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Everything posted by princess_kassidy

  1. Hi again! I sent their questionnaire back recorded on the 7th April and it was received and signed for on the 8th April (according to the post office website!) I still have had no response from them what so ever...is this normal or should I be sending them another letter now...I am really reluctant to call them as they always have a way of collering you into a conversation and I dont want to say anything I shouldnt!! Any advise as always very mch welcome and appreciated!!
  2. Thanks ozzy for this, I will be sending it to them tomoro morning recorded! Shall let you know the outcome!
  3. Love it...I think I will try that! Thanks for your help...i will go and have a nose at the Welcome forum!
  4. Hi there, After sending my first letter off to reclaim PPI from WF, I have received the standard 'we take these complaints v seriously...' letter. Also enclosed with this was a questionnaire they want me to fill in and send back with questions such as...Were you in secure employment at the time of taking the policy? ......Did you have any pre existing medical conditions at the time of taking out the policy? etc etc There are about 11 questions all along these lines. This has puzzled me a bit and I smell a rat!! Why would they need the answers to questions that they should already know (if they had been doin their job proporly in the first place?!) It seems to me they are somehow trying to get answers to questions that should have been (but werent) asked at the time I took the loan out?! Has anyone else had this from them?? Also they have said that if I dont return the form they will not proceed with my complaint? It all just seems a bit fishy!! Any thoughts would be great! Thanks!
  5. Hi All, Ive recently received all my bank statements from Natwest after sending a Subject Access Request and Im waiting for the statement of additional charges added on by Triton (natwests collection dept.)....Im assuming once I have all the relevant statements that i need to tally up all the charges that have been added on but what do I do after that? Not sure who I need to write to and what I need to say to them! The fact is that Im not disputing that I owe Natwest something (ie my original OD) but dont know what the next step is! I think I have to be careful as the debt has already been passed onto Moorcroft but ive managed to get them off my back by telling them the account is in dispute. One other thing, Triton has still been taking out the agreed amount I was paying them each month even though they claim that the account has nothing more to do with them...seemed strange so I called them and they said that the money would still come off the account balance and that their systems are linked with Moorcrofts so they would know that I had still made payments.....Does this seem weird to anyone else seeing as the reason that Triton passed the debt on in the first place was because I was making inadequate payments?!?! Anyway, as ever any help and advice will be very much appreciated!!!!!
  6. Thankyou! Just another thought, seeing as Moorcroft are threatening to sent the boys round if I dont contact them with something by tomorrow, should I call them or send a letter stating my intentions?!
  7. Hmm, dont think triton would be so forthcoming...might just send them the letter!
  8. FYI, Ive just called NW to try and get an address to send the Subject access request to and they have just agreed to send out all the required statements in the post FOC!! Cant help but be a bit suspicious but so far seems like a good start! Keep you posted!
  9. Wow, great advice thanks! Do you think I would also be able to claim the subsequent charges that Triton added to the account after Natwest passed it through to them? EG, i think NW passed the account to Triton at about £850 and since then theyve added an additional £27 p/m since July08... I had being paying them 15p/m so was obviously doing nothing to the balance!! Thanks again!
  10. Hello, I feel a bit rude having only just registered jumping straight in there with a cry for help but I would be so greatful if anyone could advise me on this one or has had a similar experience?!? (and I promise to post in the future!) I still have a joint Natwest account with my ex partner that has been passed onto a debt recovery company called Moorcroft. I also had a personal account with Natwest that has also been passed through to Moorcroft. Previous to these being passed to Moorcroft, we had both been paying seperate amounts off of each account through a company called Triton - I was paying a monthly amount on my personal account and he was doing the same on the old joint account (this was because he was the one who ran up the debt on the joint account after we had split but I appreciate the bank sees it as a joint responsibility) So anyway, you can imagine my surprise when I received a letter on Friday from this Moorcroft company stating that unless I pay the full amount owed of £1700 (which is the total owed on both accounts) in the next 7 days theyre going to take me to court! When I called and spoke to one of their 'customer services' agents I was told that the full amount is in my name only now and there is no reference to my ex partner on the debt and that its my problem?!?! Now I dont know alot about how this all works but that just sounds completley crazy to me?!?! Also, to add insult to injury, the original debt on my personal account stems from 2 cheques that I wrote which came out of my account the day before I was paid (I had always wrote cheques with the thinking that they would come out 3 days later or later still but on this occassion they came out 2 days later!) which then resulted in massive charges being applied to my account which I continually disputed with Natwest in Branch, over the phone and in writing. As they were extremely unhelpful and unaccomodating with the situation, I couldnt stand the thought of my hard earned cash going into their establishment so transfered my wages to be paid into another account at HSBC, so alas 18 months later what started out as being £70 (of fees) over my overdraft of £400 has turned into a massive £1017 owed to this Moorcroft finance (and the old joint account of £700)......to say the whole thing leaves a nasty taste is an understatement, making me feel even worse is the thought that my ex has now got away scott free in all of this and I am being left to pick up the bill!!! :? Anyway, any advice or experiences would be most welcome and sorry to have gone on a bit!!!
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