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  1. Basically have a littlewoods account, purchased some thing months ago for £20. Sent £20 in post via cheque. Recieve letter + interest claiming I havent paid (cheque must of got lost in post?) I write to them explaining situation and include another cheque for £20. They cash cheque and send another statement with more interest on the original interest. (I had originally asked them waiver the interest charge but they ignored me) Every month since I have had another statememnt with more interest and its soemthing daft like £80 now. In addition I have had debt collector letter and phone calls from A debt collection agency which I have ignored. What shall I do? Littlewoods keep ignoring my letters with regards to the fact that my original cheque must of got lost in the post. Have I got a leg to stand on? Im really worried now. Thanks
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