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Everything posted by SRR1972

  1. Sorry DX just understood your comment - no under Marlin its 6 months later than M&S
  2. now that Im not sure of - they haven't mentioned that - all they did was state they were action on behalf of M&S I asked them to provide a CCA as per all DCAs before they couldn't and could only let me see an incomplete application form, Should I write to Marlin and say my view is this account is statue barred and see what they say ? s
  3. Hi DX Ok sorry so last payment was around May/June 2009 - it was defaulted by them Sept 2009 (I have their letter telling me the account is now in default) and yes its the same account number as it was under M&S as it is now under Marlin Does that help ? Regards S
  4. Hi all Need a bit of advice please and I'll try and be as brief as possible. Had an issue for the last 5 years almost with a M&S card I have CCA them and they cannot show me a legal agreement despite many threats of court action and several DCA chasing me. A weird thing happened about 18 month ago when it disappeared from my credit file for about 3 month and then re-appeared under the DCA Merlin who were the ones chasing at this point. I would now like this permanently removed from my Credit File but it now looks like its only existed for 18 months so what should I do 1. Write to Marlin and ask them to explain why this debt looks like its only 18 month old when I have several letters going back years or 2. Sent the SB letter to M&S ? (also can somebody link me to the SB letter please.) As always any advice very very gratefully received S
  5. Hi This is a werid one - Just checked my credit fill and some how my M&S account is no longer there ? The file is marked a default has been removed - issue is I haven't done anything ? Just been sent a letter from a DCA about the account and was about to send the "show me the CCA please" letter but certainly haven't cleared anything - should I worry ?? S
  6. Hi all, Hope everybody is good - need more advice pls. The issue with my M&S card keeps rumbling on I keep asking for my CCA they keep passing it on to various DCA's it just goes round and round however I have just had a response to say they would accept a reduced figure of around 30% of the claimed outstanding balance. If I decide to accept (and I am thinking of it just to get rid of the hassle) 1. Can they say you've accepted liability for 30% so therefore you must be accountable for the other 70% ? 2. The letter says "accept partial payment in full and final settlement" so do you think that means they won't sell off the remains to somebody else ? Any thought or views greatfuly recieved S ps Can on of the site team tell me how to donate please (got some PPI claims back and really should pay my dues)
  7. Hiya Daft one from AMS - Was on a 36 month contract canceled after giving 1 month notice period (after about 20 odd month. Got a letter today saying you've canceled bad bad boy you need to re-instate the DD told how much I was due gave payment options and the usual do now or it will escalate. Not being a happy camper I called them gave them my account number told them i got a letter from them and before I even said anything she said this was a notification of termination and just to ignore any payment requests if I wasn't going to use the gym - I did say that nowhere on this letter did it say it was a notifcation of termination but was told just to ignore it. Do you reakon I should send them another letter or email confirming this or just leave it now ? Regards S
  8. Hi DX Yeah I have looked at PPI and charges but all these accounts are ok. I was going to state that the money could only be offered if the debt was marked as settled and any adverse entries on my CR was cleared just not sure if they would rather have some of the cash now or chase me until the end of time Cheers S
  9. Hi Folks Like a lot of people I am struggling right now I have 1 account in default (and unless they show me a CCA staying that way) and am just making min payments on 2 other credit cards and a loan (so in my mind 3 active ones). It's likely my other half is going to come into a wee bit cash so we are looking to see if any of my creditors will accept a discount full and final settlement figures/ The issue I have is currently the 3 active accounts are all up to date but this is down to me saving every penny and robbing peter to paul on a monthy basis - evenaually I am going to run out of wiggle room but as my accounts are up to date will any creditor even entertain a F&F or should I start by offering reduced payments 1st then the F&F a few months down the line ? Also I reakon I can pay all 3 around 20% is that fair or should I just focus on 1 (the largest 1 I guess) Any advice would be very very welcome S
  10. Hi folksWee bit advice please I have a new DCA chasing me I sent them then dispute letter and please show me the CCA they have reply asking if I acknowledge the debt and that if I borrowed the money then I should pay back.Daft question but do I write back and say I do acknowledge the debt or not ? RegardsS
  11. Hi A wee bit advice please Moorcroft have given up and now have a company call Gothia chasing me for the debt. Situation is still haven't seen hide nor hare of my CCA. Gothia have offered me terms and I am tempted just to make this go away but have some questions if somebody can help. 1. If I enter into a payment plan does this default remain on my file for the period of time the debt is active or is it like points on your driving licence only there for a set time ? 2. If the account has been default by the OC can a DCA add interest to it ? 3. Has anybody hear of M&S taking this as far as court ? Cheers in advance S
  12. Hi EOS and SFU Just to say I am at the same place its just a cause of round and round the merry go round Did get a werid one from Westcott today saying we need a payment plan you can afford and keep up - so 5p a week for the next 2000 years that ok? S
  13. Hi SFU Just to let you know I've had a look at the new MS application pack and you are right it is completely different - in the new one there is interest rate - schedules etc etc - So it does look like they seen an issue and resolved it as you say sure they'll use some kind of improvement process to justify it. Interesting though S
  14. Hi all Going to send this letter accepting my default and unlawful closure of my account. Can you read this for me and give your opinions please. Regards S Marks and Spencer default CAG.doc
  15. Hi guys BRW - U r breakdown was pretty much how it happened - in fact scarily so. How do I tell if its postal app t&c's ? 1 futher development is the DCA wrote to me on Saturday saying I hadn't contacted them to settle the debt they may recommend it goes to court (which obviously I know about) but then they offered me a monthly payment plan now up until now its been full amount only - so is this a positive sign that they know they are on dodgy grounds ? Or does this happen to everybody ? Regards S
  16. Hi ESD I am at pretty much the same point in the process and same issues really - application form not application. The advice you are getting above is good 1 wee point for you I got a truecall system to screen my calls and its worked a treat no DCA can get through - google it to see the details if your interested S
  17. Thanks SFU - I have amended it a wee bit - I'll nip down to M&S and have a look at the current pack - it would be interesting to see what the new pack looks like
  18. Hi all Can I ask for some advice on the letter attached I plan to seed to Moorcroft was are chasing on behalf of M&S - bit narked cos yet again they ignore what I have said in a previously letter and given me 1 working day to respond - I have already told them I will only communicate in writting but feel they are presurising me to call them - which I aint gonna do. Haven't run it through spell check and my grammer isnt great but does the letter make sense ? S PS Unmod - afraid its not an old chargecard account but still think I have a case CAG versions for DCA.doc
  19. Hi All Sent a letter to DCA stating I didn't believe that they had a enforcable agreement and used the information about as reason. Just got a reply which basically just says the same as the previous letter they sent. So question 1. Is the common pratice that you go over the same ground again and again and ..... etc etc ? 2. Got to admit I am nervious about the prospect of court - is that a certainity to happen ? 3. They 1 new bit of info in the letter is that the evidence that the agreement is enforcable is because I have used it (which is true) - my view is over the years I have paid back the amount but how does that stand up in court ? S
  20. Good luck Flapjack - this looks a lot like my issue as well so all the best to you
  21. Thanks Mrs Hobbit I didnt know I could do that for utilities You don't know how I get my meter or boiler checked do you ? (in case the readings are faulty ?) Regards S
  22. Hi All Wonder if you can help I was with Npower until just recently and I have just recieved a huge bill for almost 600 quid from them as a final bill (I swtiched to a new supplier). Before I switched I did call Npower at thier request and the lady on the phone did say my bills were so high because of my gas usage however by this point I was so peeved off with them I still moved. When I got this last bill I called them and asked to see a breakdown of my account. I did get a print out of an excel spreadsheet which had readings and values but no account information name/address which tallied up with thier readings. However my point is my bill is huge how do I know if its accurate or not ? Is there anyway I can check ? Do I tell Npower that I can't pay - will they negociate an alternative ? Any advice would be appricated S
  23. Hi SFU Could you post the link for the topic again pls - seems to have got lost Regards S
  24. Hi all Need advice again Got a letter from a DCA today saying that given the M&S application for refers to the CCA act then it doesn't need to have the details on that actual form and that it is still regarding as 1 document. Is that right ? Also my application form never had the bank details which it says is a requirment for this to be processed should I point out the fact that none of my details are there ? Thanks in advance S
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