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Everything posted by mrgregm

  1. Hi all, wasn't sure whether to post a new thread or re-bump this old one but there has been a development.. . Although it has been several months. Things have taken me much longer than they should have due to various circumstances and they are not particularly quick at replying to things them selves anyway! I raised a dispute on Noddle and sent a letter to the debt collection agency (to which they only replied that they would look in to the matter, no other reply) the dispute took nearly 2 months but eventually it came back that they have instruction from Orange and an agreement from them and that the default was originally put on my file by Orange. Orange did originally mark my file but removed the mark when I complained to them that they had not paid any attention to me when I told them I wanted to cancel. Arrow are now saying that Orange originally marked the file so they are not wrong, I raised another dispute (with a different reason) which was closed by Noddle. I have spoken to Orange who put my in touch with their credit enquiries e-mail which after an initial response of "this isn't out problem we have sold the debt" are now not replying to any further e-mails that I send them. Arrow have the debt and the instruction from Orange and will not listen but this entire thing is because of a mistake Orange of made due to their incompetence at the outset who will now not listen because they have sold the debt and don't want to listen any more. I am stuck between two organisations who are both ignoring me. For a measly debt of £60, I have no other debts, never even a late payment, the amount is measly and I don't care about it but the default is bad for me. and because it was so long ago I do not have the original paperwork, that has gone somewhere during the 3 years gap where nothing happened. Someone told me that because I was not sent a notice of default (which I don't ever remember being sent) I could get rid of it on that grounds but I don't know if it will work or what else to do! Any help would be appreciated.
  2. Hi All, I from time to time check my credit report on Noddle (just in case) and a few days ago I noticed that my file has been marked by Arrow Global for an ancient debt that was thought resolved. About 3 years ago I cancelled an Orange broadband dongle which was always paid on time. Orange continued to charge for about 3 months despite the cancellation. After spending a long time on the phone to Orange, they admitted this was a mistake and would be cancelled. After this I received a letter from a collector and they marked my file. I wrote to the collector explaining what had happened with Orange and they never contacted me again and the mark disappeared from my credit file. Fast forward 3 years and a default for the same amount from a "Telecommunications Supplier" has appeared from nowhere on my file. I cannot remember the original collectors name but I don't know that it was Arrow, and being so long ago I cannot locate any of the original correspondence. Also I have not been written to by Orange or Arrow or anyone about this. What can I do about this? I have not contacted them yet as I am unsure what the best course of action is to take. Any help is appreciated. Screenshot of the mark: [ATTACH=CONFIG]51661[/ATTACH]
  3. Well this is the thing... I was paying money to the bill payer, if he didn't keep up with his payments then that is between them and him. I have checked on Noddle and they haven't actually managed to put anything on my file (they don't even have my full name). This is the thing, I probably could just ignore it, but there is always a chance they could get something on my credit file, also I don't want to change my phone number to make them go away and I don't want them hassling the person I know living in that address with doorstep visits. This is why I am dubious about giving them a postal address for them to write to me at - will this mean they can get something on my file? Also, the person still in the old address has told me there isn't any more post for me, I have been round to collect what was there and there was nothing from the DCA.
  4. I hope I have stuck this thread in the right place, I have had a little search for other threads and not sure if I am doing this in the right place so apologies if not! Basically, I once shared a house with two friends one of which was responsible for paying for the gas and electric through SSE. When my friends moved out I changed to British Gas (a mistake it's self - story for another day) and got changed over within about a day of them leaving. I told my ex-housemate to tell me how much my share was of the account with SSE and I would pay him. I never heard anything after that for a long time. However, a company called CRS are calling me and chasing me for a debt to SSE (at silly o'clock in the morning) and sending me texts saying I have not replied to their requests and that they are going to visit the property. I am still in contact with who lives in that house now, and they have not received any post for me. They only have my old address and an abbreviation of my first name which my housemate used to refer to me by, so it looks like he has given them my name and phone number, I never agreed to any liability with SSE and they shouldn't have passed on my details. I am going to write letters to both companies, I am going to look in the templates section. I have two questions really, is there anything else that I might need to consider here? ALSO - can I provide them an e-mail address to respond to instead of my postal address? I don't really want them to come round!
  5. I'm sure that I read something some time ago that if a company changes its service that affect you then you can cancel contracts with them without incurring charges. I have an £18/month phone contract with Virgin Mobile and I am about 7 - 8 months into it I think and they have for a long time let unused minutes and texts roll over and be added to next months balance. It would appear that this is no longer the case which is a pain as I use my phone varying amounts from month to month. As this changes the service and what I am getting quite a lot, can I cancel my contract without having to "buy it out" as they say? Thanks in advance, Greg.
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