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  1. Hi post sorry about the delay in answering due to work comitments. Yes i still have the car, it is off the road and loosing value every day. On the top of my agreement it says fixed sum loan agreement and at the bottom of page 2 it says hire purchase, does this mean i can sell the car as HP is not at the top of my agreement?
  2. Since last october i have had 3 default notices and 2 termination notices, and waiting on the third termination notice on the back of this latest default, all for the same car. Advice needed please!
  3. Hi Postggj just updating.............have had 2 termination notices and a default notice. Guys came to collect car and were told NO because of all the problems and 1 of the guys said he was having similar problems:eek: with them. Postggj help needed please. I will post up all paperwork when i finish work later.
  4. IMHO that is wrong as your deposit lowers the amount you wish to borrow, so it should be cash price less deposit then interest should be added or im losing the plot
  5. your deposit should be taken off before any interest is added :-i.e Cost of car £3000+15% interest with £500 deposit should be 3000-500+15%=2875 and not 3000+15%-500=2900. hope this helps
  6. Hi Postggj thanks for the swift reply I know you are busy. Im at work just now, I will google it when I finnish tonight thanks mate
  7. Got my statement for alleged H.P and at the beginning of the statement they have added on breakdown insurance at £299 and also added gaurdex into the price at £299 plus interest. They did a rewrite due to me not wanting insurances and the money i already paid (£316) as first installment was supposed to be refunded but instead they deducted it off new agreement after adding interest also no mention of my £200 cash deposit,£1000 trade in and £250 cashback for buying a car off thier premises and lastly it says at the top of the agreement it says credit agreement but its supposed to be an H.P agreement. Comments please
  8. Thanks postggj i know you are busy
  9. postggj have you had a chance to look at thi thread yet? I know you are a busy person
  10. postggj any chance of guiding me through this mess these parasites have got me into?
  11. Post could you have a look at this please and advise? Thanks
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