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Everything posted by aggiemac

  1. Well we have lost the caise GE has put in the court against us and now we have to pay £25,000. That's all the news I have. Adding to it around £3000 I have already paid during 3 years, the one week holiday costed us around £28,000. Definately the biggest con ever.
  2. Hello everyone,Haven't been on this forum for 2 years probably. I was wonderning if anyone has any news about their debts and problems with CLC. Have we just all given up? Our debt has beek sold and we have a court order now to pay almost £22000 for one week of holidays in Costa del Sol. How stupid were we? It doesn't look to me like there is anything we can do other then pay it. I wonder how people who own and work for CLC can sleep at night while other's people lives are ruined.
  3. I forgot to add that beside going on "free" week of holidays to Malaga we have never used CLC. Our membership is based on points and will cost us £18000 plus interest. We are affraid that if we stop paying GE money we won't be able to get any loan in the future. Do you think it would be better if we all used the same solicitor? Maybe as a group we would be stronger? What do you think?
  4. Hi mustang67. Me and my boyfriend bought CLC membership over a year ago. We have no idea how to get out of it. The maintenance fee is absolutely ridiculous. I think they are asking now something like £3500 from us as we haven't paid anything from the beginning. Unfortunately we woke up too late, after the cooling off period and now we don't know how to get rid of it. It doesn't look very well, even thinking about all the money that just disappear from my account (£300) every month makes me sick. DO you or anybody else have any idea how to get rid of them? I don't want to spend all my live paying £300 for nothing every month.
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