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Everything posted by ayrforce1

  1. I`ve just read through this thread as we have received a letter from Citi lawyer Brian Smith. It is as previously stated they say that default fees are not unlawful and that if we breach our contract they are entitled to levy a default fee, just not one in excess of £12. He goes on to state that in line with the OFT statement he recommends that Citi write off £279 of our £615 claim and that accordingly our account has been reduced by that amount. He then goes onto state that should we wish to proceed for the full amount that they will defend the action on the basis of the OFT`s statement and that they will have the right to have claim transferred to Salford County Court. We are in Scotland and would pursue this in our local court or is he correct. Any advice gratefully received,thank you.
  2. I have just had a reply from Barclaycard having sent them the letter refering to the Smith v Lloyd`s bank case. According to Barclaycard this case fully supports their position. Also I have been thinking of trying to claim for the charges that I know of stating that this is a claim only for the dates supplied and not final. Should I proceed or is there another course of action.
  3. Received the microfiche reply to my DPA request letter. Is there any breakthrough on this front and is there anything that can be done apart from the £3 statement that they then seem to be able to produce, surely contradictory as this must be data.
  4. We have received the DPA reply on one cc account and the charges we will wish to reclaim are around £500. I have read the FAQs and have a question regarding the preliminary letter. Basically should I be including a claim for interest in this letter. I tried to download the spreadsheet but had a problem with windows not recognising it. I`m not exactly computer competent and could do with a few pointers. Incidently we are making our claim from Scotland, if this effects the letter and interest part. Many thanks for any assistance given. We will post as and when anything of relevence comes to hand.
  5. Many thanks for the replies, this is our first reclaim attempt and we have sent 3 separate letters to mbna , just to be on the safe side. These, along with 3 to other credit card companies, have been sent registered post. I have read the FAQs and will donate if successful, but we don`t even know the sums involved. Incidently my wife phoned Mbna this week after receiving another £50 in penalties and requested an address to write to. The operator offered an immmediate repayment of the latest charge but we insisted on the address which she did not have to hand, but got for us after some delay.
  6. We have a Sony, a breakthrough, and an A&L card which we will be claiming against. Must we send a data request for each card and pay for each request,3x£10, as they are all Mbna cards. Thank You.
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