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  1. Turns out it was for a different offence relating to the original incident. Went to court and did a statutory decelaration out of time and sent it recorded delivery over a month ago. Bailiff called and said he has had a letter from them saying the amount I need to pay has been decreased. How come he has a letter and not me? Is he trying it on do you think, surely the court would send me something in writing too! Havent paid anything yet
  2. Hi Help me please! January 2008 is was given a ticket for moving through a red light. On the form it stated I was doing 0 mph. Appealed against it and was shown CCTV evidence of car moving. I then moved house and didn't receive correspondence. Then in November 2009 a bailiff from marston appeared at my new house to collect payment for the fine which was 311 in total. I paid this by phone to marstlons. Now I have had a bailiff back recently saying I haven't paid the fine, got bank statements etc for proof of payment to show it has been paid. On further research the bailiff has said that it would appear that two courts have issued the same fine (Thames valley)' Oxford and Bicester magistrates court. He has now rung me to say I need to go to my local magistrates court and file and out of time statuary declearation to stop any further action? Can somebody advise what this is, what it costs and what I need to do when I have done this? My argument is he has proof of payment that it was paid, he said they are still liable to take my car as it is registered in my name! Many thanks
  3. Hi Help me please! January 2008 is was given a ticket for moving through a red light. On the form it stated I was doing 0 mph. Appealed against it and was shown CCTV evidence of car moving. I then moved house and didn't receive correspondence. Then in November 2009 a bailiff from marston appeared at my new house to collect payment for the fine which was 311 in total. I paid this by phone to marstlons. Now I have had a bailiff back recently saying I haven't paid the fine, got bank statements etc for proof of payment to show it has been paid. On further research the bailiff has said that it would appear that two courts have issued the same fine (Thames valley)' Oxford and Bicester magistrates court. He has now rung me to say I need to go to my local magistrates court and file and out of time statuary declearation to stop any further action? Can somebody advise what this is, what it costs and what I need to do when I have done this? My argument is he has proof of payment that it was paid, he said they are still liable to take my car as it is registered in my name! Many thanks
  4. I have fired off this letter to orange customer relations, please have a read and let me know whether you think I have a leg to stand on. Is there anyway I can get the missed payments off my credit file? Dear Sir, I am writing to complain about the service I have recieved from your company. I am a relatively new customer of yours when I took out a SIM only agreement with yourselves back in March. In June I had my handset stolen and needed to replace it. I was eligible to upgrade my SIM only deal to a full contract in June so I took the opportunity to do so. When I went to your store in Bond Street tube station I opted for the HTC Touch 3G on a 24 month agreement Dolphin 30 tariff. I signed all paperwork in store and was advised my new tariff would take effect from Midnight that day. However the next two bills I recieved showed that the tariff had not been changed. I went back to the store in Bond Street with the paperwork and the sales advisor that was dealing with me rang them up and confirmed that it had not been changed in error. He put my bills in for a recalculation and I was advised not to pay them until the recalculation was done. It took nearly 3 months to get it sorted. Today I have phoned up to arrange a new line on my account with an Iphone 3GS for my partner. I was advised I could take the new line on condition that I paid a deposit of £150. I asked why this was and was advised that my payment history over the last few months was not 'up to scratch'. I advised them about the issue I had with being told not to pay the bill due to the billing error and was advised to contact yourselves to appeal. I work for a mobile phone firm myself and have never come across asking for a deposit from an existing customer to add a new connection to their account. If you look at my previous bills they have averaged around £70-80 per month for just one line - if I took the new line your income from me will almost double every month. So I cannot understand the logic of paying a deposit when I have followed the advice of people in your company all along. I feel I have been treated unfairly and would like to get this situation resolved amicably. I look forward to hearing from you. Regards ***** ********
  5. sent them the doorstep and telephone harassment letters by registered post and also gave them copies when they turned up again yesterday. they hassled my partner into giving them some money, she is nothing to do with the loan but they told her how much i owe, how fair behind etc and i wasnt even there. is there any way i can get the agreement voided due to the fact they have breached the data protection act?
  6. theyve just been round again insisting i pay full arrears today. explained i dont have the funds again...he got quite nasty so i told him to **** off my property or i will call the police and that i wont be bullied..
  7. Yeah they said its the end of the month..pay up. Dont seem to care about anybody but them selves which is wrong...made it sound as if i was a criminal ****ing tossers
  8. Thanks millymo...do you know by law if they recieve this letter they have to abide by it? What really ****ed me off was that I was willing to make a part payment - other creditors have been fine in the past in situations like this. Its not as if I havent knocked them for any payments and am making an effort to try and clear the arrears...
  9. thanks people..where can i find this harassment letter? I will send one off tomorrow, any tips for what to say to them tomorrow when they phone? I havent been able to raise the funds.. Rent comes first Im afraid..
  10. In October 2008 I took a loan out with Welcome Finance for £2500. Every loan has been paid up on time via direct debit up until March. The reason being I had a domestic issue at home which I needed to pay for and the loan payment bounced. I informed them of this and asked them to hold it until the end of March, and that I had cancelled the direct debit to avoid any charges. It is now April and I have fallen behind with the payments. I have advised them I am having few issues debt at the moment. I am constantly being harassed, having messages left on my answerphone 4-5 times a day. I then advised that I was getting paid on the 28th and gave them new card details so that they can take payment for the arrears. Today I was coming home from work and two door 'collectors' were waiting in their car. They approached me, said they where from Welcome Finance and that they needed full payment of the arrears TODAY. I explained I had given one of their 'legal team' (who had phoned me on a mobile) my new card details and to take the arrears on Tuesday. They then tried to take the payment on Tuesday and it was declined as there was an issue with Think Banking transferring my salary into my account. However they never rang me to let me know. So now I have had two people on my doorstep, which has cost me £25, basically insinuating that if I do not pay the arrears of £400 TODAY they will be going to visit my employer to get an attachment of earnings. My partner has been off work sick for a couple of months, I have been paying the bills and it has all come to a head. I explained I could only make a payment of £100 today, which they took from my card there and then, however they would not listening to me and were insisting I BORROW the money from somewhere to pay the rest. I was made to call a friend who I could not get hold of, and they said I will get a phone call at 8PM from one of their departments to see if I had obtained the rest. I was unable to and then they rang, the lady on the other line was saying if I dont pay it today they will take legal action, and if I was to pay tomorrow I would also have to pay next months payment at the same time! So that would be 2.5 months to pay in one go. She was saying I have to pay it, I said there is no physical way I can get that money. I also had PPI, but I cancelled that in December thinking that my repayment will go down. However they said that the monthly repayment remains the same? So I am paying for PPI when I dont have it? I dont know what to do, I have been quite shook up by this episode. I have not been able to make the payments intentionally, I have paid them £100 pounds today as that was all I could afford and payments have been up to date in the past. Is it legal for them to harass me on my doorstep? Is it legal for them to visit my employer? I am worried sick about what will happen to me, money is tight as it is at the moment as I am the sole earner in the house at the moment and I cannot afford to have them getting my employer involved. Please help!!!
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