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  1. My husband and i as having problems with G E Money saying they have never received finanical statements or letters of which over 7 have been sent over the last few months. Oh and they also told me that if you send anything other than a payment to their Livepool address that it is destroyed Has anyone else heard of this or had this problem?
  2. thanks for help on the subject access request i will wait for alana to send the correct place
  3. thanks for your hlep but can you please let me know what a "Subject Access Request" is i have never heard of it?
  4. thanl you for that can you please tell me what a "Subject Access Request" is I have never heard of it.
  5. Hi I think you may be misreading what i am trying to say, I am claiming on the PPI as in the Nu are paying my loan for me as I am considered unfit for work and now after 15 months and many doctors reports they are investigating me it appears Sox
  6. thanks for the help in merging the posts sorry i got in a muddle The company has a website on the letter with the consent forms its www.cunninghamlindsey.co.uk sorry if i have confused anyone i am so confused myself i am also in the middle of a forced house move and the letter and all this has only added more stress. I think i have explained the jist of my problem above but am happy to answer questions if any one can help me. My main concern after all this time of my claim going ahead all under proper cicrumstances with the back up of doctors and others as explained earier is why are they suddenly doing this to me especially as it is only a week after the NU received a letter from the Jobcentre/DWP medical people saying i am considered unfit to work. Working my way the best i can through the conversation, (my memory is not too good at moment) i remember explaining to her that i had forwarded the letter i recieved from the DWP saying i am effectively unable to work by post but the NU say they never received it so I had to get the DWP to sent me another copy, which i asked my husband to fax to them from his work so it got therequickly as the NU had asked me to fax another copy instead of post, the person on the phone for cunningham Lindsey later again asked me where the letter was faxed from and i told her again that my husband faxed it from his place of work. I only remember that cause i remember thinking it seemed a strange question to ask me. Last bit is the woman who rang caught me on the day we were movinghouse and i explained that to her that i was stood in the middle of the garden in my old house trying to sort a move out and she asked if it was ok but before i could reply she went on to say that this was the easiest way to havet his chat as other wise i would have to fill in lengthy forms. I also remember explaining to her that we were only movinghouse cause our landlord was a farmer who wanted his houseback as he had rented out with some stables and i remember telling her that we did not want to move but had to and how it had upset me after nine years in that house. dont know if any of this is relevant but now i sit and think about it i should have been suspicious but wasnt as had too much other stuff on my mind plus she kept telling me not to worry. I also now remember saying to her is my claim ok and she said yes there is nothing to worry about just carry on as i was. thanks Sox
  7. sorry am new to this tonight, couldnt find my first post thought i had not submitted it and done it wrong really sorry how do i delete one of them please
  8. By the way there are a few referrals to Lindsey Cunningham on this site, about how people have been mistreated on house fire claims etc.
  9. Who is the loan with? (Norwich Union?) Loan with HSBC PPI'd by NU When did the loan start? Dec 2004 ( 5 years ends Dec 2009) PPI taken out at the point of sale? Yes You have claimed on the PPI? Yes Are they now attempting to cut off payments on PPI after your medical assessment? Smalll print of letter says if I dont sign and send consent forms in 14 days they cut of ppi no mention of my previous medical assessments of anything just seperate consent forms for me to sign and fill in for:- 1. ex employer asking full details of employer 2. Her majestys revenue and customs they want the adress of office on my last P60 3. The Department of Work and Pensions All of the above ask for my name NI number DOB and address and says that i give consent for them go send any information that Lindsey Cunningham consider necessary together with the release of all records held which may be required to assist my claim 4. And a consent to apply for a medical report from my doctor (they had one of those back when the claim first started) I just do not understand why after this amount of time and all the medical certificates and two reports that NU have had why I have been referred to this Lindsey Cunningham company and why when Lindsey Cunningham phoned me they did not tell me the truth that it was a telephone interview to determine if i am comitting fraud or not which I AM NOT and then at the end of the convertsation she said all is fine claim ok and then i get this letter this is so underhanded i wish I could explain the worry it is causing me and the extra stress i have cause of it. I even told them my doctor referred me to the local healthly living centre to get an assessment for CBT therapy and I have now been assessed and accepted and am waiting for my first appointment. I feel violated by these people and by the NU is the trained DWP medical officer, my trained Doctor, and a trained psychiatric nurse all wrong????
  10. I have been claiming on my loan payment protection insurance for over a year and suddenly now i have had medical assessment done by the DWP and am deemed unfit for work the following has happened:- 1. On thursday i got a phone call saying " nothing to worry about we need to clarify a few points" and i was asked questions about doctor, ex employer, benefits etc and the woman kept repeatedly saying nothing to worry about. Its just a routine thing they do. The convsation lasted about 15 mins lots of questions and she kept saying she was acting on behalf of norwich union but nothing to worry about. 2. today i got a letter asking me to sign consent forms for records from my former employer doctors and dwp but at no time in the conversation on friday did she even mention this would happen (she acutally told me on the phone that everything was ok and this does not affect my claim but then why are they now treating me like this) i feel kind of duped though i have nothign to hide. 3. I do not understand why they have suddenly done this to me after over 15 months of paying my claim and they have the whole time had proper doctors certiicates an initial form from the doctors which i had to pay for and could not afford plus now they have a letter from the DWP/Jobcentre saying I am unfit to work after an assessment was done by the medical services of the jobcentre/dwp I have followed all channels done all correctly. 4. I also informed this person who rang me that i have been referred for CBT therapy by an independant asessor at my local healthly living centre that my doctor has referred me to, and am awaiting the first appointment which has not arrived yet. My questions are why have they done this after all this time, and they say if i do not give consent they will stop my claim its not the fact that i dont want to give my consent its the fact that i want to know why i was lied to on the phone and why they have put all this unecessary pressure on me when they know i have mental health condition. I have now tonight on trawling the internet discovered that the company that phoned me called Cunningham Lindsey are Loss Adjusters and Insurance fraud investigators etc I am non stop worrying now though i have done nothing wrong to claim my loan repayments but feel that by them not telling me in what way the act for the Norwich Union that they have mislead me in that phone call all they said was they act for Noriwch Union and i thought it was a general welfare phone call as Norwich Union have phoned me every three months in this manner but it was NU who called never ever this other company who it seems from reading about them are quite agressive i would not be able to cope withthis i struggle to leave my home to go to the doctors or to make calls to my own parents. Is there any thing i can do?
  11. my son is now 20 we divorced when he was 4 when the csa first came out ex hubby was a legal excutive and i am still fighting for the money despite 3 mps getting involved and ex being threatened with prison etc CSA no faith in them at all
  12. I have been claiming on my loan payment protection insurance for over a year and suddenly now i have had medical assessment done by the DWP and am deemed unfit for work the following has happened:- 1. On thursday i got a phone call saying " nothing to worry about we need to clarify a few points" and i was asked questions about doctor, ex employer, benefits etc and the woman kept repeatedly saying nothing to worry about. Its just a routine thing they do. The convsation lasted about 15 mins lots of questions and she kept saying she was acting on behalf of norwich union but nothing to worry about. 2. today i got a letter asking me to sign consent forms for records from my former employer doctors and dwp but at no time in the conversation on friday did she even mention this would happen i feel kind of duped though i have nothign to hide. 3. I do not understand why they have suddenly done this to me after over 15 months of paying my claim and they have the whole time had proper doctors certiicates an initial form from the doctors which i had to pay for and could not afford plus now they have a letter from the DWP/Jobcentre saying I am unfit to work I have followed all channels done all correctly. My questions are why have they done this after all this time, and they say if i do not give consent they will stop my claim its not the fact that i dont want to give my consent its the fact that i want to know why i was lied to on the phone and why they have put all this unecessary pressure on me when they know i have mental health condition. I have now tonight on trawling the internet discovered that the company that phoned me called Cunningham Lindsey are Loss Adjusters and Insurance fraud investigators etc I am non stop worrying now though i have done nothing wrong to claim my loan repayments but feel that by them not telling me in what way the act for the Norwich Union that they have mislead me in that phone call all they said was they act for Noriwch Union and i thought it was a general welfare phone call as Norwich Union have phoned me every three months in this manner but it was NU who called never ever this other company who it seems from reading about them are quite agressive i would not be able to cope withthis i struggle to leave my home to go to the doctors or to make calls to my own parents. Is there any thing i can do?
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