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  1. He gets his "own team" of stock takers come in. He hasnt looked at CCTV cameras etc. How on earth could I "sumggle" 3 kegs of beer let alone the vodka, gin and cans!!!!! I am really hurt he can think this because I have worked there for a while and there has never been a problem with the stock.
  2. Hi Can anyone please give me some advice on my situation... I am the manager of a pub and have been for many years. The owner of the pub is questioning the stock where a crazy amount of stock has gone missing. I employ 3 other staff (who have access to the cellar however are honest and reliable) however other people who work for his beer supply company have keys for access. All of his pubs use the same account at the cash and carry therefore it is difficult to prove (apart from my paperwork) which supplies go to which pub. He now wants to take £900 out of my wages to cover loss. I have not taken this!!!! Can he do this?? Many thanks
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