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cornwall tim

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  1. hi pgh7447 thanks for the advice could you tell me who i should send the letter to ? 1st credit or there solicitors ? and whats the wording i should use ? thanks again .
  2. PGH7447 hi thanks for the info i only have the stat demand and a b10 notice, i have miss placed the letter from the court......should i offer the solicitors from first credit a payment plan till the house is sold ?
  3. hi thanks the creditor fist credit now tell me to speek to there solicitors who are only taking faxes or letters....should i ask then for time ? if so what should i put in the letter ?
  4. hi the debt is with first credit now, they are not intrested in payment only the total...between 4-5.000 poundsit was a loan taken out with AA loans and they passed ot on to the dreaded first credit.when would i get notice from the court ? i am willing to make a monthly payment to them till the house is sold could i aproch the court to see if i can resolve this rather than waiting for i dont know.
  5. Hello can you help..... i have had a statutory demand made against me, i appeled to the cort to get it set aside but it did not work.....after not hearing anything for some time i recived a notice from the land registry : B10 Notice of registation of bankruptcy notice, can any one tell me what this means and what should i do about the bankruptcy notice ?. we are in the proces of puting our house on the market for sale to relese the equety in the house to pay of our debts we owe about 40,000 and have equety of 65,000 i need advice on what i should do please.
  6. hi all to clarifiy : first credit in 2009 sent a stat demand ..it tryed to get it set aside and the court said it stands........as the grounds i put down did not change the demand...........but 1st they did not follow up and did not hear from them.....then they offered 40% pay now letter a few months ago...as im in very bad finacial debt i could not do this..............the only moneys i have is in my house ......then i recived a second stat demand on 25th jan.... delivered by hand put through the letter box ???? the questions i need to ask are : 1/ can they apply a second stat demand to the same debt ? 2/ on what grounds could i try to get this set aside 3/ i was told that the tems writern on the credit agrement are not correct and this would make the debt non inforcable..... could i use this to get the stat demand set aside. 4/ how do i start the procese of geting this debt made uninforcable ? what do i have to do.... 5/ i think thats it...PLEASE CAN YOU ALL HELP im sorry to ask itallagain but it got a bit mixed up as to who was saying what..........thank you all so much tim
  7. hi thanks for the reply.....can you tell me in simple easy to do steps on how i can do this and how long would it take ??? also they have sent me a seconed stat demand for this debt ??? how do i deal with this ??? can i get it over turned by the court on the credit terms in dispute ??? tim
  8. hi sorry for delay in geting back to you....yes it is .......dose this make it complicated ???? tim
  9. Hi the main man........good name.... yes i asked them for a copy of the credit agrement last time and again this time and the sent a copy through within 4 days................the origonal creditor was AA finance ?. what can i do ????
  10. help all...........this has happened again to me......i asked this to be set aside and was dismissed by the court........ but then nothing happened.........so i burried my head in the sand.....and yes it went away....till now got a new stat demand for the same debt by the same 1st credit / conaught collections......what should it do ??? HELP
  11. thanks bud......is there any point in trying to do this my self ? is it complicated proces, tim
  12. i have been aproched by a company saying they can get my credit agrement made uninforcable... i sent them a coppy of the agrement and they looked at it and have said the wording is not complete in the agrement and they garantee that the debt i have can be writed off ?? is this true ....pn / they also want £ 480.0 for doing this ...can i do this my self ??? tim
  13. thanks for the reply......... do i need to move this or have you ? tim
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