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  1. I think the best advice thats been given on here with regards to PCN's is just just ignore them completely
  2. Wow, good to see watchdog getting involved, these rip off merchant private parking companies are being shown in a really bad light recently. I still haven't received my original letter through the post either for a charge from last year haha guess they're getting sloppy!
  3. Hi guys, sorry for the long wait for a reply, its been a long weekend and i'm suffering from man flu. I've asked her for some more information about the situation, and she's gone into a bit more depth about it. Apparantly its gone on for about a year and a half, and she received initially letters from the council asking for payment in full of the debt. As she didn't have the amount in full, and was scared, she ignored the letters and time passed on Some time after she received a letter from the council saying they were going to go to court over the matter and a date for the hearing, but again due to her being scared she didn't go She then received a letter saying that things had been settled in court and she would have to pay the amount in full, and payment methods etc. . . she said she didnt have enough to pay it in full so she ignored it again. Then a letter was received from a bayliff company asking for payment to themselves, but again she didnt have the money. She had a visit from a bayliff whilst at work, and they left a letter asking for her to call and sort things out. When she called she asked if she could make monthly payments, which the gent agreed to, and said to phone the office and make the first payment, then a direct debit form would be sent in the post, which she did. She then received a phone call on the thursday saying that the council weren't happy and wanted £500 immediately and then £500 a month, which she doesnt have, the bayliffs said they would sort it with the council. Then the next morning on friday the bayliffs came and took her car, she had no notice that they were coming for the car. She said she thought she had sorted it on the thursday and was going to be paying a direct debit etc, and was shocked with what happened on friday. Does this history help anymore? I also wanted to ask . . . . .i'm no expert but doesn't the Office of Fair Trading Act say that a creditor cannot force someone to pay in unreasonable amounts or pressure them to pay the full amount?
  4. Thanks for moving this, i wasnt sure if it was in the right section. Thankyou for your advice Daniella, it means a lot. I will certainly not let anyone in and will keep all windows and doors locked
  5. Not sure if this is in the right forum, but here goes anyway. . . hope someone can help. My girlfriend is in a bit of a sticky situation, without naming names or anything, she was overpaid for two months after leaving her local council, and had a loan with said council when she worked there. For some reason which she can't explain to me, she hid away from the debt, and over the past year it has spiralled and she now owes the local council around the £10,000 mark. After receiving notifications etc, bayliffs came this morning and have repossessed her car off the front drive, saying they will give £3000 for it (a lot less than would be expected on a forecourt trade in). She has today gone to the judge at the local crown court, and asked if there is anyway that her father can make a lump sum payment, enough to get the car back and then start monthly payments to pay off the rest, as the car is needed for work. The judge refused and said no, and the council are no more helpful, wanting payment in full for return of the car. Now i'm surely not wrong in thinking that no-one surely has 10 grand in a piggy bank for a rainy day, so she can't pay off the full amount. Can anyone on here give any assistance and give suggestions as to how to proceed, where she stands legally, and any other tips etc? The bayliffs are threatening to come back to repossess goods inside the house, is there anything she can do be prepared? Thankyou greatly, she is really upset and i'd love to be able to let her know her world isnt about to end
  6. Hey everyone, I'm just looking for a bit of advice and information really. . . . . . to make a long story short, i have a car that was left to me by my late father, and its very precious to me, so to avoid dents in my car, i've been parking in a disabled bay at work (Yes i know the morals behind this) A customer has complained to the Head office of the company, stating that their is always a particular car parked up, and that they presume it must be staff. I was told to move my car by the managers somewhere else. Basically, i'm looking for information about what my standing is. The car park is not owned by the company, it is rented, it is free to park and it is on private land. With me working for the company, if i park in the disabled bay could i face disciplinarys etc? Or is it legally nothing to do with them where i park? Also. . . . if i do move my car, what would be the implications of me parking over the white lines in a bay? I hope i don't come across as an inconsiderate person, any help would be appreciated Thanks!
  7. Makes you kinda kealous doesn't it that all these people get harrassed with dodgy fake letters and we don't get diddly squat Think i might go back to Tesco's to try and coax them a bit more haha
  8. I still haven't received my first letter yet, and it was at least a month ago now when i got the initial ticket in the car park! Guess they're a bit lapse in my area lol
  9. As far as i was aware, to have a CCJ against your name you have to be taken to court, lose. . .and then still refuse to pay the charge which the judge enforces
  10. I haven't even got my first letter yet! I've been waiting for about 1 and a half weeks now for it to come so i can laugh at it! Guess i won't be able to pay the reduced fee will i if the letter doesn't get here soon? haha *Oh woe is me!*
  11. They're Penalty Charges, which you will notice if you look on your ticket, it doesn't say FINE on it anywhere! They cannot "Fine" you, because they don't act under the Road Traffic Act 1991, and as you are on private land they can only rely on Contract law as opposed to Criminal law.
  12. I feel really empowered thanks to this site, i read a really really good link about the laws of Private Parking Companies and the laws they break on this other forum called peepipoo or something like that. I'm just going to completely ignore the letters they send, i know they can't legally do anything about it as they have no power to enforce any charges! And to the Trolls that are scare mongering, you should be ashamed! The people on this forum are innocent citizens and shouldn't be bullied into parting with cash by a$$holes that think they can force their way upon everyone!
  13. Hey guys thanks for the really speedy replies! So basically i should just ignore every letter they send to me no matter how threatening it is and not bother corresponding with them at all?
  14. Hey everyone, I'm new to the forum and found you on google, i thought i'd put a post on here rather than starting a new thread. I've been reading this thread for about an hour now. Basically my story is that i parked in a local tesco's car park, and had to park with my car over the white lines as the car next to me was too close. When i returned i had a notification on my window saying i will receive a charge letter through the post. Having read a lot of pages of this thread i really only have one thing to ask. . . . Should i follow the advise early on in the thread and correspond with UKPC and the resulting debt collection companies as outlined in the templates on here, or should i just completely ignore all letters sent to me as some people have adivsed? Any help would be greatly appreciated, i'm pretty nervous but i'm determined not to let them rob me of my money. Thanks!
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