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  1. he is cute. i wish i could propose my daughter 2 him. LOL I wish him all the luck and win the case. god bless him.
  2. thank u so much everybody. this site is great, it take bit of ur time 2 find things round. but u get there eventually having read an article on this site i have decided to write to Financial Ombudsman Service. someone on this site has managed 2 get £250 from the bank by choosing this route. god bless u all. and have a great great day. harry
  3. please help the above please please
  4. please somebody help. i need 2 file this in court on monday.
  5. Lloyds have paid my charges, without going to court. I have decided to claim 'wasted costs order' via informal request. if I fail through this route, can I then go and claim via formal application N244 ? I need a list of won cases on "wasted costs order". is there one or a link to this list. or is a matter of reading round and creating a list for my self. in the application letter for the above, case name, what is case name ?. I can only identify case no.
  6. can any one help me on the following 2 issues:- 1) list of settled cases for your bank taken from our litigation section (best entered into a spreadsheet) - just list the claim number and the bank and amount settled. a link to a list of won cases on wasted cost order would be very helpful. 2) in the application letter, case name, what is case name ?. i can only identify case no. harry
  7. my money from tsb in the bank today. Will be making a donation by friday. I would also like to thank everyone for there help and support (very much appreciated). but i want 2 carry on with the "west cost" dispossal. any help ??? on this
  8. hi all, I hope this is the correcct place .... a friend of mine's daughter died in hospital 3 years ago. her records r lost, as far as the hospital is concerned. this woman ( the mother) has and is tireless putting all the effort 2 prove that the doctors / nurses has by mistake given an over dose of medicine, that killed her. she is on retired and lives on pension, therefore she can not afford 2 pay for a solicitor. can any one help or point to a link where we could look at a medical test cases ? this will help her 2 present the case in court with more legal technicality ??? infect any help is so much appreciated.
  9. would it not be nice 2 have a separated thread 4 success stories related 2 wasted cost order ? it would be nice 2 hear views from some of the people. also can anyone inform me how many people were successful and those who failed 2 get "wasted cost order" from the banks. because i would like 2 claim it as well. harry
  10. can any one advice me. I am going to write a letter 2 Lloyds excepting the full and final offer with out there term and condition.. Using template from this forum. do I have 2 inform the court myself by writing a letter or sending the notice of issue latter ? I am then going to apply for 'wasted cost order" by Formal application on N244.
  11. thank u sir 4 ur help. god bless u. have a nice week ahead. harry
  12. i have forgot to add £10.00 to the total charges i have won from the bank, yesterday. The £10.00 cheque that i first sent to the bank, so that the bank can send me a list of all the charges and the statements, which they did. it is possible 2 claim this at this stage? can i write 2 the bank and ask them 2 include in my settlement ?. next question is i have only applied 8% interest to my final total, that lloyds have agreed 2 pay. But lloyds has charged me 29.8%. can i go and amend this 2 the court and ask lloyds to pay me that rate or take them 2 court? any help will be appreciated
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