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Everything posted by ladytg

  1. Thank you BRIGADIER2JCS I am waiting to hear from Lowell to see who the put default on. I am just waiting on experian to get back to me in regards to my credit report so once I have the information I'll take it from there once again thanks again BRIGADIER2JCS x
  2. Hi everyone, I really need some help well a couple of days ago I received a whole load of letters from Lowell Financial in regards to Dollar Financial whom are trading as The Money Shop. Around about 2010 I did have a loan with TMS. I was working at the time but became unemployed and I couldn't afford to repay them so came to an arrangement to pay obviously I got the usual threatograms in the post and then heard nothing off them until last month when they have said that the arrears balance was £0.00 this was from Castlebridge Credit Management Services (Inhouse debt collectors). I also emailed them as well to clarify this and they replied back saying I owe nothing (So from my assumption the debt had be written off). Well lo and behold Lowlife Financial have since been sold the debt on and have said that I owe them £305.00 they have also obtained a copy of my credit file from experian and have also slapped me with a default I haven't got any paperwork from TMS to say they were going to be issuing me with a default. My question is where do I go from here I have cca'd Lowell and also sent the letter template in regards to the default documentation, but can they legally chase me for a debt that has been written off? they also ring me on my mobile phone several times a day as well and harass me by letter saying if I dont solve the problem they'll be trying to obtain a CCJ. Could anybody help me please I would be most grateful thank you
  3. I don't think its fair its not the child's fault no offence
  4. Hi, I really need help I contacted Chantry Collections last night as I have an outstanding CCJ from Ablemarble & Bond (A stupid pay day loan I couldn't afford to pay and I really have learnt my lesson) anyway I got a CCJ off Chantry Collections (after reading several posts on here I believe they are a inhouse debt collecting agency). Anyways I willfully put my hands and state that I owe this money but after being with several so called (Fee charging debt management companies that have made my situation worse I haven't received anything from them. Well yesterday evening I contacted Chantry to advise I want to set up a payment plan to repay the outstanding debt. The reply is as follows: Thank you for your email regarding your outstanding balance with Albemarle and Bond Ltd ref XXXXXXX. Unfortunately due to the delay in arrangement proposals from yourself we have now proceeded for an attachment of earnings. You should receive documents from the court shortly advising you to complete a financial statement and to provide an offer of payment. Kind Regards, Kelly Graham Legal Department Unsecured Lending Division My question is how can they apply for attachment of earnings? when A) they haven't bothered to contact me for over a year and B) If I didn't bother to make any initial contact would I have known about this. I really am annoyed and want to take this further I can't believe a "Collections Department" has the cheek. Fair enough I accept the debt and I have learnt my lesson and I am willing to accept a payment proposal but why are they allowed to get away with this?. If anybody could help me I would highly appreciate it, so far I'd like to thank the guys and girls on here for the support I've had off this website it's been a great help. Regards Lady TG XXXXXX
  5. Hi sorry for the late reply elpulpo I have managed to reclaim the money back from my ex employer. ACAS (which is like a union for employment issues) really helped me out and I explained my situation and I told them that they didn't pay anyway last week I got a call to say that they are willing to settle my case and offer me my money. I should get a cheque within the next 14 days .
  6. Hi thanks for your help I am now with CCCS at a payment I can now afford I'm so happy thanks for your help
  7. Hi, I really need some advice, basically I have been messed around by 3 or 4 debt management companies. the last 1 that I had ive now complained to the ombudsman. I am currently with Kensignton Financial but I can't afford the monthly fee they are charging me. I told my case manager and all they do if im "in arrears" is send reminder text messages and letters to say that my payment hasn't been made. I have contaced CCCS and payplan to see if they can help. Has anbody else had any dealings with Kensington Financial? I really can't afford it anymore, I am being made redundant in May and the last thing I need is my debt situation to spiral out of control.
  8. Hi people's Basically I need some help and advice I worked for a printing company back in 2007 - I was 17 at the time young and desperate for a job and the money. To cut a long story short I felt like I was forced to leave because me and my boss lets say we didn't get on and because he had a bad experience with women he would take all his anger and frustration out on me. I worked up until the 1st May 2007 when I handed in my notice and said that I wasn't coming back (and at the time I had a new job and they were eager for me to start asap). The thing that's come to light is they didnt pay me from the time I had worked up until 1st May and holidays that I didn't take. Can I just ask am I allowed to reclaim back wages from a company that I haven't worked for nearly two years?. The P45 that they sent me had my official leaving date as the 8th May :S but I am so confused can anbody help me out. Thanks in advance Lady TG x
  9. Hiya, Sorry I've not applied to the post I've just had a lot going on. That email address someone has tried to contact me regarding the Orange issue, I need to contact them again today so I will let you know what has happened. Bubzy in terms of "have I used a blackberry before?" yes I have I quite like the phone and I find them relatively easy to use. Modern technology is not a problem with me after all I am a kid of the 80's
  10. Sorry this is over a couple of months I read that article in the times and it's terrible I am disgusted to know that the banks carry on like that. It's just good that I want to get out the sooner the better.
  11. This is what they put in the email on wednesday I've mangaged to retrieve them: Dear Miss *****,Customer Reference: ******Thank you for placing your order with Dial-a-Phone. We regret to inform you that your contract/Pre Pay order has been unsuccessful on this occasion; this may be due to one of the following reasons: 1) Your card company were unable to verify and authorise your details - My account is a current account therefore I would have a debit card that is linked to my account, I for one have learnt my lesson with credit cards. The last time I checked my bank I had a credit balance on :S2) If you are a pre pay customer, then you may have reached your maximum allowance - Incorrect I have never had a prepay contract with orange and quite frankly speaking I don't want one now if they offered me one. 3) Upon processing your order we require further details. We have attempted to contact you but unfortunately we have been unable to speak with you and your order has been cancelled. - Called twice that day so that is just a poor excuse lol We are unable to confirm the exact reasons for why your card issuer is unable to verify your details. We recommend that you contact your card company directly to obtain further information. If you have any questions relating to your order, please refer to our My Account Section on the website; this can be found on the top of the website or by copying the link listed below and pasting it into your Internet browser. [EDIT] Alternatively, please contact the Sales Support team on 08444 815 869 Yours sincerely Customer Service Team
  12. I hate talking to call centre agents there so rude, unprofessional and very very unhelpful. A lot of call centre staff seem to have very bad telephony manners lol. I'll just stick to writing to them. Thanks for your help Boswell. I may discontinue to use orange if this doesn't get sorted I shall keep you posted.
  13. No I paid them both off so I don't understand I've checked my CF and it shows that they have both been settled. It's stupid really they were saying at dialaphone that I have an outstanding balance with an orange mobile account in my name. Like I've previously stated I've never had a contract phone with orange, don't owe them any money i've always been on PAYG with them. it's sad really.
  14. I prefer Fitness First, I went to LA Fitness on Wednesday for there 3 free day pass, the sales team are really forceful. I personally wouldn't join LA Fitness. The equipment is outdated and the changing rooms are horrendous there is no privacy you only have 1 changing room that allows you to get dressed in private. And as for the Steam room, Sauna and Jacuzzi (it's not very considerate) unisex facilities. Don't get me wrong the only advantage LA Fitness have over fitness first is the jacuzzi, but other than that after reading these comments and actually going to there I'll stick to Fitness First
  15. Hi, I am just looking for some advice really, I really want a contract phone (well a blackberry as my friend keeps asking me to get 1), anyways I decided to try and get the Blackberry Curve 8900 on contract through orange. I kept recieving emails from dialaphone to state that my order has been delayed and they even left me two voicemail messages asking me to contact them. I called dialaphone on wednesday (i think the agents name was gemma very very harsh and abrupt and she stated that I need to get in contact with orange as there is some "further information" that I need to provide. I called orange on the mobile number she gave me and I spoke to I think it was somebody called John (indian call centre worker) he said he couldn't find my details and I need to get back in contact with dialaphone to obtain a "tempoary mobile number" - so I called back dialaphone again spoke to somebody else who said that the reason why there is a delay with my order is because orange are saying that there is a discrepancy with an outstanding balance thats why the order isn't going through. Can I just point out I have never been on pay monthly with orange I've only been on a contract twice with 2 different network providers each time I kept saying to the agent I don't have a pay monthly phone he was basically saying "you need to get in contact with orange blah blah" so he said just check your emails". I checked my emails and they basically declined my application but how can I owe orange money when I've never been on pay monthly with them, I have a pay as you go phone that I use quite frequently always top up and hardly ever use my reserve tank so how can there be a discrepancy. I really don't get it? I've emailed orange a formal complaint because I'm not happy. Could someone just tell me if this is right? Your help is kindly appreciative Lady T x
  16. Hi Sailor Sam I haven't had chance to speak to ACAS I really don't know what to do I'll just have to hope for the best. Thanks for all your help x
  17. I've worked there well over a year it's a financial organisation and there a load of rubbish, I've been told that I can only drop my hours and request to go back to full time. Not likely as my voluntary work placement is ongoing so I suppose the only thing I can do is drop the hours - get paid less and hope that this voluntary work gets me into the career that I want to get into.
  18. Hi I work for a organisation and I requested today that I wanted to reduce my hours to 34 hrs a week over 4 days. I got called into a meeting with my manager who turned round and said that the decision has been declined by her manager. The only option I have been given is to work 28hrs a week thats like 7hrs less than what I work now. The reason I need to work 4 days and have 1 day off is I have just got a voluntary position at a local voluntary organisation as I want to get a career as a Teaching Assistant This position is a step within the right direction. I don't understand how they've let several people work full time over 4 days but have flatly refused my request. Apparently they had the union back there decision so I don't know where else to turn to I would write a letter to the Union but 1 of the women I work with she's a senior union rep and does have a very big gob and I know she and several others including my manager like to ideal gossip so I don't really want to go round saying things and me being an easy target to the managers. Any help I would appreciate Thank you
  19. emma can I just ask the rude person who spoke to u at the money shop was his named called Dean as he might of been the same person I spoke to. I had numerous amount of calls from them at work which was very embarassing, they then cashed 4 cheques for £400.00 last month. I spoke to them and the woman said I cant have the money back as it was simply "what I owed them" not a nice set of people!
  20. Hi people I'm a bit stuck I took out an advance with Ablemarble & Bond and they tried to bank 6 cheques totalling £600.00 the cheques have bounced and they passed my details onto Chantry Collections. I told them about my personal circumstances and they have now passed my details onto Notts County Court. I'm currently on a DMP and I emailed my account manager yesterday but I haven't got a reply from her as of yet . I'm really scared and I really dont know what to do. any help or advice is much appreciated. Regards Lady TG x
  21. Please help, I've just looked on my RBS account online through online banking and I have noticed that they have charged me £228.00 in charges and a £70.00 guranteed card payment fee for a transaction that was made on the 20th May. I'm livid this has happened quite a few times now and I dont know what to do. Could somebody please help me
  22. Hi Rach I was with Wonga myself and I have now set up a payment plan with them which freezes all interest, they have suspended any interest currently owed and will start taking payments until my account is clear.
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