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Everything posted by sumbuddi

  1. Actually my first post was to correct somebody who said that data was not passed to National Hunter when it is. And why? Because I was reading about them and there are only two or three places where they are discussed online. So I'm not really sure what your point is. Of course I'm not bloody well connected to them! I just, as I have said already, don't see the point in suggesting that there's some kind of secret all-encompassing database when that doesn't stand to reason and there's no evidence to support it. Did I say I really hate conspiracy theorists? You can read the wikipedia article I created about them if you like.
  2. Well yes, but so is my membership of the Meatloaf fanclub. It doesn't mean its on there. I've worked in banking IT (no longer), and I can tell you that data processing is extremely expensive, systems are very hard to interconnect, the Hunter system will be costly to use because it's run externally, and people that imagine that there is some kind of global supercomputer somehow linking up all this heterogenous data for nefarious purposes are living in fantasy land. Large organisations are simply not that efficient. If they were, then perhaps we wouldn't have seen so many immense failures, such as the NHS supercomputer. Tesco Clubcard are in any case not part of Tesco Personal Finance (which IS a BBA member and hence might be an N Hunter member), so they are not going to be passing N Hunter data anyway. By all means request your data from N Hunter, but it's pointless making ludicrous claims that they hold Clubcard data, when that simply doesn't make sense. What little there is on that thread I linked to before: National Hunter - MoneySavingExpert.com Forums shows they have certain fields they use, you can see that these are specified by N Hunter since the same fields are in use by HBOS and Abbey. A few more requests would show what, if any, more fields they use, there's very little there. A few interesting things: Date: this is presumably the date the financial product was applied for Ent'd Date: this is the date the data was entered - for the HBOS loan it was applied for on Thursday 27th February and entered, presumably as a monthly or weekly batch job, on Sunday 1st March, while Abbey's data in 9th September, entered on 8th October - exactly 1 month later. I went through an HBOS loan application online, they ask for current and previous employer, years spent working for each, income, and monthly expenditure. There doesn't appear to be a previous employer field in the N Hunter database, nor the number of years spent working for them, nor salary, nor years at current address - all standard data that would have been obtained by any financial provider. It doesn't surprise me particularly, these third party systems tend to be ****e anyway. The only thing that's really there is employer's name and address, your date of birth and address, phone number, sex, and that's about it.
  3. Because I dislike nutty conspiracy theories. Is that a problem for you?
  4. I said that banks, building societies and lenders record data. Exactly what data is recorded by whom is less clear. For instance, information on a loan form is likely to be recorded, I guess it's likely for credit cards too. But for bank accounts, etc.? Who knows for sure. But what I am sure is that Tesco are not sending their bloody clubcard database!
  5. Indeed: Information Commissioners - Data Protection Register - Entry Details Six listed: Purpose 1 - Staff Administration - boring Purpose 2 - Advertising, Marketing & Public Relations - boring Purpose 3 - Accounts & Records - boring Purpose 4 - Administration of Membership Records - boring Plus Purpose 5 Crime Prevention and Prosecution of Offenders Purpose Description: Crime prevention and detection and the apprehension and prosecution of offenders. Data Controllers further description of Purpose: INCLUDES THE USE OF CLOSED-CIRCUIT TELEVISION FOR THE MONITORING AND COLLECTION OF SOUND AND/OR VISUAL IMAGES FOR THE PURPOSE OF MAINTAINING THE SECURITY OF PREMISES, FOR PREVENTING CRIME AND FOR INVESTIGATING CRIME. THE DATA CONTROLLERS PRIMARY BUSINESS PURPOSE IS TO PROVIDE TO ITS MEMBERS A CENTRALISED APPLICATION MATCHING SERVICE TO ASSIST THEM IN THE IDENTIFICATION OF FRAUDULENT AND FALSE APPLICATIONS FOR CREDIT AND MONEY TRANSMISSION SERVICES. Data subjects are: Staff including volunteers, agents, temporary and casual workers Customers and clients Suppliers Relatives, guardians and associates of the data subject Advisers, consultants and other professional experts Offenders and suspected offenders MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC THOSE INSIDE, ENTERING OR IN THE IMMEDIATE VICINITY OF THE AREA UNDER SURVEILLANCE PROPERTY VENDORS INCLUDING KEYHOLDERS Data classes are: Personal Details Goods or Services Provided Offences (Including Alleged Offences) Criminal Proceedings, Outcomes And Sentences. SOUND AND/OR VISUAL IMAGES PERSONAL APPEARANCE AND BEHAVIOUR SECURITY ORGANISATIONS D PROPERTY VENDORS INCLUDING KEYHOLDERS D D Data subjects themselves Relatives, guardians or other persons associated with the data subject Current, past or prospective employers of the data subject Business associates and other professional advisers Employees and agents of the data controller Suppliers, providers of goods or services Persons making an enquiry or complaint Financial organisations and advisers Police forces Transfers: None outside the European Economic Area -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Purpose 6 Information and Databank Administration Purpose Description: Maintenance of information or databanks as a reference tool or general resource.This includes catalogues, lists, directories and bibliographic data. bases. Data subjects are: Customers and clients Offenders and suspected offenders MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC Data classes are: Personal Details Goods or Services Provided Offences (Including Alleged Offences) Criminal Proceedings, Outcomes And Sentences. PERSONAL APPEARANCE AND BEHAVIOUR Sources (S) and Disclosures (D)(1984 Act). Recipients (1998 Act): D SECURITY ORGANISATIONS Data subjects themselves Business associates and other professional advisers Employees and agents of the data controller Suppliers, providers of goods or services Persons making an enquiry or complaint Police forces Transfers: None outside the European Economic Area That doesn't say anything about loyalty cards.
  6. Who says they don't exist? This software has been going on quite a few years, and it's intended as a fraud prevention device, not a credit checking service. There's a fundamental difference. It's been talked about for quite a few years on and off, here's a reference from 2004 for instance: MCL Software Ltd Scroll up the page, click the link. Unfortunately the poster hasn't indicated their credit history, so it's hard to say. I for instance have 13 accounts on my credit record, a mixture of mobile phones, bank accounts and credit cards. No loans, no mortgage. I'd be surprised if N Hunter had anything on me. But then I'm not sufficiently interested to fork out the £10. If anyone does spend the £10 they should post their results and also say what they have applied for, so it can be established what doesn't as well as what does, get recorded.
  7. What evidence do you have for this statement? Otherwise it's conspiracy theorising. Fact.
  8. Who said there was nothing to worry about? This database is a fraud checking service, not a credit record. There is no way to know why you have been declined for credit, BUT the vast majority of the time it's going to be because of a poor credit record. Barclaycard for instance say they use this database as a post-application check (a batch job every night) AND that they would call suspicious applicants to check what was going on. Also National Hunter state that the database is not supposed to be used automatically. Same thing incidentally for the Insurance Hunter database - it comes into use at when the customer makes a claim. So if you apply for credit and the rejection comes back instantly, is there any point in spending £10 for a copy of your National Hunter records? I don't think so. OTOH, if you've applied for several loans and are now applying for a mortgage it might be useful.
  9. If I was some kind of shill I wouldn't be here pointing out that Experian Data Services are National Hunter or creating wikipedia articles about them would I? Seriously, loony conspiracy theories don't help anybody.
  10. Unless you're a conspiracy theorist ignoring all the evidence to the contrary.
  11. Nobody suggested that. No point in making stuff up though.
  12. National Hunter do not have loyalty card data. They don't have mobile phone contract data either. Their members are banks, building societies, mortgage lenders, and loan/hp lenders.
  13. how much data depends on how many loans, etc. you've applied for. it might be very little: National Hunter - MoneySavingExpert.com Forums
  14. You certainly did not. From your thread: Details from where we obtain and share information about you are as follows: Experian Limited - 0844 481 8000 Equifax PLC - 0870 0100 583 Call Credit Limited - 0870 060 1414 Experian Decision Analytics 01704 501 001 Synetics Solutions Limited 01782 664000 CIFAS - please write to: CISAS, 6th Floor, Lynton House, 7-12 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9LT Experian Decision Analytics ARE N Hunter. How does it work?
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