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Everything posted by davie1986

  1. My jobseeker allowance was sanctioned a couple of months ago for 6 months so itryed to get hardship and they wont give me that either, thing is i have arrears in council tax , rent and electricity now and have no income whatsoever i also have a 95 pound fine to pay off also, Is there any way i can get my benefit back ? Can i ask to get my jsa back and give them proof off the council and electricity provider than im in bad debt and have no money to face it and nowhere to turn to ?
  2. I have an old back boiler with old baki fire front in my flat, The boiler system is old, Scottish power are apparently coming to install a gas prepayment meter but i heard somewhere they cant fit them to old gas meter systems ?, Also the council told me if the gas cuts out i need to get them to come and relight it, So every time my credit runs out il have to get council to relight it ? Wtf is that all about surely its not that hard to relight the back boiler ? So first question is, Can they fit these prepayment meters to old gas meter systems ? 2nd Question is, Is it easy to relight old baxi back boiler if gas has out then i put credit back in meter ?
  3. Thanks for your reply i will write them a letter confirming i do not want to continue wit hthe contract, If you dont mind me asking, What is an unenforceable penalty ? What does this mean ?
  4. It is not a Gym chain as far as i know it is a privately owned gym
  5. Im a 22 year old guy from Glasgow and i took out a contract for a gym membership but i was paid off from my job not long after signing the contract, I hadnt gave them my bank details yet so they couldnt take money off my account, So i never bothered giving them my bank details as i could deffinately not afford to pay it. 3 months later (today) i received a message on my answer machine on my mobile saying that they would take legal agtion if i didnt give them my bank details or pay the money i owe them. I have never used even used this gym since signing the contract. What would happen if i ignored them about this? As i think the address they have for me is also my old address now anyway, I really dont know the best thing to do, I know the rules and regulations are different in Scotland to England so im a bit unsure on what to expect if i ignore the gyms wishes, Any advice appreciated, Thanks for reading.
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