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Everything posted by braeworth

  1. Hi, Today I have received a default notice for £9xx from SLL Capital, for a payday loan I had with Mr Lender. Looking back at my emails I had payday loans from Mr Lender for nearly two years from the start of 2014, including rollovers, failed payments and reloads. I am looking for some advice on how to handle this. I am thinking of making an irresponsible lending claim against Mr Lender and telling SLL that the account and the amount owed are in dispute. All advice greatly received. Thanks in advance
  2. Well the arrears will be clear in 5 months, which will also more or less tie in with 6 years since the original order. So we will apply to get the order set aside ASAP after
  3. I just wish they had let us know in advance, they could have saved me a day off work and a lot of worry. I guess they leave it until the last minute in the hope of pressuring people in to paying off all of the arrears
  4. Thanks so much gor everyone's help and support again!! I need to push on with reclaiming the charges and ppi, as GE really seem to be dragging their heels and being obstructive
  5. Well back from court. Yet again GE had just sent a letter to the court asking for the warrant of eviction to be withdrawn. I am obviously relieved but angry that yet again, they let us go to court and waste the duty solicitors time and the judges time. Anyway, we got the outcome we wanted in the end. The judge said they hadn't even put any conditions on the withdrawal. I just said that I intended to pay in line with our proposals to clear the arrears ASAP and then get the possession order set aside
  6. Hopefully, this makes the situation a little better, as there was no order made in Septmber
  7. So if we never received any paperwork from the court after the last hearing and GE had sent a fax before the the hearing accepting our proposals. Does this mean there that there wasn't an order after the last hearing in September?
  8. Hi Ell-enn, No, I just went in to see the judge with the Duty Solicitor. The judge could not understand why GE were not there, then he found the fax, saying they accepted our proposal and asked if that was acceptable to us. i do remember thinking at the time that we had not received anything from the court afterwards
  9. This may not matter but was thinking about the last hearing. GE didn't turn up, they just sent a fax saying they accepted our proposals, so there was no need for the hearing to go ahead and the court didn't make an order. Am I right? Just so worried, it would be a shame to loose the house for just £907 arrears. If the hearing starts to go against us, can we ask for more time to find the £907 or sell the house? Just trying to be aware of all the options before tomorrow
  10. Hi Ell-enn, Thanks for your help. The reason for the missed payments in November and January, was a temporary separation between myself and my wife. If the hearing starts to go against us, are there other options we can ask for, such as being given time to sell the house ourselves etc. There is enough equity in the house to buy a smaller house outright with no mortgage
  11. It is not unrealistic but I guess they will argue that we havent stuck to the previous arrangements
  12. the hearing is set for Wednesday morning. At the time of the hearing the arrears will be £907. That is £100 + 1 x cmi. Although, we dispute the arrears are as high as that as part of our £29 each month of our cmi is for paying off the charges. All of these £29 would have probably cleared the arrears or certainly reduced them. We have sent a budget sheet to GE and an offer to pay cmi + £200, which will clear the arrears in less than 5 months. so far, they have rejected this. The house is worth £280k, and the outstanding mortgage is £135k. We also have outstanding disputes about the chargese and the ppi on the account. We just cant help worrying as this is the third eviction hearing and the last one was only in September. We have reduced the arrears by half since then, plus it is a repayment mortgage, so have also reduced the outstanding balance, although the payments have been erratic. We are in a better position now and confident we can clear the arrears in the 5 months proposed.
  13. Ok. Letter sent to GE today by special delivery with the offer of clearing the arrears to leave just the cmi which becomes due on the 28th and proposals to clear that, plus an income/expenditure sheet. I have had a few issues today and it doesnt look like I will get in to court with the N244 until first thing in the morning
  14. Ell-enn, I have emailed you a copy of the N244 statement, if you would be so kind as to have a quick look. Many thanks, I know you are busy
  15. Hi Caro, I have copies of the letters we have sent. I dont have a spreadsheet with the amounts
  16. Yes we will have arrears of 1 months cmi. We are disputing charges on the account and trying to reclaim ppi, which was sold through a broker who has ceased trading. GE are being very difficult, in providing us with information about it, such as which insurance company they paid the £5582 to.
  17. Thanks Caro, The problem I see is that this our third eviction hearing and the last one was only in September
  18. Thanks very much Ell-enn. We have also been thinking about other options such as asking for time to sell the house of the hearing starts to go against us. We have about 150k of equity, which would by us a smaller house and we would be mortgage free
  19. Hi Ell-enn, No problem. I am planning to take the N244 to court tomorrow. I have the previous statement, so can use that with some amendments. I have spoken to GE today, explaining that we can pay all of the arrears but need more time for the payment due on Friday. They said they want it all. I am going to put it in writing to them and put that in with the N244
  20. So we are able to clear all of the current arrears on Friday. This will leave just the payment of £803 which becomes due at the end of the month. I am going to write to GE today with this offer. Ell-enn, Please would you be able to help me with a draft statement for the N244, the proposal would be to clear the arrears and split the remaining months payment over 6 months. I also need to mention that we are still disputing the charges on the account, some of which our cmi is being used to pay and that we are still pursuing ppi on the account. As I said before, the reason for the arrears was a temporary situation between me and my wife. We are back together now, but this was also the reason for the original arrears in 2011
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