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  1. My 82-year-old father recently dropped an expensive £800 digital hearing aid in the toilet whilst vomiting (he has prostrate cancer.) I rang the insurance company (Nationwide) explained the circumstances and asked if he was covered and was it worth submitting a claim. The adviser told me that the loss was covered and that she would arrange for a claim form to be sent. We completed the form and sent the original receipt and estimate for a replacement. I then received a phone call from another adviser saying that they had received the documentation all was in order and that they would be sending a cheque less the excess. My parents then had a call 2 days later saying that they weren’t in fact covered. I have spoken at length to them about the fact that we did everything in good faith. Even though they admitted an administrative error they will not honour the claim. I feel really angry about this. Do they have grounds to refuse this? I have written to them to put things in process but I feel I will have the standard 'sympathise but cannot allow the claim' letter
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