held liable for this payment for the year prior to them taking on this property. Lianne2802 and her partner put in an offer that was accepted, it took several months before all was completed and they finally got the keys may 2015. Lianne2802 has just recently had a baby which was a very traumatic experience as she had an emergency c section and baby needed help to breathe and had seizure at birth and was admitted to special care baby unit and their baby is still under hospital care, this new family is still revovering from such a traumatic time and which is still on going with regards to their little girl and so does not need this added stress. They are not well off and not on high wages, dad is the only one working at mo due to mum being on maternity leave and he works his back side off to provide for them they have used any savings they have to buy all the items needed for their little one. So do not have a spare £1000 to be able pay this and especially not within the next 2 weeks as i understand they have been given to pay it by. I hope someone on here can give them the help needed or point them in the right direction as this is just more pressure that they do not need at this time.
  5. Hi and thanks for reply. Yes my son is old enough and does not need my help. I am dealing with this as he is at work and wants to know where he stands and is no good at writing up what he actually wants to say he is better in person. I know the events as i have stated are right as i stated earlier my partner is their manager and had to sit in on the disciplinary meeting for all 3 and the meetings was taped for them to be typed up and i have bern helping out with the typing up as the recpetionist is on holiday and i fill in when she is away. He is not querying the fact that he was given a final warning as he understands as per their contracts that either this or dismissal is given for private work being done during work hours. And the owner has now stated that he remembers sering the envelope and receptionist states that she also recalls seeing it. My son and the climber have not appealed as they are just happy that they still have jobs but the other guy that got sacked due to playing the bigger part in the insidance has appealed, and for some reason has stated that my son did not pay the money that was given to him back to the boss (when he has) but although the boss and receptionist recal seeing it (they now cant find it) so wondering how the sacked guy has come about stating this. My son wants to know that as this guy has appealed (and its the owners and my partner that chaired the meetings in the disciplinary so no one above them and they will deal with the appeal) will it just be this guy that will be dealt with and either decision upheld or changed or will all of them have to be dealt with again.
  6. Just to add sorry its so long just wanted to make sure i let you kniw everyting. Thanks
  7. Hi i am posting on behalf of my son. He faced a disciplinary hearing at work . Basicly what happened is my son works for a small tree surgery company and my partner (his step dad) is manager over the teams and my son is also my partners groundy. Whilst we was away on holiday my son was put with another climber and groundy (who i will call groundy 1). They was on a job when the other groundy 1 disappeared for a short while they assumed he had gone to get lunch, my son and the other climber continued to clear up at the job they was on then went and sat in the truck to wait for the other groundy 1. When he finally appeared he stated that there was another job to do round the corner. My son hadnt had his lunch yet so whilst the others made a start on the job he went off to get sone lunch. When my son returned he helped finish clear the job, which was only dragging a few bits from the rear gate to the truck. My son snd the climber went and sat in the truck and groundy 1 followed a short while after and dump £15 onto both their laps (which they assumed was a tip as this happens all the time - customers call one of the guys over if they are happy with the work and gives them a tip which they then share between the team). This was on a friday.... we returned home from holiday on the saturday and my partner returned to work on the monday. Everything was fine and my partner was hapoy that everything seemed to have run smoothly for once while he was away. Until on the tuesday the owner turned up and said to my partner we have a problem and then said no more after my partner said what is it? He then called in the groundy 1 and asked what he knew about a job at a certain address and he at furst said he didnt know what he was on about but then stated that it was a private job they had done (private jobs are not allowed during work time and a company card is meant to be given and this groundy had been there many years to know this). My son was not at work that day as he suffers with illnesses and anxiety problems sonetimes he cant even leave the house so he was at GP's that day. When he returned to work the next day the groundy 1 said we have a problem then told my son that the job they done was a private but my son and the other guy (the climber) did not know this until that point and thought that it was just another job for the company. My son asked to speak to the boss and so did the other climber and they both offered the money back that the groundy 1 had given to them and they stated that they didnt know that it wasnt a normal job for the company, the boss said he would take the money so my son put it in an envelope the next day and handed it in. They had a hearing and both my son and and the climber stated that they did not know up until that day that it was a private job, that the other groundy1 must have arranged it all while they was clearing the other job and they would not have done it if they had known. The groundy 1 basicly tried to take them all down with him and also spouted of that others do it in the firm and started naming names and trying to take ithers with him. It ended in my son and the climber getting a final written warning (even though they both have a clean slate up til that point he put them straight to a final warning) and the other groundy 1 getting dissmissal with 2 weeks notice due to tge fact that he had priced it, agreed it and pulked the others in without giving them the kniwledge of it being a private job and that he skready had black matks on his record. The groundy 1 said he was leaving that day and wasnt coming back but begore he left he went to the boss and asked for redundancey pay but the boss said your being sacked not made redundant. Yesterday ((a week later) groundy 1 turned up at the firm stating he wanted to apoeal and part of his apoeal is that my son did not pay his part of the money back. The boss called my son into his office today and asked if he had paid the money back and my son told him he had and that it was put into the receptionist drawer by my partner (this is where they keep petty cash) as the boss was not in that day. my son is now again depressed as he is worried that the boss could change his mind with regards to their outcome (such as taking the final warning away and sacking them also) he has young children and a partner to surport. They (my son and the climber) did not agree that they should have had a final warning in the first place as they did not know it was a private but accepted the decision as they like where they work and didnt want to rock the boat into losing their jobs. They are both wortied that by the groundy 1 putting in an appeal it will mean theirs will have to be looked into as well again. Can anyone advise on if the boss can do this or uf its just the person that has appealed that has his looked at.
  8. Hi I also have problem with LA fitness and ARC. I had been having trouble with my back and wrists, my GP said I had to stop using the gym and possibly may have to take lengthy time off work. I have to see a specialist and talk of having injections into my wrists to try stop the pain and weakness. I spoke to a member of staff at the gym I used about possibly putting my membership on hold for a while (at least until I found out what specialist said) the member of staff said it would be better for me to cancel my membership and re join if I was able to at a later date. He gave me a phone number to call that would deal with the cancellation. I called the number and spoke to a man , I explained to him the situation and also that the member of staff at the gym advised me to call that number to cancel my gym membership, he took my details and just before we finished the call he said he had now cancelled my membership and then told me that all I needed to do was cancel my direct debit with my bank and he went on to say reason to cancel it was that sometimes it takes a bit of time for the cancellation to process through to the payments department and funds may still be withdrawn, so by cancelling it he said I would not have to worry about trying to get the funds refunded. Then we ended the call and I didn't cancel it until a few days later as I had to give them a months notice and I waited until the payment for the month (in advance I must add) was taken then I cancelled the direct debit as instructed by the la fitness bloke. I had been with la fitness for just over a year and I did not even use any of the gym or it facilities for the last month I paid for, infact I didn't use the gym for at least a month or so prior to that even due to my back and wrists. I did not hear anything until approx a month or so ago when I received a phone call from arc stating I owed £467.50 to la fitness. I told them exactly the same as what I have put in this post (my partner had a moan at me and she said I should tell them I will not deal with them on the phone and to put anything they have to say in writing) I heard no more until yesterday and today (they have been calling my phone constantly) and I finally have received a letter stating they are disappointed to note that you have not cleared your balance following our prevoius letter. On the instructions of our client, we can now take steps to prepare a county court claim against you for recovery of the above debt. A court claim may be prepared ten days after the date of this letter, unless we receive either payment in full or a substantial payment and firm commitment to clear the remaining balance. You may want to seek independant legal advice from a solicitor, debt counsellor, the citizens advice bureau or similar on this matter. Then it goes on about court fees and interest, etc. I don't recal ever signing a contract and was never given any terms and conditions as my partner is very good and files everything. Can someone please advise on this.
  9. thanks everyone for your advise and i will send the letter of to provident, hopefully that will be the end of it or until they sell it on that is. I will keep you updated on anything i get back. thanks again.
  10. Thanks, I only stated that I did have goods of the catalogue but the last I remember being end 2002 begin 2003 and that my ex said he had paid the final payment as it was stuff he had me order for him, I remember giving him the payment voucher and the next time I saw him he said he had paid it. I have had no contact with him for years now, my children (who are now adults) have not had any contact with him for years either as he was violent, so can't even ask him to confirm it. The first I heard of this debt was wen BC got in touch in 2009. I admitted to ordering of the catalogue (as that was true) but not to the debt and owing money. They never ever sent me the breakdowns I asked for or a list of all items I had ordered and all payments made and when the account was supposedly defaulted or non payment.
  11. Hi here is an update since my last post in 2009. Bryan carter acting on behalf of Phoenix recoveries filed a ccj in 2009, I applied to have this set aside and attended court in oct 2009 (no one from other party attended instead they sent in a letter to the court). The judge sent me away to file a statement, I had to send one to the court and one to the claimants solicitor, which I did. I also asked for details of what the money was owed for (I wanted a detailed breakdown and details of all my payments to the company and date of last payment/default -as I found out from the judge that it was for a catalogue account that I was sure had been fully paid and that I had not had anything from them since approx 2002/3.). End of October and just before it was due back in court Bryan carter sent me a letter stating notice of discontinuation (wholly). I thought that would be last of it until last night I had a debt collector knock at my home for this self same debt (collector is provident). Can anyone advise on what to do, I didn't say much to the collector only that I thought it had been dealt with and I needed to check paperwork. I hope to hear from anyone on how to deal with this. Just to add to this I am very ill, I have a tumor on my ovaries that is due to be operated on, b12 deficiency,fibromyalgia the latter causes me bad pain all the time and any stress makes the pain worse.
  12. I ordered some car polishes from autoperfection.com on 13th feb 2011 and i paid for standard delivery (which is royal mail first class recorded delivery takes between 1-3 days and requires a signature - this is according to there website), weeks went by and i noticed that my order was still pending and the money had not been taken from my debit card. After a couple of weeks i telephoned them on the number on their site (landline number) but got an answer machine so left a message, i also emailed them several times and used the "ask us a question" bit on their site, asking if they could contact me to let me know what is going on with my order. But heard nothing at all. Then i found 2 mobile phone numbers on thier site and called one of them - i spoke to a man who appoligised for the delay in dealing with orders but they had been abroad and decided to get married and extended their holiday and know they was back they had a back log of orders and emails to answer. This man also said that he would deal with my order immediately and i would deffinately receive it by the end of the week or beggining of the following week at the latest. So i waited another week but still no order arrived and now the money has been taking for this order from my debit card. I called this man again and he again appoligized and said the order is in transit and being dealt with and i should receive it in next few days. Again still no order has arrive and they are still not answering to any of my communications (emails or calls) and the mobile numbers i had used before to get hold of them are now switched of. Can anyone advise on what i can do with regards to this and geting my money back.
  13. Im with sky and using windows mail (i think used to be outlook express).
  14. i do understand where u are coming from and yes pups welfare is and will always be put first and there is no way i would part with her no matter what. As for flyball or agility im sorry but i have bought a bullmastiff and they are heavy, bulky cumbersome dogs that do not do well in them kinds of activities at all. She may never be up to the standard for showing anyway but that is not my point here. Yes i looked around for a pup that i could possibley show (as its somthing i have been interested in for years but never done with any of my previous dogs - and my little girl is very much into going to dogs shows and wanting to do it). I have worked closely with the RSPCA rehoming dogs and also helping abused and ill tret dogs to adjust to a family life (having them in my own home and re-abilitating them) and some i have not been able to part with and ended up keeping myself. I have also had many a mongrel and pedigree dog. And yes i do agree totally that to many people i trying to profit out of breeding any kind of animal. But this was and is not my intentions i want to do it (if i ever did do it) to have one of my dogs pups and for the love of the breed and again i stress if i did breed from her it would be after she has had all health checks and i would not breed her if she had any hereditary problems or anything else. I feel that i asked this breeder all the right questions and like many a breeder i know that they do not always have the paperwork back from the kennel club by the time pups are ready to go and they normally do send them on. But i feel if when u do get done over like this if you dont make a stand against these breeders then they will keep on doing this to other people and i bought a pup with paperwork as advertised be it no matter what price i paid for her, that was what he was advertising and he lowered the price as he had sold all the others and she was last left and obviously getting older so would have been harder to sell the older she got. If u went a bought a washing machine with warranty and was told it would be sent onto u then u found out there was no warranty at all i think u would be annoyed and want to do somthing about it.
  15. In reply to your statement. I wanted to show this puppy and if and only if she was in good health and after having all relevant vet checks i would consider breeding from her and again only also if she did well in the show ring, mainly so i could keep one of her pups and possibly show on. I am not a breeder and would not breed from any dog the RSPCA so please before u start to attack somone next time make sure u have full facts first.
  16. Can anyone please give me sum advise on what i can do with regards to this. I bought a bullmastiff pup on 27th December 2010. She was advertised as kc registered, micro - chipped, ect. when i first contacted the breeder via text message asking about this pup, he sent me a text confirming she was kc registered and that he was awaiting the paperwork from kennel club, he also sent me this in an email when he sent me photos of the pup stating exactly the same and that again he would forward the paperwork onto me. When i went to get pup again i confirmed with him that she was kc registered and he said he had filled the paperwork out on the kennel clubs online website and that as soon as he received them he would forward them onto me. He also said she was micro chipped and gave me the micro chip form to fill out into my name and address, then he said he had to take one part of the micro chip form to his vet and the other part he would send of to the micro chip company and that they would send me out paperwork in my name. I have not received this paperwork (any of them) and i have tried to call, text and email the breeder and he is not getting back to me. When i call it goes straight to his voicemail. He was originally first selling the pups for £800 (their was 4 boys and 1 girl pup in the litter), he was left with the girl pup and lowered the price just to get her homed he put her up in the end for £450 or near offer. I offered him £400 for her and at the same time checked to make sure that this price would still include all her paperwork, which he said it deffinately was including all her kc and mirco chip paperwork. I asked him for mums kc registered name and registered number and also dads - so if need be i could confirm things with the kennel club, which he sent to me mums details via text message. But stated he did not have dads to hand as they used a stud dog, he only gave me dads registered name. As i was not getting anywhere with him i decided to try and track dads owner down, which i did. The lady that owns dad only allowed them to use her stud dogs as a favour to her friend (who is a friend of pups mums owner). She said she handed over dads details so pups could be registered and it was on the understanding that they was going to be registered. She said she would get back to her friend and find out what was going on. Her friend said to her that the owner of mum has deffinately registered pups and was still awaiting paperwork from the kennel club. I also found out from this lady that the registered number that the person i bought pup of had given to me for mum was not mums number but infact dads registered number. Which she was not happy about. I have since contacted the kennel club asking if they could let me know if pups had been registered and i gave them all the details i had. They have come back to me today and stated that no pups have been registered to either of mum or dad on any of their records at all. They confirmed that the person i bought pup of owns the mum of my pup. Can anyone advise on what i can or should do about this. I no longer have the texts or emails he sent to me as i clear them on a regular basis and didnt even cross my mind that this was going to happen and that i may need them. But when i last emailed him asking for the paperwork i did say in my email that i still had the text and email where he stated that he would send pups papers to me, even though i hadnt still got them but he doesnt know that. I await any help that anyone can give. I just feel sorry for the people who paid £800 for the first pups as they wont get paperwork either. I wanted to have a go at showing her and possibly breede her and he knew this, as i also asked if he had put any endorsements on paper with regards to breeding, but i cant do either without papers.
  17. Merlin entertainment group have conviscated my annual pass as i gave my daughter (whom has her own pass - and i keep both mine, my partners and my daughters together in my purse) my pass by mistake. She did not check it herself as she just naturally assumed it was hers and it was not until she put it into the turnstile machine and the gate would not open that staff came over and took the pass to try to get it to work in the machine and then noticed it was not her pass (and it wasnt until that point that my daughter realised it was not in deed her pass but my pass instead). She tried to explain that she has a pass and that i had obviously given her the wrong one but they would not listen and kept calling her a liar (even when she asked them to check on their system to see that she did have a pass herself), they was very rude to my daughter and she had my 4 year old daughter with her and a friend - they took my pass of her and would not allow her entry (i understand that they have to be vigilant on misuse of passes but they could have easily checked up on this and had no need to be rude and insulting - my daughter said they made her feel like a terrorist and my other little girl was very scared by all this) My daughter phoned me to explain what had happened - i tried to phone chessington world of adventures but got an automated machine - i then called my daughter and told her to come home. I then changed my mind and thought i would go to chessington to talk to them about this with the view to them seeing it being a genuine mistake and giving me my pass back. I tried to get hold of my daughter to tell her to remain their and that i was on my way but she was not answering her phone so i knew she was driving as she will not answer her mobile while driving. When i got to chessington i spoke to a male member of staff and showed him that i had my daughters pass and that i wanted my pass back due to it being a mistake that she had my pass - i was told that i had to return with my daughter, with her pass so i could get mine back on this occassion they would give us the benefit of doubt. I said i would not be able to get back until the weekend and i was told this would be ok - the man took my daughters pass of me to check it and said to me that her card had not been used that day (which i already knew anyway). When i got home my 18 year old was quiet shaken by the way she had been treated and my 4 year old was in tears and also very shaken. I managed to get another number for chessington and gave them a call stating that i was not happy with the way they was treated. The lady i spoke to said she would put a formal complaint into management as she even stated that they should not have been treated in that way. Thats when it all changed - they are now stating that my daughter had her pass with her and that she was trying to get a friend in on my pass and that the staff in question have done statements stating that none of the party was upset in anyway and left happy and that my daughter was not treated in the manner that she is stating. I have spoken to someone at merlin and at first he stated that my daughter had her pass with her (so the staff that took my pass have said) yet when i said to him that i came over with her pass and the man i spoke to said it hadnt been used at all and staff hadnt seen my daughters pass that day - he then changed his story and said that they could only assume it was my daughter that they spoke to that day (so if she did have her pass with her and if they had of seen it as they are now stating then they would know if it was my daughter or not as the pass has her picture on it. Then he said that they wanted to see my daughters pass along with my daughter and also her friends pass (that was with her)and her friend and myself to gain my pass back. They was adimant that my daughters friend had an annual pass at first then i stated that my daughters friend had purchased a ticket for that day, they then said they wanted to see that ticket then (as by this time they admitted that they was not sure if the friend had a merlin pass or a ticket - staff did check her ticket that day and gave it back to her as it was valid and the man i spoke to said that what ever she had was valid as they gave it back to the friend and would have taken it if it was not a valid pass or ticket). My daughters friend continued into the park that day (as they had friends already inside the park waiting for them) and so her friend used the ticket and had no reason to keep it once the day was over - if i had been told this on the day i would have got my daughter to call her to ask her to keep her ticket but i was not told this until several days later. They are now saying they would accept a ticket for that day from any member of the party, including the friends that was already in the park waiting for them and the 2 friends that enterted the park with my daughters mate (My daughter returned home leaving her friend their to go in with 2 other friends that was on their way) - which i have stated to them that they are saying that we have commited misuse and fraud of using the pass yet they want me now to use someone elses ticket that was not for my daughter or her friend - isnt this double standards. It seems that merlin (this multi million pound company) does not allow for genuine mistakes and just keep spouting of their terms and conditions. But i have read the terms and conditions and this is part of the email that i sent to merlin: "your website terms and conditions states under clause 15. That: v the cards are non-transferable,cannot be sold, loaned or given away or used by a third party (which as stated to you my daughter has her own card so why would she want to try to gain access with mine unless as stated it was a genuine mistake). v so the card had not been sold or transferred to anyone, loaned or given away or used by a third party (other than by mistake) v it also states access may be denied to any or all attractions in the event of fraud or misuse of the annual pass (again fraud and misuse is not in question here as my daughter has her own pass and again I must stress GENUINE MISTAKE) v also it states that the annual pass may be withdrawn from any person whose conduct is deemed inappropriate which includes, allowing or assisting a third party to attempt to gain unauthorized or improper access to any attraction (again GENUINE MISTAKE as I stated to you I had left the wrong card out for my daughter and this was only noticed by her when she was approached by your staff in fact my daughter still hadn't noticed it until your staff pointed it out to her) so on this part I had not knowingly given her the card to gain access and I did not assist her in gaining access v so if as I am stating my daughter has her own annual pass and I left her my one by mistake and she attempted to use it without even realizing it was not in fact her Merlin pass then this is not classed as fraud, or being sold or transferred on or loaned or given away or assisting her to use it or even allowing her to use it but a mistake which everyone and anyone can make." Not sure if this site can help at all or guide me on where to go to get help with this matter as i have paid £150 for a card i cannot now use or have. This happend the end of July and i have not been able to take my daughter to any of the attractions since. Although i was going to take her today but i had to wait in for workmen so my daughter has taken her to chessington but when my daughter said to her about goin my 4 year old got started to very upset saying she was scared they would be horrible again and not let them in, she got so stressed that she was actually physicaly sick, it wasnt until my eldest son turned up and said he was going aswell that she felt a bit better. This has obviously had a lasting effect on my little girl.
  18. thanks buzzman, but how do i demand compensation of direct and incidental losses...???
  19. oh right - a good result then - although am i right to expect it will be passed on again at some point. Thanks for all your help.
  20. here is an update after i sent fredrickson the letter you advised to send. Received a letter from fredrickson stating: "We refer to your recent communication. Please note that we are no longer instructed in connection with this matter and have returned the account to our client." What does this mean? And what should i expect to happen next?
  21. we only had a PPI on the loan he has now as this is the only one that he went to the bank on his own and took out (i normally go with him and refuse PPI) but i got him to cancel it within the 14 days allowed so we have never paid anything on PPI.
  22. dx100uk thanks for your advise. I wrote to LTSB and asked them if they would consider removing the charges, stating that my partner had been a loyal customer and had never been in any arrears with his account over the 12 years or so that he has been with them, i said that he has always been in credit prior to this and that over the years he has had several loans with them and always paid them of with no problems (in fact he has normally paid extra and cleared the loans early), he also has savings accounts with them and has their credit card and car and household insurance. I also stated that my partner had recommended a lot of family members and friends to LTSB and also added that my partner along with other members of the family would consider moving all their banking, credit cards and insurance items to another bank if we didnt get a satisfactory outcome. A letter was received today from LTSB stating that on this occassion they would remove the charges seeing that he had been a very good customer with no account problems in the past. RESULT - just prooves if you push them a little they will and can remove the charges.
  23. thanks a lot for your help, am doing letter and sending it today.
  24. thanks buzzman, i does deffinately state on the document that they have sent that balance is 0.00, its not just me looking at it wrong is it!!! Do you think your letter above will do the trick and should i also put in the letter that this account is and has always been in dispute with O2. i look forward to a reply.
  25. hi can anyone give me some advise on this. My partner has a direct debit come out on the 1st of every month for a loan from LTSB. I normally deal with his accounts and make sure money is always available in his account for all his direct debits and standing orders, and i normally transer money from his online savings account (again with LTSB) should there not be enough money in the account to cover any outgoing payments - but due to the bank holiday and the fact that i was ill in bed i did not get to do this on time but i got transfered over to his account before 8.15am on the next day (2nd June so before the start of the banking day) and it showed on his balance immediately. The account only went over by £52 and he has held accounts with LTSB since 1998 and has always had his wages paid into this account and has never ever (until now) been late with any payments, never had less money in the account than whats going out and never had any overdraft of any sort (authorised or unauthorised - until now). He has had several loans with them over the years and has never had any problems paying them - infact he has always paid them of early and normally pays extra top ups to get them cleared. He has a LTSB Platinum visa credit card and is never late with any payments on this either. Yet he received a letter today stating that they are firstly charging him £15.00 for the unplanned overdraft plus £15.00 daily fee. and this was calculated by the amount of his unplanned overdraft at the end of the 1st June 2010. so they are going to sting him for £30.00. Can anyone advise if they can do this and if they can, i there anyway i can make them pay at least some of it back.
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