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train manager

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  1. The railways are governed by their own byelaws. If you fail to purchase a ticket you may end up having a penalty added to the charge, you must have tried to buy a ticket from a station, machine or the guard in charge of the train, if the station is closed the machine broken and no guard on the train then i personally would fight the charge if given one. Ensure that you make a note of thre machine number and location if broken and the time you tried to buy one, the name of the sation if closed and what time and the time of the train you boarded if the train is driver only operated, always cover your back then any civilised company should or would not charge you.
  2. Firstly yes the person should not have been rude to you there is no excuse, secondly it is not that persons responsibilty no matter what you think to clean up other peoples sick, she is not paid for that, cleaners are employed at stations and on trains when available, what you should have done was asked to be moved. Regarding your ticket, again the person should not have been rude to you but if you were not allowed on that train it means you purchased an advanced ticket which means you must travel on the train that is printed on your reservation ticket which would have been the 1040, if you miss your train as you know now your ticket becomes invalid, it is YOUR responsibilty as the customer to ensure you are buying the right ticket, also at every station that Virgin uses there are signs stating the terms and conditions of advanced tickets. If anything happens again like that may i suggest you ask for the Train Manager, it is they who control the train not the assistants and if the people who had their clothing sprayed had spoken to he/she they would have been giving tokens to have their items cleaned. We are not there to cause problems or hassle but as with all jobs that deal with the public we deal with some very horrible people at times, it's no excuse but i imagine that those people who treated you incorrectly were having a bad day with the football fans, also we only have your side of the story.
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