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Everything posted by Kayleigh9478

  1. Yes, i have got her address. I havn't got the address for her solicitors anymore though as i took my letter from then to my solicitor and he kept it. I had to get some of them damage to my car repaired myself as the windscreen was all smashed in and i needed a new exhaurst as it split with the impact, these i have had to pay for myself but i also want to claim the money back for them. I also went to the doctors after the accident for the wiplast so that has been recorded that i did have wiplash because of the accident. Thanks for your reply...
  2. I was in a car accident on the 3rd of March. I was driving down a road and coming up to a mini roundabout so i was slowing down, just set off to go again and a woman ran out straight in front of my car. I got out of my car to see to the woman and she told me not to worry as it was her 'fault'. When the police came she again admitted to the officer TWICE that it was her fault. About 2 weeks after the accident i received a letter from her solicitors asking me for my insurance details as she was trying to make a claim against me. The letter said that the woman was "walking in the road and i just knocked her over" which is obviously not true. I went to a solictors myself and they sent a letter out to her solicitors for me. I have not heard anything back from them since. My solicitors advised me this would happen as she admitted to me and the officer that it was her fault. I am now wanting to make a claim againist the woman for the damamge to my car and also they stress and wiplash she has caused to me. I just wondered if anyone has any advice on how i can go about claiming from her? :?
  3. I dont actually know who the orignal creditor way, im in quite a bit of debt at the moment. It has been passed on from Phoenix Recoveries as i dident pay them either. So i should just ignore this one like i have done the rest?
  4. I am in £550.00 worth of debt with Wescot at the moment, as well as other companys. I have not made a payment to them for months now as i was made redundant from my job in July last year. I was on JSA but they stopped paying me as i didnt go on the 'work placements' that they try to send you on, where you work full time hours for an extra £10 every two weeks. However, i have just received a 'door step collection' letter from Wescot. I have been receiving letters and phone calls from them for months, all of which i have ignored. I am just a bit worried now that they will send someone round to my house. I am currently still living at home with my parents. My mum is not too happy with me for having this debt at her house as it is. I dont want anyone coming round hassling me for money on our doorstep. Obviously, i cant afford to pay them anything at the moment as i have nothing to give them, i am struggling as it is. I dont know what is going to happen now, if they do send someone round or if is just a threat to scare you to pay up? Just wondered if this has happened with anyone else and if you know more about what to do next?
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