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tottenham linda

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Everything posted by tottenham linda

  1. Your the first person apart from me who I have heard of who has been given a temporary license.
  2. Unreal, just goes to prove that the medical doesn't prove who are heavy drinkers and who aren't. I stayed clean for 2 1/2 months and still only got a 3 year license back.
  3. Probably all being done again lol. I got my results I passed on all except my gamma which was 99 so thats why I got a temporary license for 3 years. This medical thread has certainly had a lot of interest in it!!
  4. I'm gona ask for a copy of my results but I fink my gamma was about 90 which is quite ova and if one of your results is quite ova then they can demand another medical. I've read that off their dvla website. I fink they have to pay for the medical they did for my last one anyway. I will wait to see what my results were but I reckon thats what the problem is. Oh well in 3 years time I will have to do like you did and give it up for 4 months not 2 months like I did this time and that should bring my results down better.
  5. "The DVLA are entitled to ask you to submit to medicals under the High Risk Offender scheme. If they feel that you are a risk they can require you to submit to medicals. You would only be able to appeal if the DVLA refused to give you your licence. If this happened you would have an automatic right of appeal to the Magistrates' Court local to you. We are able to deal with such a scenario for a fixed fee if you ever find yourself in such a position." That is a quote I got from a solicitor so I can' appeal as I haven't been refused. Wot a load of bxllxxxx.
  6. Hiya boys got some good news and bad news. Good news first got my licence back. Now the bad news got it back only for 3 years. I can't believe it first they give it back to me for a year and now for 3 years. I only no this cos I rang them but I'm gona ask for a copy of my results and a copy of the protocal they follow which allows them to do this. This seems to only be happening to me!!!! So I will be in this situation again in 3 years time - its madness. I've already completed my ban and paid for my failure to provide but I'm still being punished.
  7. I have been driving for a year as dvla only gave me my licence back for one year and when i got my insurance i went with aa insurance also known as mymotorquote.com. They were recommended to me by my driver rehabilitation course and was the cheapest I found. My insurance last year was a little over 300 quid on an 8 year old car. They took my full no claims into consideration which helped to bring it down even though I had a conviction. I renewed it again in April as this was when my insurance ran out and I'm still driving awaiting dvla decision on my medical again and now it is under 300. I'm still allowed to drive while dvla review my last medical. Hope that all makes sense.
  8. Thanks guys I know how difficult it can be to get through to DVLA with all their messaging and stuff. I feel optimistic that I should get my licence back but you never know what rule DVLA could come up with!!!
  9. Rang DVLA today they aint looked at my results yet. Told me i should ring the end of next week if I aint heard by then. Said they have a 3 week backlog.
  10. My last binge was before easter which was quite a heavy weekend but before that was xmas. So I was off the booze for nearly 2 months before my medical. Finger crossed then. I hope they don't renew it just for another year. No one I spoke to has even heard of that ruling. Fingers crossed.
  11. I got my blood done by my own doc just before I went to the dvla doc and my gamma was 93 and my alt 25. Gamma a bit high but alt ok. Hopefully I will be as lucky as you lot.
  12. Jay and Brum do you know what your results were that you passed on?
  13. Overrover - When I failed they sent me the results showing why I failed but when I passed for the annual licence they didn't send me the results only when I asked them for them.
  14. You been watching too much Shameless Paul. I wasn't wot I would consider a heavy drinker just a binge drinker at most weekends. I had no idea it was that high no health complaints or anyfin. I rang DVLA today they said my medical is back from my doc and is with their team at the moment but I should hear very soon as my application has been going through since Jan. As I said my results are better than they were when they gave me back my license for a year so I should get it back even if for just a year but you never know with DVLA. God knows wot rules they could come up with now.
  15. When you get your licenses back get a quote from Mymotorquote.com they also trade as AA insurance. I got their details from my dvla driving course that I had to do to reduce my sentence. They charged me fully comp less than 300 quid and were defo the cheapest quote I got on an 8 year old car. They took my full no claims bonus into account even thou I had lost my license. Take care
  16. DVLA only renewed my license for a year and then I had to go for another medical which they paid for. When I failed my gamma was 300. Massive.
  17. Hiya boys had my medical last thursday. 'When i had a medical done a year ago after failure to provide dvla medical failed me but i had a med done by my own gp on the same day and his results would have passed me. however dvla renewed my license for a year on an annual basis (i didnt know they could do this). I got their medical by their doc and my own doc on the same day last week just in case their is any descripancies again. My gamma was 90 and and my alt 25. So that is a pass fingers crossed.
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