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Everything posted by theonethatgotaway

  1. Sorry. I meant to quote the post by Mojo .
  2. Crem Have you had a chance to find this info about the laws for me yet?
  3. Please elaborate. Which laws are "current" in respect of those things you mention and which laws "clearly exist" regarding the OP ?
  4. Whether the op does or doesn't is his / her business. As far as pcn's though. There is a subforum on here choc a block full of people who have been given them and are looking at the legality of them, so lets face it, there are many who would be only too glad for a loophole. There are also members who have had their cars clamped for non-payment of VED who are also looking for a loophole. A lot of other members offer to look at the paperwork to try and find a loophole. Others have had cars clamped by bailiffs who come on here looking for a solution. I will guarantee that the majority of members here will have found the forum by googling things like "bank charges" or "bailiff help" or "parking ticket" etc., because nobody wants to pay if they dont have to. How many people will go to court and get a solicitor to plead circumstances to hopefully reduce the punishment? I have never heard of anyone yet being fined say £100 and saying to the judge "Please can I pay £500!! It is what the forum is (or should be) all about - helping those who have been given a bad deal and to try and help the consumer who feels he/she is being ripped off. The OP comes on here and offers advice and is just ridiculed by those very same people. Tell me why you think the laws only apply in respect of making charges unenforceable, but dont apply to things mentioned on here? The freeman movement predates this forum by many many years. It will continue long after this sites demise. Maybe if a moderator or an admin had posted what the op had, the replies would have been a lot different.
  5. Ultimately, I am not here to try to convert anyone. I am just trying to give an account of thigs I have discovered and am still discovering. The original OP stated something that he believes is valid. All but one of the responses have been negative, possibly from people who have never even researched the issue. This is (or should be) an open forum for ideas to be put forward. There are many things I have learned from the forum. Some have worked. Some haven't, but at least I have tried the methods suggested by the members. That is the polite way of doing it. Lets face it, everyone was happy (well most) when the issue of bank chartges was proven unenforceable, but then course, we all got a few quid. As soon as anyone tries to then mention, "well, hang on, there could be more to this " there are negative responses. This site was originally called the bank action group. It was then discovered that there were more issues that could be dealt with, which is why the name changed, as more people realise that a lot of PPI was wrong, that the right of appropriation is valid, that parking tickets hasd to be worded in a particular way, the list is almost endless. I think it is quite arrogant to assume that just because it hasnt been done before by CAG that it is not a valid argument. Is that a better response?
  6. They also get a lot from income tax from my employees (and me). I have 9 in total. No vehicles-no income tax -no revenue
  7. Think about the government/governed issue I mentioned before. The answer lies there There are laws which we should all abide by. Then there are acts and statutes which are not laws
  8. Hi, I know I wont be allowed to put a direct link, but if you google deadbeatdadsassociation, there is loads of advice about these lowlife
  9. Try it.... You may be surprised. I know you are good on this subject, as I have spoken to you on a few occasions under my usual user name. Are you able to tell me which law parking tickets come under?
  10. OK, I have found it in my dictionary. tried to find the online version, but it is a subscription one. If I can work out how to scan and attach from my dictionary I will do so. Please can I also add, I am not , and never have been a member of the tpuc, or FMOTL fora, although I do visit them regularly as a guest
  11. I run a coach hire business. I have 6 vehicles, the newest of which cost £130,000 and the cheapest is approx £25,000 Each of these costs me between £300 and £400 a year to tax. My insurance for them costs almost £53,000 And my fuel bills for the last year were £145,000 Suppose they were to take these from me, then where would they make the revenue for and I am just talking of a small business like mine.
  12. I wondered how long it would take to mention government. Are you part of the government? If not, then you must be the governed will find you the link you ask for
  13. The T&C of my bank say they can charge overdraft and DD fees, but we have found this to be false too. Just because it is on their website, doesnt make it the truth. Lets face it .. Are they really going to tell you otherwise
  14. I have a home abroad and took my vehicle there with me to leave there. At HM customs, I had to provide details of the vehicle and produce the necessary export papers. If I really owned the vehicle, why would I have had to do that. When I moved some furniture there, it included a wardrobe amongst other things. Why did I not have to provide the same documentation for that?
  15. Technically, she could. Why do you think it has to be de-registered to allow this to happen. In effect, to export the vehicle, we have to apply (beg) to retake ownership to do this. This is why the reg plates, etc cannot be still on the vehicle when this occurs. If it really belonged to us, we would not have to do all of this, so basically, you have answered your own question
  16. As far as the legal owner /keeper situation, the answer is in the definition of the word "register". This comes from reg/rex which refers to queen/king. ie to hand over ownership to the crown. I would not dream of trying to educate anyone on the "person" term. That would be arrogant of me What I do think however, is that there is a certain arrogance to just think that past laws only refer to illegal charges and yet to dismiss any suggestion that they also cover other things.
  17. Please may I also add. I would like to come clean..... Since 2006 I have been a regular member of this site under a different user name. I am using a different name for this subject, as being a freeman is part of my life I wish to keep away from my regular activities on here. I just felt I had to support the OP when he/she was met with derision. Lets not forget. We often get trolls on here accusing us of everything in our quest for the bank charges, etc., and we are quick to defend the forum and its good work, so please let us afford the same courtesy to others who post here when they offer their viewpoint.
  18. Let me explain. Up until approximately 5 years ago, people paid bank charges cos they thought they had to. It was only when the law was delved into that it was discovered that they were in fact not legal , so sites like this were born to help put that right. These are exactly the same laws the freemen are using to discover that many things today that we think are the law, are in fact not .
  19. But, obviously quite happy like most on here to use the very same ancient laws to try reclaim your charges .
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