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  1. Something has just struck me.. That new foreman didn't last 5mins after I went on the sick. Maybe they got rid of him..in fear of me building a case against them... If I had a case at all......hmm
  2. Thanks again for the reply. Social Anxiety, stress, depression. My sicknotes are entitled 'Anxiety state-ongoing'. They caused it without a doubt...very, very difficult to prove, though. I would rather not go down this route..if it can be avoided. As of yet..I don't think my GP has put me into a certain 'group'. I've just completed the 'Beating the Blues' corse...and now I've just started on anti-depressants..to try to control my anxiety. You speak with me for 5mins..you know there is something wrong. At the time they declined my redundancy request. They said they would/could not make me redundant..as my position was not being made redundant. Yet, they moved me from the paintshop to the machine shop indefinitely. They then employed a new paintshop foreman..and the old foreman moved into my position. I've since heard that the new foreman didn't work out..and he has since been finshed by them. They're now down to two in the paintshop..the original foreman (i assume he has went back to his role)..and one painter (trained by me) he has been employed for around 1.5yrs..both my ex workmates...three of us originally. All of my other workmates regarded me as the best painter (including the foreman..he agreed also)..and the job was 'easy' to me. Anyways..conditions were poor. Extractor fans did not pull the air properly. I had to wait ages for new filters for my air fed mask (up to 2months on some occassions)..this meant having to put up with a visor full of paint fumes/powder coating..deadly Etch Primer included. They have a huge oven sitting bang in the middle of the floor. No procedjure was ever in place to keep the doors closed until the fumes had cleared inside. Poor extraction fitted (way to small)..meant the fumes used to fill the paintshop several times per day. Also, it used to give of this horrible gasy fumy smell..when stoving was in progress. Not all the time with this type of smell..I admit. But when I did smell it..used to give me headaches and make me feel sick. Nobody else spoke up though..in fear of losing there job....cowards! (including the foreman). The final straw for me was..when they refused to let us keep the doors open. I lost patience and had an argument with my main boss in the paintshop. Stating that with him telling us to keep all doors closed..he had created a 'death trap'..an 'airless fume filled box'..I described it to him. Very little movement in the air..as the fans did not extract properly..plus the booths were not big enough for some jobs. Etch primer and oven fumes in the air were always my main concern. I was always worried that I was breathing them day in day out..and it was going to cause long term damage to my health. Now, at the time I was a smoker..happy to say I've been off them now for 21 days..and still going strong. Recently rushed to hospital with stomach issues..and decided to call it a day with the nasty habit. Anyways..they used to hold this against me. Stating that I smoked..and they never took my complaints seriously. Smoker or non smoker..they had no right to dismiss my claims on these grounds. Just because I smoked at the time did not mean I had to breath fumes every day. I was always on my own aswell..my mates were to scared to speak up..even though they 100% agreed with what I was saying. I wasen't making these claims up..believe me. The foreman (close to retirement..few yrs) used to complain to an extent (especially about oven fumes)..but never really went all the way..due to fear..mortgage n' all that. Constant breathing of fumes and endless pressure to do overtime has caused my illness. I honestly think the fumes have damaged my brain. I also blame constant overtime pressure for my stress/anxiety. I now suffer chronic Social Anxiety..and never ever go out. I find it difficult to even talk to immediate family without feeling stressed/anxious. After writing all of that above..I'm now sitting here very angry and emotional. They had no right to ruin my life..and all of my 20's..I've been stuck in the god damn house...living nightmare..if ya like! I'm still no better off..and not sure if I will ever get back out. I would like to recieve full redundancy..and sever all ties with this company. I can then begin to start tackling this damn illness head on. They caused my situation..and I want my damn redundancy..simple as that! I don't do threats...but I'm feeling more and more in fighting mode. I cant really prove it can I? That's why I just want what 'I' think they owe me. If I/they sever all ties without any redundancy..I will feel 'dead' inside.
  3. Thanks for the reply Offkey81 I never leave the house (ever)...'light duties' are out of the question.When I worked..that's all I did. Work, home, work, home. Poor working conditions and endless pressure (overtime)..I absolutely believe started the mental problems. No mental illness or any signs of mental illness before I worked there. Slowely but surelly it has got worse over the years..leading to me to becoming a sad reclusive being. I mentioned (to both boss') that working conditons may be the cause of my current illness. This was mentioned just before I could not bear it any longer..and left on the sick..so did not pursue the issue any further. To me. I am actually becoming quite angry by the whole situation. They warn of redundancies..why don't they just make me redundant then..? Simple as that. I did not want to mention that work could be the cause..because I'm not well enough to cope with the whole procedjure. Before I went on the sick..I requested redundancy. I was told something like they could not legaly do it..and I should just 'walk'..if I was unhappy! I was disgusted with that response. Could not take anymore..and went on the sick. I've been told recently by friends that the factory is 'dead' and has been for some time. Also, they moved me from my '10yr role' indefinitely (had to sign form) to become a shop floor 'floater'..because I was unhappy with working conditions...and kept complaining. Done this for a week or so..before going on sick. Two questions. Am I entitled to redundancy? Or will I have to walk?
  4. I'm really not sure. I know I need to go to the advice centre and seek proper help. Before I go though, I was hoping with all the knowledgeable peeps on here..they would clear things up a little for me, first. I just don't know what is happening..regarding the whole situation. Where do they stand? Where do I stand? As far as I understand. They have stopped paying me SSP and they have basically severed all financial ties with themselves and myself. So to me..it sounds like they have nothing to lose..and I have everything to lose. Redundancy is my best option..with my current situation..and this is what I would like to persue. It would mean I would not have to persue other benefits..as my redundancy would probably last me until I was fit enough to look for another job. But, I come back to what I said earlier. They have stopped paying out..so why should they pay me redundancy..if they're not having to pay SSP anymore, anyways? It seems to me that they can just get on with there lives/company now..and I'm left in the dark (especially financialy). It isn't my fault I'm unable to work. The very fact I've worked 10-12yrs solid tells people I ain't no skiver. They sent a letter out stating there 'MAY' be redundancies. I'm willing to volunteer for redundancy. But I can't help thinking that they might be trying to set me up and get shot of me on the cheap..especially with the word 'MAY'... I'm unsure whether to let them know that I'm a willing volunteer. Incase it changes the whole situation for the worse.... It comes down to this... 1) Meeting due to take place early next week (home visit). 2) Seems they're trying to get me back to work (could be wrong..and there real intentions could be something different) 3) Unable to return any time soon (talking months here) 4) Letter sent out last week..warning there 'MAY' be redundancies. 5) Letters sent this week. One requesting my consent for them to obtain a medical report. The other stating they will not be paying anymore SSP. Last letter contained a date for a home visit. 6) Willing to take redundancy What next.........?
  5. Thanks for the reply, honeybee13. Yeah I agree..it does feel a little intrusive. I could probably bear it..and I maybe could even visit the factory instead. I just don't like the idea of visiting during working hrs. Would prefer it when the workforce has gone home. They seem to be pushing for me to return...or face the consequences (whatever that may be). I am still unfit to work at the moment and there is no 'quick fix' with my illness (mental rather than physical). It has slowely set in over a period of 10yrs..and 28 weeks is simply not enough time to recover. I'm sure my GP will back my claims..that I am still quite some time from returning back to work.. There is some issues I have that I need to understand..before I make contact with them... What happens if I refuse consent for them to obtain my medical report? They have warned (letter last week) that there 'MAY' be redundancies due to a drop in business. If I request redundancy (in the situation I'm in at the mo)...can they refuse it? They might think well...if he want's to be made redundant..then we will get rid of him any way possible (ie..the cheapest way). My thinking..They want me to return..I'm unfit to return. I've put 10-11yrs solid service into there company..they should pay me my full redundancy..and that will be that. I will be happy with this..as I'm tired with it all..and like I say, I can't see myself returning any time soon. What happens if they decide that I am not one of the employee's they have chosen for redundancy? Maybe they have cheaper options..or they have decided not to make anyone redundant after all.....? Hmmm..I'm confussed..
  6. Hi I'm looking for some advice in regards to being made reduntant whilst at the end of 28 weeks SSP. Ok, firstly. I've been on the sick for as long as the above period. Last week I was sent a letter entitled 'To all staff'. Basically stating that the drop in business has affected all departments and it may be necessary to make some employees redundant. We will keep you informed as to any decisions that are to be made. This week I recieved more letters from my employer. Due to the nature of my illness, one of the letters is to arrange a home visit. They would like to discuss my progress and when I'm likely to return to work. Another letter requests my consent for them to obtain a medical report from my GP. It then says 'This will enable us to discuss... Current state of health When I'm likely to return to work Any help or support or adjustments we can make to facilitate my return; and The possible consequences if you are unable to return to work in the foreseeable future. The other letter is stating that they cannot pay me any more SSP as my 28 weeks are up. Ok, before I meet with my employer, I would like to know where I stand regarding the whole situation. One thing for sure is I am not ready to return to work in the forseeable future. I would like to know my rights regarding redundancy..and whether if I request it in this meeting..they can refuse it...? I've been with the company for 10-11 years. Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks
  7. Hi guys, I was hoping someone could help me out please. Ok, what it is..I've worked for a company for 12 years in a paintshop as a powdercoater/sprayer. Over this time I've seen the paintshop go down hill regarding health and safety and for (I'd say) the past 2-3 years I'd become increasingly worried about my health and safety at work. This in turn led me to point out certain areas of the paintshop that could be hazardous to my health (especially the stuff we were breathing). I brought issues up many times to my foreman and also several times to my boss' and other foremans and it seems it's all fell on deaf ears. Just recently we had the small door ajar to let some air through the paintshop and my boss came in and told me to shut it. After 3 or so years of an uphill battle I snapped and told him it was just like working in a fume filled sealed box if we couldn't renew the air now and then. The problem here is they have 3 extractor paint bays which don't pull the air properlly and a 5m x3m oven that isn't correctly sealed and proper extraction hasn't been fitted. The bays are also to small for some large road signs we paint. On top of that there is no air/conditioning, or even a route for air to come in if we have doors closed (no windows that open). What happens now is we end up with powder-paint, etch primer (very hazardous undercoat) and fumes from the oven swirling around the paintshop. All because the fans are to weak and every time we opened the oven doors a big wave of fumes would fill the shop (especially if it was heavily loaded). On a very bad day I would go home feeling like a glue sniffer (high as a kite, yet drowsey as hell) if thats how they feel. So basically that gives you an idea of why I started bringing issues up. I haven't even mentioned heat issues to you guys either. Ok, recently before this week I was off on the sick for 3 weeks with bruised ribs (covered by the doc). I came back to work to find that they had employed a new foreman and the old foreman was moved to my position, with me being moved to a completely different section of the company (machine shop). Monday morning just gone I was called to the office and issued with a warning for being off sick and I had to sign a form saying I've been moved indefinitely to the machine shop. The reason for the move I was told was because things apparantly were'nt working and they wanted to try something else (even though I had been there the longest, even 4-5 years longer than the old foreman). So why me and whats the real reason behind the move I ask myself? Lets go back about 6-8 weeks. I requested that the company either cut my hrs or put me on flat hrs (no overtime), they were both refused. Several times I was called in the office for not doing overtime. Since I brought up the first issues (around 3 years ago) I've become extremely stressed and I've spirraled into depression (the reason for me asking them to cut my hrs). I actually told both of my boss' in the office face to face that I was at the end of my teather and I nearly broke down in another interview (after being summoned for not doing overtime), but yet nothing changed. Also my dad is due in for a major heart op to renew a valve and my mam suffers cronic depression, I live with my parents so I was carrying all this weight around on my shoulders aswell. (One of the boss' knew about my dads op, I told him they day I nearly broke down). So it seems to me that I've been moved from a role that I was good at and had carried out for 12years all because I brought up health and safety issues and the fact I requested flat hrs which doesn't seem fair to me. I'd just like to add also that I haven't been doing overtime for the past 3-4 weeks I've been at work (against there wishes)..so this obviously has something to do with it aswell. So now I find myself in a completely new role which has actually worsened my situation. I'm unbelievably stressed and depressed as hell..It seems they are just trying to sicken my off and force me to leave the company so they don't have to pay redundancy (which I would happily accept as I've had enough). Guys, could you please shed some light on this and advice me of where I might stand here...? I honestly just want to call it a day as I find it unbearable working there and I can see this being the case for years to come. The only thing that bothers me is if I walk, i walk with nothing for 12 years of service which makes me feel sick to the stomach. Pleas help guys.. Thanks Kevin Ps, sorry if any spelling mistakes.
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