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  1. hi all, im new to this forum, i took out a loan with mobile money back in july for £1500, no 10 months later, iv had to take out another £1000, just to stop them taking my car confusing i know but they tell you that you have to pay a final payment on your 6th month with them mine was amzing at £1750, more than the loan its self so i have to take out a further loan and then another, im coming to the end of my teather now and need to do some thing about it, i approached the cab and they couldnt do any thing and im in the process of dealing with fos, i owe them £2767 (roughly) and cannot raise the cash, i took out all together £2500 and have paid £3000 over 10 months, £250 interest will be added to every payment i make to them (monthly) interest. does any one have any advice on what i can to to try and get out of this agreement? thanks for reading this.
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