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Everything posted by OverRover

  1. Thanks for all your advice. I think I shall report it to the Council and see if anything comes from it.
  2. Hi all, Here's the story. We live in one of those housing developments which have allocated parking for each house & a visitors space. One of the residents has just picked up a new car, so she has decided to park her old car in the visitors' space. It has now been there 6 weeks & the tax expired at the end of June. When I saw her the other day I asked if she was planning to move or sell the car, to which she responded that she intended to leave it there and it was basically everyone else's problem. So here's the thing. As the car is very close to her property & in good condition it doesn't seem to fit the abandoned criteria. However, the tax has now expired (no idea if she's SORN'd the vehicle). As it's parked in a visitor's space, is it classed as on the highway or is it deemed private land? Any ideas on where this stands legally or if she can just leave it there forever more
  3. Cheers for that. It's put my mind at ease as I was wondering if it was some admin error.
  4. It's about 3 weeks. That's what the doc told me at my medical and fortunately just over 3 weeks later my licence got sent through the post. On a side note, do you get any results from the medical (pass or fail) or do they just send out your licence?
  5. Hi all. It appears I'm in the same boat as a few of you. I'm about 30 and since I was about 20 I have been drinking over the recommended weekly allowance of units. I'm not talking caning bottles of vodka everyday, but enjoying a good few pints at the weekend and a couple most nights of the week. Anyway, I took my medical almost 3 weeks ago and it followed the description given above very closely. In preparation for this I had given up drinking completely in January. On the dame day as my DVLA medical, I also had a blood test for something else. The results of the other test came back within a couple of days and it said that my ALT reading was 80 (twice the recommended upper level). I spoke to the Dr and they said it's nothing to worry about and it's a fairly normal reading for a bloke of my age. At getting this reading I immediately assumed that I would fail my DVLA medical, but yesterday I received a driving licence through the post. I rang the DVLA and a woman told me that all she could see on the screen was that I was eligble to drive in June when my ban is due to end. Now for the question. Does this sound like I have passed the medical & now have my licence back as of June, or is this simply a temporary licence whilst they conduct their investigations? I'd like it to be true, but because of the other test results I can't quite believe that I've passed. I've also not received anything else from the DVLA with the results of my medical. Do you get a separate letter? I suppose I'm also asking if anyone else has had a similar experience of getting their licence back. Sorry for the lengthy post, but I though maybe some of the info may be useful for others. Any responses are welcome
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