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  1. Hi there I hope you can help. I've recently moved from a private rented property and managed to keep on top of all bills bar my eon gas bill which was high due to the cold winter we had. It's for £400. I've informed eon that I've moved and that I will pay it when I get my deposit back in a few weeks time. I've since had an agent put a final visit notice through my door stating a £30 charge and they will apply for disconnection???. Firstly I never recieved a first visit and I've informed them that I have moved so can they disconnect if I'm no longer living there i obviously don't want to hack my old landlord off or lose my deposit ???
  2. Hi yes that's the scheme I would of qualified for but the government have put a hold on it in the recent budget hence I'm a little stuck now !!
  3. Hi there I'm just wondering at what point you can file a court claim for not having your deposit held in a scheme ? My landlord has just done an inspection and has made noises about holding money back for things I consider wear and tear I.e a few small scuffs to magnolia Walls and two small stains on the carpet. I have been here over a year with a toddler and have only just found out about the scheme and am sure my deposit isn't held in one.
  4. Hi there I'm looking for a bit of advice. I've enrolled on a full time access to nursing course with my local college my problem is that we are a low income family and the learner support childcare grant available to families aged 20 or over has been put on hold by the government in the budget. I'm personally really annoyed as they havnt put it on hold for the under 20's and it seems like I am being punished for waiting to have a child. The learner support helpline are useless as is the college as thier discretionary funding has been stopped too. Does anybody know what's going on with this as I'm supposed to start in September and need to find some childcare funding or I may have to quit my course ???
  5. Hi if anyone could help with this it would be great. My granddad has been appointed executor for his brother in laws estate along with the brother in laws daughter. Thr daughter has now instructed a solicitor and sent him a letter asking him to relinquish his rights as an executor which he does not want to do. He has also not seen a copy of the will.. Can she force him to do this and how does he go about getting a copy of the will from the solicitor?? Also will he need his own solicitor to oversee the probate ?? Thanks
  6. Yes its a personal loan. Thanks for your response guys wish i had known this sooner i will now be looking for a new savings account
  7. Hello everyone i'm new here so i hope i havnt posted in the wrong place My Dilema is that i had to cancel one of my direct debits with Barclays for a loan as a customer of my partner who is self employed as a sparky did not pay up... i completely planned to pay later this month but went to withdraw some savings and it had gone !!! I then rang Barclays who said they had taken it for the loan to avoid us paying extra interest !!! Can they do this without asking ??? We now have literally no money to live on with a 18 month old little girl after having a hard time making ends meet because so many people are now paying thier invoices late i expect due to the credit crunch... can someone please point me in the right direction !!
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