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  1. Thx again Buzby for taken time-out to help me. When you say his car, are you saying that the SO can take his car from him like bailiffs in England do ?
  2. Ok 4 Months later & Nothing has happened.The Sheriff Officers can't find his account details all thou the Pub is in his name as lease holder.He refused to give them any bank details & the officer says he can't do any more.If I took him to a small claims court would they have any Legal powers to make him pay unlike the Tribunal had ? Any help welcome.
  3. This Public house is owned by Scottish & Newcastle who Lease it to my Ex-Boss. I'm not sure they would be Liable ? I know it's 1 of 2 Banks,So can the Sheriff Officers do a check on both Banks ? I know closing a premises might not get me my money back but it would make him think twice about not paying. Again Thanks for replying & I'll take your Advice to the Sheriff Officer & see what he says & get back to you.
  4. Went to see a Sheriff Officer today & was told it was £54 for them to Act.When I asked what they do to recover the money I was told they go to my previous Employers work ( still trading ) & Ask him to make payment within 10-14 days.If the Employer say's he's not paying the Sheriff says all they can do is Arrest his wages, Only if he gives them the Bank details & he is allowed to Refuse them these details.This court case took well over a year & come to....Does the Employer want to pay ? If I knew this was the Law in Scotland I would not have wasted my time.This Law is wrong & makes honest people be used/abused by every corrupt Employer out there.He owes me holiday & redundancy money & he sticks 2 fingers up to me & this so called Court that can't do a thing about it.I thought Sheriff Officers had the power to go in to places & stop them trading etc
  5. Knowing this Employer he will refuse payment.How long does a 'Warrant of Execution' take ? This has been going on for well over a Year now.
  6. Sorry for Sloooooow Reply, my hotmail never told me someone had posted :-| Thanks for reply Buzby.I'm also in Glasgow.So I should not be charged £100's for the officers to Act ? Also do the Officers have the power to close the Premises ( public house ).Do they Act within weeks or do they Act in like a Month or so...Sorry for the 10,000 questions but would like to know as much as possible before I go to the Officers.I got the Extract today in the post & can now Act.
  7. Hi, Sorry if I've posted this in wrong place. I was in a full-time job for just over 5 years & was asked to leave without holiday,redundancy etc because a new family member who was taken over wanted a new start. I went to Citizens Advice & they told me what I was Entitled to. I took my Ex-employers to court & won my case. Now the problem is that after winning the case & the 42 day Judgement has passed & still no payment from them.Citizens Advice contacted the Judge who dealt with the case & he has ordered that I can now get a Sheriff Officer to go to the work.Can someone please tell me how I go about getting a Sheriff Officer & how much do they charge & what powers they have when they go to this work place.The place in question is still trading & is based in Glasgow. Thanks for any Advice....
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