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  1. HI guys update time again. Received a letter from BW Legal again few days ago. Stating they have spoken with there client and decided to with draw the statutory demand and now proceed through the county court. I had the stat demand set aside back in 2013 so not sure what the mean by with drawing it. Also i think there pushing not to try and get a CCJ due to it becoming status barred in little under four months time, Any Thoughts Miky-J
  2. Hi i have finally got the credit agreement from them i have scanned a copy and will be attaching it here. ok to me apart from there is nothing about rights to cancel on there could some one whom knows more look and see if this is correct. Regards Miky-j I have just picked this letter today. They claiming they haven't received a letter for me to act on my behalf even though they have corresponded with me over the last few weeks. Its a little confusing as in this letter it states the agreement as signed in 1990 Regards Miky j
  3. i will send a cca request in the post in the morning. My Grandad had a loan with his MBNA credit card to buy a car but the interest rates were sky high. He was looking at loans with lower interest rates to pay the MBNA one off so it would work out cheaper in the long run. He Borrowed £7000 in the beginning. If it turns out she is 100% liable for this debt can they refuse an offer of £20 a month repayment. I know it sounds crude but my nan not got many years left in her. So i don't really want her worrying and stressing trying to scrimp by to pay these the money they're demanding. Thanks Miky-j
  4. Date taken out 15 September 2009 First Default August 2013 Last Payment Made November 2014
  5. The Bank of Scotland has sent a letter stating they require £ 80 per month or further action will be taken. Back in Sept 2009 my late Grandfather took out a loan but sneakily got my nan to sign it as well . Unfortunately he passed away in June 2013 we informed all his creditors of his passing and forwarded his death certificate to them but this one came back due her signature being on it. while trying to sort the finances out for my nan this got passed to westcot debt collectors. with out us knowing she was paying westcot £80 a month. but they kept sending her letters asking for a higher payment. i happened to find one of these letters and questioned my nan about this payment. An she said she was scared as they said if she didn't pay they would take here to court so she agreed to the £80 a month with waistcoat. So upon finding these letters i contacted westcot and opened a can of whoopass on them to which they quickly backed down. i forwarded them a copy of the death certificate o which they wrote back to me saying they wanted no further involvement in this debt and was passing it back to the creditor. So now Bank of Scotland are now pressuring her to pay the £80 a month again
  6. Hi I've now had the information come back and unfortunately this is showing on my Nans credit file. Also we have had a letter from the demanding £80 pounds a month from her
  7. Yes my Nan had a catalogue with K&co and its the parent company HSPF (Home Shopping Personal Finance) whom the loan was with.
  8. From the information i have managed to gather. The loan as through her catalogue in my Grandad name but due to it being her catalogue she had to counter sign it. I will look in to the credit file to see if it is listed on there.
  9. Hi All Im hoping you can give me some valuable information as you guys did before. My Grandad took out a loan and sneakily got my nan to counter sign the application. Unfortunately my Grandad has passed away now due to him getting my nan to counter sign, They are now chasing her for the debt. To which she was extremely surprised about as he never discussed the loan with any one. West croft did take up the chasing of the loan but i managed to sent them packing. As they were not aware my Grandad had passed away, once id informed them of that they wrote to me apologising and said the would take no further action. Thus passing it back to the bank of Scotland. I know she should have asked what she was signing at the time but now there hounding a frail 84 year old for £5179.44. It is now making her ill with worry and stress. Ive got a letter of authority from my nan so i can step in and deal with this on her behalf to try to relive some of the stress there causing here. Any advice would be appreciated Miky J
  10. Just a quick update as been off the net for some time after sending a letter to the solicitors regarding the SD they pass the account back and I've not heard anything since
  11. Just a quick update. BW sent me a letter saying i was to provide them wit documentation of the account being in dispute and that they had contacted the courts to see if i had made an application to have this set aside. Also they claim that i have not made any application. But*i have taken the papers personally, I am not surprised that they threatened me wit a bankruptcy petition if i did not provide them with the documentation the required with in 14 days. back in april and i have heard nothing else from them when i responded again by saying the account was in dispute
  12. Hi i have spoken with the courts today my self and they say they have not yet received it and advised me that i should resend it with a note attached with reference to the phone call i had with them. i find it weird how the loan was secured against my property but welcome seem to have lifted the bond to my property. i also find it very weird how not once has my wife been mentioned in amy of the correspondence from bw legal. when it was a joint application for the loan i have quoted the section 3.7 of the oft guide lines part f but they seem to be ignoring me. but i have not mentioned any of this information to them as i may be ale to use it against them
  13. hii i sent my application to have this set aside on the 26th april. today i have received a letter from BW Legal saying they have contacted the courts and i have made no such application. Also they claim that there client has no pending dispute on file. they state that if in 7 days i donot make satisfactory offer to pay they will contact the courts to petition of bankruptcy Thanks Miky-j
  14. I've got the 6.4 and the 6.5. Form. Not to sure on what to put on the 6.5 one. Am going to take them to the court tomorrow
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