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  1. Hello all, just registered though i have been reading this website for a couple of weeks. Not even sure if this is the right section to put this in and also my problem has propebly been covered so sorry if it has. I have car finance with Blue Motors since January 2008, i had never missed a payment with them. I was made redundant from my job in December 2008 and was out of work till 30th of March. Now i phoned up Blue in Feb letting them know that i was made redundant and that i might struggle to pay March's car payment, turns out i was able to squeeze last bit out of my savings to pay it. I eventually got a job and started 30th of March, i phoned them a week before i started to advise them that i would struggle to pay April's car finance because starting a new job and having to wait on on wages etc. I asked if i was able to miss the payment(which was 15th of everymonth) till end of April as thats when i would be paid, they said to me that was fine and wouldnt go against me (they said its starts to go on credit report if you miss 3 payments in a row) and i was advised to cancel my direct debit and they would cancel it from there end. They also told me that when i phone at end of month to pay the missed payment that they would reset my direct debit for Mays payment. end of April i phoned them up, paid the amount due and changed the direct debit date to end of month. Sorted i thought, that was until i tried for a loan only to be told by my local credit union that i need explain to why i have a default notice for Feb 2009 before they can actually consider my loan request. I have got my Equifax report and sure enough the default is there. I dont understant why and i have this, all payments are upto date, missed one payment by 2weeks if that but they knew about it before hand that i would miss it. Any help as to why they might of done this and how to go about correcting this would be great thanks.. ..this really is stressing me out and i cant phone them as i am working silly hours at the moment to cover people who are off so have no time to phone them till next week when my hours are back to normal:-(
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