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  1. ps...has anyone had any success asking HSBC to freeze interest?
  2. Hi, First off...forgive me for any newbie errors and do feel free to point me in the direction of previous posts. I'm looking through the forum as we speak to get as much info as possible! My tale of financial woe begins thusly... I went to HSBC yesterday, asking them to consolidate my (small) debts into a loan. They won't, to cut a long story short. I told them I was in financial difficulty and I couldn't manage to pay back the shortfall each month - which is basically their charges for being over my overdraft limit. Every month I honour all my direct debits etc, but there are some days when I go over the limit because I can't make the payment for the DDs in time. This is why I'm over my limit! Anyway. Despite copious weeping in the public thoroughfare of the bank, while sat with their inhuman 'computer says no' adviser, and going through the humiliation of a 'financial review' - they have refused to consolidate the debt. (it was unreal: it took 40 mins to go through the questionnaire, then he printed off the loan repayment plan, which is less money than I repay at the moment, it all seemed do-able. And only THEN did the idiot decide to run the credit check. Needless to say I failed, [insufficient credits into the account!] and after that glimmer of hope I was just broken! do they enjoy torture or what?) I am just wondering where to go now. Should I leave the charges to accrue on a daily basis (to date, I'm £31 over my limit. There are charges of £54 due to be applied on Aug 31st, and nothing else due to come out of the account) - what happens, how far do they allow you to get into debt before taking action? Has anyone else done this? I'm so fed up. The charges are the reason I can't keep afloat ali xxxx
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