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  1. Thanks for confirming what I thought. My thinking was that its the previous owners responsability to notify the DVLA. Regardless of the fact that he sold the car he is witholding those facts from the dvla of his own accord. I have the green slip so do I send off for a V5 or do I let him pay for my parking fines.? I have an email from him confirming I am the new owner but do I need to be the registered keeper?
  2. I bought a vehicle in april but due to a difference of opinion with the previous owner they are refusing to send off the v5 to advise the dvla of the change of keeper. I have an email from the previous owner agreeing that they sold the vehicle to me but that they were withholding the V5 unless I make a further payment for the car. (Another issue in itself). Who would be liable for parking fines issued on a public road. I have recieved one but have done nothing believing that under the circumstances I would not be liable. Any advice welcome.
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