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concernedmotherin law

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Everything posted by concernedmotherin law

  1. A clean credit file is maybe going to be important if he and my daughter decide to get their own place. It is not his fault that this mess occured I'm so angry with her . What will they do if he does not answer?
  2. Thank you for replying so quickly. So what should I do now? In the letter they have asked questions that they want answered.....confused
  3. It is going to be extremely difficult to report the fraud now after the past correspondence with them Also paying a debt of almost £900 for £200 seems really wrong to me. What a heap of p** he is in
  4. Well, I recieved this reply from them last Wednesday. I have not had the chance to post it here before today as other family events have taken over......It never rains but it pours It seems as though there is no way out of this as they seem to have covered their backs re the Credit Agreement. What the hell should I do now??? So unhappy and it is causing big arguements between my daughter and her boyfriend. Copy of letter attached.....Help!!
  5. My daughter took them to the Post office and was told that both the Postcodes on the non P.O box addresses were 'Invalid' !!! She sent them Recorded delivery anyway. Any thoughts?
  6. Maybe I will send a copy to all three! Just to make sure they get it this time.
  7. So, should I resend 'cerberusalert's' letter to the new address you have given me?
  8. I want to firstly thank all of you for your help. Nothing has happened until today when he received another letter from Reliable. (copy attached). I checked with the Post Office Track and Trace and the letter I sent them has been returned Is this because I sent it to a P.O Box? I don't have any other address for them. What the hell do I do now? He hasn't had a copy of his credit report back yet and I am dreading that this may not be the only debt. Should I now get him to write to Reliable saying he has no knowledge of this debt and let them sort it out? Or do I continue to go along the lines that there is no 'True agreement'...extremely confused and angry
  9. I know this and believe me if it were down to me I would report it but......I can't. I have sent a letter to them and asked for his credit report, so now it is just a matter of waiting to see what happens.
  10. I had every intention of sending the letter today but something keeps nagging at me that she is in the wrong and the easiest way around all this is for her to admit what she has done, get in transferred into her name and hopefully his credit record will not be affected. If the decision was mine this is the course of action I would take. Unfortunately he is adament that he does not want me to 'get her into trouble'. I don't think he fully understands that this could seriously affect him. What a complete mess! I will attempt to have another go at sending it tomorrow
  11. How do I go about starting proceedings for a CCJ?
  12. Surely it is better to get a CCJ against him rather than do nothing? I understand what you are saying though and part of me just can't 'let this lie'.
  13. Thank you for that. I will get this letter sent today RD
  14. I didn't sleep well last night worrying about this. I have sent off for his credit report from Experian today. Would really apprieciate some advice on what to do.
  15. I have searched both of those, no luck When I got his address and phone number last time it was through a friend of a friend and I didn't move quickly enough before he moved. Also, I'm not sure if I have enough to prove he owes it to me. I have a copy of the bank statement I paid the cheque to him from. I have a witness at the bank that I could call on to state that he set up a company account with the bank that my cheque was paid into. He wanted me to be a partner and we would put half of 15k in each. I said I would be a sleeping partner and not be involved in the finances. He borrowed the money in Oct/Nov and told me he would pay me back in January, but he did the 'moonlight flit' But that's about it. Maybe I should just give up on the idea that I can get it back. It's just that I could do with it right now
  16. Regarding MacKenzie Hall, a year ago I was sent a demand for a debt that I didn't in the end even have. They sent me a demand for £352. When I called them to find out what the debt was for they couldn't/wouldn't tell me. They just kept repeating that I must 'admit' this debt before they could pass on this information. Not knowing what to do I threatened them with calling the Police. They then told me that it was Littlewoods that I had owed the money too. I have only ever had one catalogue in my life and it was Freemans and I stopped using them, all paid up and account closed, years ago when I cottoned on just how expense they were. I phoned Littlewoods, who told me I had never had an account with them and I ended up calling the Police, giving them all the information about McKenzie Hall. I got a crime reference number and called McKenzie Hall to inform them of this fact. I never heard from them again. This is a case where I didn't owe money and a Debt collector was trying to falsely collect from me. My concern is that someone who isn't prepared to look into what they can do in this situation, might just pay them because of their letters.
  17. Surely you can't 'forget' a debt of 12k, you must have some idea what it was for.
  18. I have been thinking about taking that action for a long long time but I don't know where he is to send the documents too. Last I heard he was living in Brighton, I managed to track him down about a year ago, I had his address and phone number, then he moved and I have no idea where he is now. Too be honest, when I get to thinking about what he has done, I totally trusted him, it makes me feel so sick and I have had many a sleepless night over this. I have just found this site when I was trying to sort out something for my daughters boyfriend so I thought I would find out if anyone could help me on this problem too.
  19. Just over 3 years ago I lent a 'friend' £7500 to start a Recording Studio. I have not recieved a penny back from him and have not heard from him for over 2 years. He closed the Studio, sold all the equipment he had brought for it and did a disapperaing act. This chews at me and I would really like some advice on if there is anything I can do about it. If not, I will have to learn to forget about it and put it behind me. If I can do something then I would fight to get my money back.
  20. Thank you all so much for replying. In answer to some of the questions :- I haven't got a copy of the request she sent them. She handwrote it and didn't copy it. I asked her for any previous correspondence she had had from them and she has destroyed everything The CCA she recieved back from them is above back and front. The letter from Reliable, the one where he found out the debt exsisted is above too. The Fashion World correspondence is also above. It is my understanding that this debt was taken out mid 2006 I agree that it is very wrong what she has done. I'm in a real 'tizz' over it all. I just want to make sure he is protected, naive I'm sure I apologize for the size of the last post, I didn't know of any other way to attach these documents
  21. This is going to be a large post i'm afraid. This is all the paperwork i have-
  22. Help!! I have read everyone of these posts and still don't know what to do. My daughter's boyfriend came to talk to me the other evening regarding a debt that his mother had taken out in 'his name' and had since failed to keep up the payments, it had been passed to Reliable Collections. He was unaware of this debt until a couple of days ago and after him having a number of sleepless night, we have been trying to work out what to do next. At first I though it would be quite straightforward, after reading these forums.... not so. The major problem is, his mother handwrote a letter to Reliable a couple of weeks ago, requesting a copy of the CCA and disputing charges they had made on the account. This letter she wrote in HIS name! They sent back a letter with the 'True Copy' of the agreement...their words...., not signed by anyone and also today a letter from Fashion World arrived, who I have since found out who the original debt was with, justifying all the charges they have made to the account. What was a £200 catalogue bill had run to £897. I went to speak to her to see how she had got into this mess and she told me and my 'son in law' that she had forged his signature to get credit as she couldnt get it in her own name. She realised now that because she hasn't kept up with the payments then his credit file is going to be affected. I really don't know what to do. If it were me|I would consider it fraud and I would watch my own back and inform on her. He however, doesn't want to get his Mum into trouble. I keep telling him how it will affect him and my daughter and I am at the end of the day trying to protect her. Any advice would be much apprieciated
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